SCERT AP 7th Class Social Study Material Pdf 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 7th Class Social 4th Lesson Questions and Answers Delhi Sultanate

7th Class Social 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate Textbook Questions and Answers

Review Of Your Previous Knowledge
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate 1

Observe the given Map and respond to the following questions.

Question 1.
Suggest a title to the map given here.
Different dynasties in South India.

Question 2.
Find the different kingdoms in South India and list out them.

  1. Pandya
  2. Chola
  3. Deccan
  4. Vijayanagar.

Question 3.
Locate any two cities in the map which are still in existence.

  1. Sanchi
  2. Sarnath
  3. Pataliputra (Patna)
  4. Konark
  5. Puri.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate

Question 4.
Locate Delhi in the given map and discuss its importance.
Delhi is of great historical significance as an important commercial, transport and cultural hub, as well as the political centre of India.

According to legend, the city was named for Raja Dhilu, a king who reigned in the region in the 1st century B.C.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate 2

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Write about Bandagan System introduced by lltutmish.

  1. lltutmish purchased slaves for military service called Bandagan in Persian.
  2. The Sultan was confident in this system as these slaves were loyal and completely dependent on their king.
  3. It was continued during Khiljis and Tughlaqs.
  4. The heirs of the Bandagans who were loyal to Sultah were appointed as generals and governors.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate

Question 2.
Locate the following in the out line map of India,
i. Delhi ii. Nepal iii. Afghanistan iv. Daulatabad v. Gujarat
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate 3

Question 3.
Collect and paste the pictures of any five rulers of the Delhi sultanate on a chart and write about them in five lines each.
Five rulers of the Delhi Sultanate. MB

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate 4
1. Qutubuddin Aibak

  1. Qutubuddin Aibak was a general of Muhammad Ghori.
  2. He was incharge of the Ghori territories in the Northern India.
  3. After death of Ghori, he became a ruler of an independent kingdom in India.
  4. He was the first ruler of Delhi Sultanate.
  5. He was the founder of Slave Dynasty in India.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate
2. Razia Sultana :

  1. Razia Sultan was the first Muslim woman, who was involved in the throne of Delhi.
  2. She succeeded her father lltutmish and turned into the Sultanate of Delhi.
  3. Razia Sultan was very wise, an excellent administrator and brave warrior.
  4. Being a profitable ruler Razia Sultan set up legitimate and complete peace in her domain.
  5. Each and every single person follows the rules and regulations set up by her.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate
3. Alauddin Khalji

  1. Alauddin Khalji was the successor of Jalaluddin Khalji.
  2. He took strong measures to control Mangole invasions and to curb his opponents.
  3. He maintained spy system to control the conspiring nobles.
  4. He recruited and organised a standing army.
  5. He strictly controlled the prices of commodities in the markets.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions Chapter 4 ఢిల్లీ సుల్తానులు 7
4. Muhamad bin Tughlaq

  1. Muhammad bin Tughlaq was the most learned and yet he was an eccentric ruler.
  2. He was proficient in philosophy, mathematics, astronomy etc.
  3. He was an excellent warrior and good administrator of innovative measures.
  4. He changed his capital from Delhi to Devagiri.
  5. He introduced copper coins.

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5. Ibrahim Khan Lodi

  1. Ibrahim Lodi was an Afghan Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate.
  2. He faced a numbers of rebellions.
  3. He was a very cruel and high headed ruler who was known for his atrocities.
  4. He fought with Rana Sangram. Ibrahim Khan Lodi
  5. He was defeated by Babur a Mughal ruler in the Battle of Panipat in 1526 A.D.

Question 4.
Write a brief note on administration of the Delhi Sultanate?
Administration of Sultans :

  1. The Sultan authority was supreme in all aspects of administration.
    All the powers of political, legal, military and religious powers vested with him.
  2. The rule was in accordance with Shariat or the Islamic law.
  3. The Sultanate was divided into smaller units ’Iqtas, Shiqs, Parganas and Villages.
  4. The centre will not interfere in the affairs of village administration.
  5. The heirs of the Bandagans who were loyal to Sultan were appointed as generals and governors.
  6. Chahaigani played pivotal role during the period of lltutmish.

Question 5.
What is your opinion on introducing copper and brass coinage during the Tughlaqs?
My opinion is

  1. It became difficult for Tughlaq to obtain regular supply of gold and silver for minting coins.
  2. Thus, he replaced those coins and started the circulation of copper and brass coins as the token currency.
  3. He asked the people to consider them equal to the value of gold and silver coins.

Question 6.
Write about Iqta system.
Iqta system

  1. Delhi Sultanate was divided into Iqtas.
  2. The governors of these Iqtas were called Muqtis, the military officers.
  3. Muqtis had to maintain law and order in theirallotted Iqtas and had to provide military, revenue services to Sultan.
  4. Revenue collected from their Iqtas was utilised for administrative purpose and maintenance of army.
  5. Rank of Muqti was not hereditary.
  6. They were often transferred from one Iqta to another Iqta.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate

Question 7.
Write a few words on social and economic life of Delhi sultanate.
Social Life :

  1. The Muslim community had two branches, foreign and local.
  2. Foreign origin stood first in the society. ‘
  3. They got many privileges and influenced the administration.
  4. The Indian Muslims were down graded to the second place.
  5. They occupied many jobs like teachers, judges etc. ‘

Economic Life:

  1. Agriculture was the main occupation.
  2. The tillers had to play 1/3 of their produce as land revenue.
  3. Textile industry was the main industry. .
  4. Trade was carried in both ways – internal and international.
  5. Alauddin Khalji introduced the market reforms. .
  6. Grains were stored in government granaries.
  7. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was introduced copper and brass coins.

Question 8.
Explain the administrative failures of Mohammad-Bin-Tughlaq.
Failures of Tughlaq :

  1. His campaign into Kashmir was a disaster, after which he gave up his plans to invade Transoxiana.
  2. The shifting of capital from Delhi to Daulatabad was a spoiled decision.
  3. He ordered entire population to move with bed and baggage. Many died during the travel and some after reaching the destination.
  4. The rising of taxes and famine, the Ganga, Yamuna belt led to the wide spread of rebellions.
  5. He also, introduced ‘Token’ currency in copper coins and agriculture reforms. These were ill-calculated experiments which provied a miserable failures of Muhammad bin Tughlaq.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. The Delhi Sultans divided the Empire into …………………..
a) Mandala
b) Iqtas
c) Nadus
d) Valanadus.
b) Iqtas

2. People started minting coins in their homes during the period of ……………….
a) Alauddin Khalji
b) Balban
c) Muhammad bin Tuglaq
d) Ibrahim Lodi
c) Muhammad bin Tuglaq

3. Alauddin Khalji was connected to this issue.
a) Branding of horses
b) Changing of capital
c) Founder of Khilji dynasty
d) All the above
a) Branding of horses

4. Alai Darwaja was constructed by
a) Muhammad bin Tuglaq
b) Alauddin Khalji
c) Gyasuddin Balban
d) Sikindar Lodi.
b) Alauddin Khalji

5. Iqtas were administered by
a) Muqtis
b) Governors
c) Wazirs
d) Quazis
a) Muqtis

III. Match the following.

1. Slave Dynastya) Bahalul Lodi
2. Tuglaq Dynastyb) Khizr Khan
3. Khalji Dynastyc) Ghiyasuddin
4. Lodi Dynastyd) Qutb’uddin Aibak
5. Sayyad Dynastye) Jalaluddin


1. Slave Dynastyd) Qutb’uddin Aibak
2. Tuglaq Dynastyc) Ghiyasuddin
3. Khalji Dynastye) Jalaluddin
4. Lodi Dynastya) Bahalul Lodi
5. Sayyad Dynastyb) Khizr Khan

IV. Identify and write the rulers to the description given below.

Famous Woman ruler
Founder of Slave dynasty
Couplet writer during Tughluks
Shifting of Capital
Last ruler of Delhi Sultans
The first ruler of Mughal dynasty


Famous Woman rulerRaziya Sultana
Founder of Slave dynastyQutubuddin Aibak
Couplet writer during TughluksAmir Khusrau
Shifting of CapitalMuhammad – Bin – Tughlaq
Last ruler of Delhi SultansIbrahim Lodi
The first ruler of Mughal dynastyBabar


Solve the puzzle with the words related to given hints.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate 6

Down :
2. Famous woman Muslim ruler (12)
3. Another name of Mamluk dynasty (12)
4. The last ruler of Delhi Sultanate (11)

1. The rule is based on Islam principles. (7)
5. Daulatabad is located in this state (11)
6. The first capital of Delhi sultanate (6)
7. The writer of couplets (11)
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate 7

7th Class Social 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate InText Questions and Answers

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 50

Question 1.
Collect the names of some literary works of the Medieval period and write them on a chart.

Name of the bookWriter
1. Tarik-AI-HindAlberuni
2. Tuti-e-HindAmir Khusrow
3. Badshah NamaAbdul Hamid Lahori
4. Tughlaq NamaAmir Khusrow
5. SurSagarSurdas
6. Periya PuranamSekkilar
7. Amukta MalyadaSri Krishna Devaraya
8. ShahnamaFerdowsi
9. Kitab-ul-RehlaIbn Battuta

Question 2.
Have you visited any historical places earlier? Try to write a travelogue.
Yes, I visited important historical places, Madurai, Rameswaram in Tamilnadu.

Like a lot of other trips, Madurai to Kanyakumari circuit had been on my mind for a long time. Since the whole trip was not working out I went for a short trip to Madhurai and Rameshwaram.

I went on road way. The road from Madurai is single lane but very good and does not have too much traffic like NH.7.

I stayed at a Hotel. It provide all facilities.

About Madurai:
I saw Meenakshi temple is what makes Madurai famous.

Temple is located at the middle of the city. I can enter the temple from all four directions, but east is the recommend direction to enter.

As I go inside by design I get into the queue for darshan. And came out only after I have had the darshan.

When I came after the Sundareswar darshan from the exit on the eastern side, i came across the Mandapam or hall with thousand pillars. The central hall has Nataraj Statue.

Next I went to Rameswaram Temple.

This temple is similar to the Madurai Meenakshi temple, may be a bit smaller. The unique feature of this temple is the 22 wells. The temple has many Shiva Lingas.

I returned after 3 days. I am so tired, but I am happy I did it.

Question 3.
Name some historical places in your surroundings in the following proforma :
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate 13

Name of the Historical PlaceName of the District & MandalImportance of the place
1. Gandikota FortKadapa district Jammalamadugo (Md)Sand fort
It was ruled by Kalyani Chalukyas and Kamma kings.
2. LepakshiAnantapur-(dt)


Vijayanagara kings ruled this area. Veerabhadra Temple is there.
3. AmaravatiGuntur (Dt)It is the capital of Andhra Satavahanas. Famour pilgrimage site for Hindus & Buddhists.
So many dynasties ruled this place.
4. Kondareddy Buruju / FortKurnoolThe fort has different gateways and bastions. It was ruled by Vijayanagara Kings.
5. Undavalli cavesGuntur (Dt)These are ancient cave temples. It was ruled by Vishnu kundinas famous for Gupta architecture. Lord Vishnu statue is there.
6. Chandragiri FortChittoor District Near TirupatiIt came under the control of Vijayanagara Kings.
7. Kondapalli FortKrishna DistrictIt was built by Reddy Kings.
It was used as business centre.
During colonial rule British soldiers were given training in this fort.

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Question 4.
List out the invasions of Alauddin Khalji the Map 4.2. into South India with place and year based on
Invasions of Alauddin Khalji

1. 1296Devagiri
2. 1301-1311Dwarasamudra
3. 1311Madurai
4. 1311Warangal

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Question 5.
Collect the pictures of coins belong to different dynasties.
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Question 6.
Qutub Minar stands as master piece of Delhi architecture. Discuss.

  1. Qutub Minar construction was started by Qutubuddin Aibak and completed by lltutmist.
  2. The minar is made of red sandstone. The first three storeys are same.
  3. The Fourth and fifth storeys are of marble and sandstone.
  4. Highest tower with a height of 74.1 meters.
  5. It was constructed as a grand monument to celebrate the defeat of the last Hindu ruler of Delhi and the establishment of Muslim dominance.

Question 7.
Prepare a table with the details of the famous rulers of Delhi sultanate and significance of their rule.
Chronology of Delhi Sultanate
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Significance of the Rulers

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Think & Respond

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Question 1.
How are archeological sources useful for the study of history.

  1. The archeological sources played an important role in construct or to reconstruct the history of a region.
  2. The archeological source enhanced our knowledge about our pa :” and ais provided important materials, which we could not have been obtained othe wise.

Example :
Inscriptions, coins, monuments are the archeological sources.

These material things provide valuable information about social, political ar d economic status of the people of the period.

They give evidences of Ancient history.

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Question 2.
During those days the ruling power was on hereditary basis. But sometimes Sons-in- law and Fathers-in law also occupied the crown. Imagine the reason behind it.

  1. If the king did not have an eldest son, then his brother or another male relative may be appointed as king.
  2. Some of the kings were assassinated by their Son-in-law or Father-in-laws to gain the power.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate

Question 3.
As a woman ruler Rasia had to face discrimination and conspiracies. Are the women of the present times free to make their choices as a man would?
Even though at present women are facing discrimination and conspiracies they au coming them and making their ae choices.

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Question 4.
What is corruption? And how it can be checked?

  1. Illeagal ways and means of earning money is corruption.
  2. Establishing accountability through oversight systems and transparent decision-making.
  3. We can reduce corruption by increasing direct contact between government and the governed.

Question 5.
“Kings or rulers usually conduct campaigns on other kingdoms or places”, Find out the reasons.
The general reason is each and every king or ruler has a desire to protect and extend their empire. Due to these kings reason usually conduct the campaigns on other kingdoms.
Ex : Alexander, Akbar, Aurangazeb, Asoka etc.

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Question 6.
What could be the reason for shifting the capital from Delhi to Daulathabad?
Sultan changed the capital from Delhi to Devagiri (Daulathabad) as he wanted to establish it at a strategic point and at the central location and close proximity to the South.

Question 7.
What might be the reason for the death of many people on their travelling from Delhi to Daulathabad?

  1. The distance between Delhi to Devagiri was far more than they expected.
  2. They carried heavy bed and baggage without transportation.
  3. In addition to that there was no suffient amount of food and water.

All these circumstances led them to their death while travelling Delhi to Daulatabad.


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Question 1.
Learn more information about the art and architecture of Delhi sultanate.
The important architectures of Delhi Sultanate.

  1. Tomb of lltutmish.
  2. Purana Qila
  3. Tomb of Kale Khan
  4. Tomb of Darya Khan
  5. Tomb of Hashang Shah
  6. Mehrauli, Tomb of Imam Zamin
  7. The Alai Darwaja
  8. Tomb of Isa Khan
  9. The Qutub Minar
  10. Alauddiq Khilji’s Tomb
  11. Quwwat Ul Islam Mosque
  12. Lodhi Gardens etc.

Characteristics of Sultanate Architecture :

  1. A mixture of Indian and Iranian style.
  2. Buildings constructed with the material of Hindu temples.
  3. Pointed arched in Muslim structures’.
  4. Carvings
  5. Use of geometrical designs.
  6. Use of Stones and Lime.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate

Project Work

Prepare an album with the pictures of the constructions of Delhi Sultans and find out their style of Architecture.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 4th Lesson Delhi Sultanate 8
Qutub Minar :
The Qutub Minar is the world’s tallest brick minaret at 74.1 metres, built by Qutb-ud-din Aibak of the Slave dynasty in 1192 CE.

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Jahaz Mahal:
Jahaz Mahal is built during the Lodi dynasty period (1452¬1526) as a pleasure resort,
Malwa architectural style,

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Alai Darwaja :
Indo-lslamic architecture

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Tomb of Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq :
The tomb of the founder of the dynasty, Ghiyathal-Din Tughluq (d. 1325) is more austere, but impressive; like a Hindu temple, it is topped with a small amalaka and a round finial like a kaiasha. Unlike the buildings mentioned previously, it completely lacks carved texts, and sits in a compound with high walls and battlements.

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Mausoleum of lltutmish :
Mausoleum of lltutmish, Delhi, by 1236, with corbel arches.