AP State Syllabus AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Science Important Questions 5th Lesson Materials: Separating Methods

Question 1.
Name any five objects which are made up of only one material.
The following objects are made up of only iron.

  1. Iron pan
  2. Iron lock
  3. Iron key
  4. Iron trunk
  5. Iron cot
  6. Iron crow bar
  7. Bodkin (Iron)
  8. Blowpipe (Iron).

Question 2.
Name any five objects which are made up of more than two materials.

  1. Pen (Plastic + Metal)
  2. Cycle (Steel + Iron + Rubber)
  3. Scissors (Steel + Plastic top)
  4. Mirror (Glass + Metal frame)
  5. Axe (Iron + Wooden handle)
  6. Table (Wood + Steel)

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

Question 3.
With what material is your pen made?
My pen is made of plastic, whereas its clip is made of iron.

Question 4.
How do we decide which material should be used for making an object?
Depending upon the use and purpose they serve, we decide which material should be used for making an object.

Question 5.
What are soluble substances?
Substances which dissolve in water are said to be soluble substances.

Question 6.
Select those objects from the following which are made up of plastic.
Table, mug, utensils, chair, iron gate, wood, cotton shirt, plastic toy, pen, computer
Table, mug, utensils, chair, plastic toy, pen, computer.

Question 7.
Write two substances that are made from leather.

  1. Belt and
  2. shoes.

Question 8.
List out any 5 items that float on water.
List of 5 items that float on water:

  1. Paper
  2. Wood
  3. Wax
  4. Ice
  5. Oil

Question 9. (You might come across some situations where you have to separate some components from a mixture. Write down two examples of such situations.
1. …………………………
2. …………………………
Ex: 1) Rice and small stones. 2) Muddy water.
What do you do to separate the components?

  1. Rice and small stones are separated by handpicking.
  2. Muddy water is filtered with filter paper.

Question 10.
How are stones separated from pulses and rice?
Stones are separated by handpicking from rice and pulses.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

Question 11.
Give some examples of the handpicking method of separation.
Examples for handpicking method of separation:

  1. Rotten fruits are removed from fresh fruits.
  2. Separating oranges and apples.

Question 12.
When can winnowing be used?
Winnowing can be used to separate lighter and heavier components of a mixture. Eg: To
separate husk from grain with the help of air.

Question 13.
Where do we use the chromatography method?
We use chromatography to separate colours or pigments from their mixtures.
Ex: 1. To separate colours from ink.
2. To separate colouring pigments from the leaf extract, etc.

Question 14.
Identify the mixtures among the following:
Jangree, coffee, sand, haldi, red chilli.

  1. Jangree
  2. Coffee
  3. Sand with impurities
  4. Haldi with impurities.

Question 15.
Can you filter mud water with filter paper?
Yes, we can filter the mud water with filter paper.

Question 16.
Is the water clean after the mud water is sieved with filter paper?
The mud water filtered after using the filter paper is clean.

Question 17.
Are you able to separate the salt from the saltwater with filter paper?
We cannot separate the salt from the saltwater with filter paper.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

Question 18.
A solid substance is dissolved in water which method is used for separating it?

Question 19.
20. Name the process by which water is separated from rice and pulses after washing them.

Question 20.
Which process is used to separate a mixture of camphor and salt?
Sublimation is the process that is used to separate the mixture of camphor and salt.

Question 21.
How do farmers use sieving?
Farmers separate grains which are bigger in size from the smaller ones by sieving. The bigger grains are then used as seeds or sold at a higher price.

Question 22.
What is filter paper? How is it useful?
Filter paper is a sieve made of paper that has very fine holes. We can filter very small particles using this type of sieve.

Question 23.
What is sublimation?
The process in which a substance changes directly from solid to gaseous form and vice-versa is called sublimation.

Question 24.
What is Chromatography?
The process of separating colours from a mixture of colours is called chromatography.

6th Class Science 5th Lesson Materials: Separating Methods 4 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Give a list of objects which would be broken and which might not be broken when they fall on the floor.

Would be brokenglass cups, earthenware pots, ceramic utensils … etc.
Might not be brokenstainless steel plates, wooden items, iron pans … etc.

Question 2.
How do you sort materials as solids, liquids and gases? Write your answer with an example.
1) We sort materials as solids, liquids and gases based on their state at normal temperature.
AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 4 Water 2

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

Question 3.
Can you think of any material other than ice that goes from solid to liquid, liquid to gas (vapour)?

  1. Many materials change their state from solid to liquid and from liquid to gas.
  2. Ghee at slightly low temperature will be in solid state.
  3. If it is heated it comes to liquid state and on further heating it becomes vapour.

Another example:

  1. At room temperature candle wax will be in solid state (candle).
  2. When it is lighted it starts burning and liquid wax is seen at the wick of the candle.
  3. The white smoke on the top of the wick is wax vapour.

Question 4.
What are the properties of solids and liquids?

  1. The materials which do not change shape are solids.
    Example: Wood, rock, brick, plastic objects, vegetables … etc.
  2. The materials which change shape are liquids.
    Example: Water, rasam, milk, kerosene, oil… etc.

Question 5.
Explain the terms ‘soluble’ and ’insoluble’ with reference to water.

  1. Substances that get dissolved in water are called soluble substances.
  2. Substances that do not dissolve in water are called insoluble substances.

Question 6.
Can you make a cricket ball, with mud or glass?

  1. We cannot make a cricket baH with mud or glass.
  2. If that ball is struck with the bat it breaks into pieces.
  3. This ball cannot withstand hard strokes.

Question 7.
Can you make a chair with glass or mud? If not why?

  1. No. We cannot make a chair with glass or mud.
  2. Both are brittle materials and can be broken easily.

Question 8.
Give two examples for soluble and insoluble substances in water

  1. Soluble substances in water: 1) Sugar 2) Salt
  2. Insoluble substances in water: 1) Wood 2) Sand

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

Question 9.
Create table of objects different types that are made from the same material.

S.No.MaterialsObjects made of these materials
1.IronTable, doors, mesh
2.WoodCart, plough, doors
3.LeatherShoes, belt
4.CottonBed, pillow, dress
5.PlasticsChairs, buckets

Question 10.
Kiran observed his father separating husk and grains by winnowing method in the field and appreciated how wind flow helped in separation. On evaporation, salt is formed from seawater. Isn’t it? How would you appreciate this process?

  1. The flowing wind carries the lighter husk with it and the heavy grains fall vertically downwards.
  2. This winnowing is done with the help of flowing wind which is nature’s gift.
  3. Similarly, the evaporation of seawater leaves salt for us. This is done with the help of sunlight. This is also nature’s gift.

Question 11.
When farmers thresh their crops, they get a mixture of husk and grain. How do the farmers separate the husk from the grains?

  1. On a windy day, a farmer stands on a high platform and allows the mixture of grain and husk to drop slowly from the flat Pan.
    AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 4 Water 3
  2. The wind carries the husk forward and the grips fall vertically downward.
  3. A separate heap of grain is formed.

Question 12.
How will you separate the tea leaves from tea? Which property helped in the separation of tea leaves from tea?

  1. Tea leaves are separated from tea using a strainer.
  2. The size of the tea leaves is more when compared to the size of the holes in the Strainer.
    This property helped in the separation of tea leaves from the tea.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

Question 13.
Laxmi says that sedimentation and decantation are used at home while cleaning rice and pulses for cooking. Describe the sediments in this process.

  1. While cleaning rice we wash rice with water. Rice settles down in the water as sediments and the lighter impurities float. This is called sedimentation.
  2. The water gets separated from the sediment (rice). This process is called decantation.
  3. The same process takes place while washing pulses.

Question 14.
We use sieves to separate tea leaves from tea and sand from gravel. What are the differences between the sieves used in the two instances?

  1. The holes of the sieve to separate tea leaves from tea are small.
  2. The holes of the sieve to separate sand from gravel, are relatively large.

Question 15.
With what liquid do doctors mix injection powder before administering injections to patients?

  1. Before administering injections to patients, doctors mix injection powder with some liquid.
  2. This liquid is water and it is known as distilled water.

Question 16.
What is a mixture? Give examples.

  1. Mixtures contain more than one substance.
  2. A combination of more than one substance forms a mixture.
  3. Some mixtures are natural like soil.
  4. Some mixtures are man-made like laddu, lemon juice etc.

Question 17.
What is a filter paper made of? For what purpose is it useful?

  1. Filter paper is a sieve made of paper that has very fine holes.
  2. We can filter very small particles using this type of sieve.

Question 18.
Can you separate mad from muddy water using a sieve?

  1. Yes. We can separate mud from muddy water using a sieve.
  2. Mud water can be filtered with filter paper. The pores of the sieve (filter paper) are very small.

Question 19.
After using the Filter paper to filter water what do you find? What do you see left behind on the paper? What is obtained in the beaker?

  1. After using the filter paper to filter mud water. 1 find pure water free from mud in the filtrate.
  2. Mud is left behind on the paper.
  3. Pure water is obtained in the beaker.

Question 20.
How is salt manufactured?

  1. Water is generally evaporated in sunlight.
    AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 4 Water 4
  2. We use this property while extracting salt from seawater.
  3. Seawater is captured in wide pans and is exposed to air and sunlight.
  4. Then water evaporates and the salt is left behind in the pans.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

Question 21.
AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 4 Water 5

  1. Identify the part labelled X’.
  2. Write a short note about it.


  1. The name of the part ’X’ is filter paper.
  2. Filter paper is a sieve made of paper that has very fine holes.
  3. Very small particles using this type of sieve.

Question 22.
Distinguish between the separation methods of winnowing and sieving.

1. If mixtures have light and heavy substances winnowing can be used for separation.1. Sieving can be used for separating longer and smaller substances in a mixture.
2. Ex: Husk from grains.2. Ex: Sand from gravel.

Question 23.
What is meant by solvent? Why water is called a universal solvent?

  1. A solvent is a liquid that dissolves other substances in it.
  2. Water can dissolve more substances than any other solvents. So it is called Universal Solvent.

6th Class Science 5th Lesson Materials: Separating Methods 8 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write at least two properties of solids, liquids and gases.
A) Solids:

  1. Solids have a definite shape.
  2. Solids are incompressible.
  3. Solids do not flow.

B) Liquids:

  1. Liquids occupy the shape of the container.
  2. Liquids are incompressible.
  3. Liquids can flow.

C) Gases:

  1. Gases have no fixed shape.
  2. Gases can be compressible.
  3. Gases flow and diffuse.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

Question 2.
What is the sweet dilemma? How do you support the argument of the student Razia?

  1. Sugar takes the shape of the container. So one group of students concluded that sugar is a liquid.
  2. Razia, a student, took a single crystal of sugar and one drop of water and declared that sugar is solid while water is a liquid.
  3. As sugar crystals are very small they assumed the shape of the container. Razia argued that sugar crystal has a definite shape and can be held independently.
  4. She showed that a drop of water has no definite shape and is not possible to hold it independently as is done with the sugar crystal.
  5. This sweet dilemma is thus solved.

Question 3.
Observe the diagram and answer the following.
AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 4 Water 6

  1. What is the aim of the experiment?
  2. Write two gaseous substances.
  3. Did the candle not catch fire from a distance?
  4. Does the white smoke represent candle wax in the state of gas?


  1. Aim: Lighting a candle without touching its wick.
  2. a) Oxygen, b) carbon dioxide
  3. Yes. It catches fire, as there is vapour around the wick.
  4. Yes, the smoke is the gas of wax.

Question 4.
Srikar accidentally mixed mustard seeds with rice and salt. How can he separate them?

  1. First, this mixture should be sieved through the sieve of small holes.
  2. Then rice will remain in the sieve and mustered seeds along with salt will come down.
  3. Now take the mixture of mustard seeds and salt in a vessel and add water to it.
  4. Let the salt dissolve in the water.
  5. Filter it into another vessel using a cloth or filter paper.
  6. Mustered seeds will remain on the cloth/ filter paper and saltwater goes down into the vessel.
  7. Heat the saltwater till the water completely get evaporate living behind the salt crystals in the vessel.
  8. Thus by using three methods- sieving, filtration and crystallization, he can separate
    mustered seeds, rice and salt from their mixture.

Question 5.
Divya suggested some methods to separate mixtures given below. Are they correct? Find whether they are possible or not. Give reasons.
a) Pure water can be obtained from seawater by the process of filtration.
b) Cheese is removed from curdled milk by the process of decantation.
c) Separation of sugar from tea can be done by filtration.
a) 1) No. Filteration is used to remove the insoluble substances only. But salt is soluble in water.
2) So, filtration is not used to obtain pure water from seawater.
b) 1) Yes. The decantation method is used to .separate an insoluble substance (cheese) in liquid (milk).
2) So, it can be removed from curdled milk.
c) 1) No. Filtration is used to remove the insoluble substances only. But sugar is soluble in tea it cannot be removed by filtration.

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

Question 6.
Collect information from your parents regarding various methods used by us to clean food grains at home and prepare a chart to show them.
Methods used to clean food grains at home:

  1. Handpicking: This method is used for separating small particles of dirt, stone, husk etc., from the grains of wheaL rice, pulses …. etc.
  2. Sieving:
    a) Sieving is used when two components of a mixture have different particle size.
    b) Sieving allows the fine particles to pass through the holes of the sieve, while the bigger-particlesTepnain on the sieve. Eg: Sieving of wheat flour.
  3. Threshing: The process that is used to separate the grain from stalks is called threshing.

Question 7.
How do you separate mud and sand from muddy water? What is sedimentation and decantation?

  1. Take a mixture of soil and. water in a glass tumbler and keep it undisturbed for some time.
  2. We will find that the sand and the mud particles in the soil settle down at the bottom of the glass tumbler.
    AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 4 Water 7
  3. These are called sediments. This process of separation of mud and sand is called sedimentation.
  4. After sedimentation, the tumbler is gently lifted.
  5. The tip of the tumbler is inclined on the edge of another tumbler without disturbing the sediments. The water gets separated from the sediment (mud).
  6. This process is called decantation.

Question 8.
Draw different objects made up of wood which we use in our daily life.
AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 4 Water 8

AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 5 Materials: Separating Methods

Question 9.
Identify the parts labelled ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’ and ‘E’ in the following figure.
AP Board 6th Class Science Important Questions Chapter 4 Water 9
1. Name of the part A: ……………………..
2. Name of the part B: ……………………..
3. Name of the part C: ……………………..
4. Name of the part D: ……………………..
5. Name of the part E: ……………………..
A: Cotton,
B: Funnel,
C: China dish,
D: Burner,
E: Stand