AP State Syllabus AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 19 Expansion of Democracy.

AP State Syllabus 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions 19th Lesson Expansion of Democracy

9th Class Social 19th Lesson Expansion of Democracy 1 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The map below shows the democratic countries that existed between 1900 and 1950. (SA-II : 2018-19)
AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 19 Expansion of Democracy 1
Canada, Great Britain, U.S.A., Alaska, Peru, Chile, etc

Question 2.
Name the country which is marked by “A”. (SA-II : 2016-17)
AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 19 Expansion of Democracy 2

9th Class Social 19th Lesson Expansion of Democracy 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Do you think our country has a liberal democratic political system? Give your reasons? (SA-II : 2016-17)
Yes, our country has a liberal democratic political system by following methods.

  1. Free and fair regular elections.
  2. Written constitution.
  3. Equality before law.
  4. Universal Adult Franchise etc.

9th Class Social 19th Lesson Expansion of Democracy Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Compare the struggles for democracy in Libya and Burma on the following aspects
A) Leadership
B) Nature of struggle
C) Process of transition.

A. LeadershipA. Leadership
1. Monarchy was established in 1951 under the leadership of king Idris.1. Democracy was established. Three elec­tions were held in 1951, 56 and 1960.
2. Monarchy was overthrown by “Revolutionary Command Council” under the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi in 1969.2. In 1962, the elected government was overthrown by a coup and army. General “Ne Win” took charge of the country.
B. Nature of StruggleB. Nature of Struggle
1. People took the help of mobiles and internet.1. People took the lead and thousands were brutally killed.
2. They protested against the military regime.2. Suu Kyi was a central figure in the for establishing democracy in Burma.
3. Soon there broke out a civil war.3. In 1990 Suu Kyi’s ‘NLD’ won the majority but was not allowed to form government and was kept under house arrest.
4. Gaddafi’s army crushed the protests and thousands were killed.
C. Process of transferC. Process of transfer
1. “UNO” intervened and declared Libya as “No fly zone”1. Economic sanctions were imposed on Burma.
2. France, US, Britain etc., jointly used their force to bombard Libyan government.2. There were a world wide pressure on the military government to extent civil liberty.
3. Libyans succeeded in overthrowing Gaddafi regime.3. Elections were held in 2010 but due to the allegations of malpractices, the military junta was dissolved.
4. A new government was sworn in on14th Nov 2012.4. Thein Sein became the president of Burma.
5. The story is still incomplete.5. The struggle is still incomplete.

Question 2.
Read the following information and answer the questions given below.
Events and year of occurrence
AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 19 Expansion of Democracy 3

1) Which of the above two countries first became independent? And when did it happen?
Burma was the first country to get independence. And she got it in 1948.

2) Who was the dictator that ruled over Libya?
“Gaddafi” ruled over Libya.

3) Who was Aung San?
Aung San was the leader of Nationalist movement in Burma.

4) Which of the two countries became democratic first?
Burma in 2010.

5) Where are the two countries located?
Libya is in Africa and Burma is in Asia.

Question 3.
What are “economic sanctions” ? How do they work on any country’s economy?

  • Economic sanctions are restrictions imposed on any country regarding imports and exports.
  • Import of goods from that country will be banned.
  • Export of goods to that country will be stopped.
  • Due to that the country’s economy will generally be effected.

AP Board 9th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 19 Expansion of Democracy

Question 4.
What are the steps taken by “the UNO” with regard to Libya or Burma?

  • The UNO intervened and supported rebels by declaring Libya to be a “No fly zone”.
  • Later with the help of US, Britain and France it bombarded the government positions in Libya.
  • As a result a new government was formed in on 14th Nov. 2012,
  • “Economic Sanctions” were imposed to put pressure on rulers.
  • An election was held under the observation of the UNO in 2010.