SCERT AP Board 6th Class English Solutions 7th Lesson Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Questions and Answers.
AP State Syllabus 6th Class English Solutions 7th Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
6th Class English 7th Lesson Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Textbook Questions and Answers
Look at the pictures and answer the questions that follow.
Question 1.
Who are the persons in the pictures?
The persons in the pictures are Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru and Swami Vivekananda.
Question 2.
What do you know about them?
Mahatma Gandhi:
He was the most important freedom fighter. He was called Mahatma and Bapuji.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel:
He was known as Sardar Patel. He was an Indian politician. He served as the first Deputy Prime Minister of India. He was called the ‘Iron Man of India’.
Jawaharlal Nehru :
He was an Indian politician. He served as the first Prime Minister , of India. He was called ‘Cha-Cha’. He was fond of children.
Swami Vivekananda :
He was a great Indian Hindu monk. He was a great disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahagisa. He was the founder of Ramakrishna Mission.
Reading Comprehension
I. Choose the correct answer from the choices given below:
1. Dr. Ambedkar experienced pangs of untouchability …………..
a) when he went to London.
b) after he became the minister.
c) right from his childhood.
c) right from his childhood.
2. Ambedkar’s father didn’t come to the railway station because …………..
a) they hadn’t written a letter to his father.
b) his father hadn’t received the letter in time.
c) his father forgot about it.
b) his father hadn’t received the letter in time.
3. Dr. Ambedkar remembered the Brahmin teacher throughout his life because …………..
a) the teacher showed great love and affection for Bhimrao.
b) the teacher punished him too much.
c) the teacher discouraged him.
a) the teacher showed great love and affection for Bhimrao.
4. Bhimrao saved small amounts of money and used the money …………..
a) to buy clothes.
b) to buy toys.
c) to buy books.
c) to buy books.
5. What did Ambedkar do at the time of the Second Round Table Conference in London?
a) He bought nothing there.
b) He bought so many books there.
c) He bought so many clothes there.
b) He bought so many books there.
II. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
When and where was Ambedkar born?
Ambedkar was born on 14th April 1891 at Mhow in Madhya Pradesh.
Question 2.
Bhimrao along with his brother and cousin went to Koregaon. Why?
Bhimrao along with his brother and cousin went to Koregaon to spend the summer vacation with his father.
Question 3.
What was the nightmarish incident that made an indelible impression on the tender mind of Bhirn?
The nightmarish incident was his journey to his father’s working place from the railway station. During the time, he had to spend without water and food.
Question 4.
How do you know that Ambedkar had a great thirst for books?
Ambedkar had a great thirst for books. He saved small amounts of money and spent it on buying books in his childhood. He purchased about 2,000 old books when he was in New York. At the time of the Second Round Table Conference in London, he bought 32 boxes of books.
Question 5.
Do you think that there is caste discrimination in your village still?
No, I do not think that there is caste discrimination in our village.
I. Read the following sentences. Circle the wrongly spelt words and write the correct spelling.
i. Ambedkar’s acheivements inspire us.
ii. Untauchability is inhuman.
iii. Babasaheb was a varacious reader.
Wrongly spelt words – Correctly spelt words
acheivements – achievements
Untauchability – Untouchability
varacious – voracious
II. Prepare a word map related to “Ambedkar”.
I. Look at the following sentences from the lesson.
Bhimrao went to a man there and said, “We are very thirsty, please give us some water.”
In the above sentence, the words within the inverted commas are the actual words of Bhimrao. It is called Direct Speech.
When the words are said to another speaker as shown below, it is called Indirect Speech (Reported Speech).
Bhimrao went to a man there and said that they were very thirsty and requested him to give them some water.
Look at the following sentences in Direct Speech and Indirect Speech and notice the changes.
Activity on Reported Speech
Each student says one sentence with action. The other student will change the sentence into Indirect Speech.
For Example :
I. Now change the conversation between Swapna and Kusuma into Indirect Speech.
Kusuma : Are you still working on the project on Ambedkar?
Swapna : I have already completed that project.
Kusuma : What are you doing now?
Swapna : I am working on some other project on Vallabhbhai Patel.
Kusuma asked Swapna whether she was still working on the project on Ambedkar. Swapna replied that she had already completed that project. Kusuma asked Swapna what she was doing then. Swapna said that she was working on some other project on Vallabhbhai Patel.
II. Read the following sentences from the lesson.
1. The man replied rudely.
2. I have rea//y been inspired by Babasaheb.
In the above sentences the words ‘rudely’ and ‘really’ are used to describe actions. They are called adverbs.
Most of the adverbs are formed by adding 7/ to adjectives.
Write the adverbs of the following adjectives.
Adjective | Adverb |
certain | certainly |
permanent | permanently |
great | greatly |
political | politically |
voracious | voraciously |
III. Fill in the blanks with the suitable adverbs given in the box.
a) My friend speaks …………….. in English.
b) My grandfather ………….. goes to movies.
c) If you answer this question ………………….., you will get two marks.
d) Venu ran …………. and caught the bus.
e) It started raining ………….
a) fluently
b) rarely
c) correctly
d) quickly
e) suddenly
Official Letter
The letters that are written to authorities and business people are called official letters.
Now write a letter to the Principal / Headmaster of your school requesting him/her to issue your study certificate.
Follow this Format:
Kandukur. From Madam, I am N. Shreyan, a student of class VI. My Roll No. is 9.1 need my Study Certificate to open a bank account to submit for Ammavodi Scheme. Hence I request you to issue my Study Certificate as early as possible. Yours obediently, |
Fun Time
Observe the given cartoon.
What do you think Jerry is saying to Tom? Write a comic dialogue for this cartoon.
Talking Time
1. Asking for and giving permission:
We use ‘can’, and may’ to ask for permission.
Read the following sentences :
1. Can I use your phone? (polite)
2. May I use your charger? (more polite)
The above two sentences are used to ask for permission.
The first one is polite. The second one is more polite.
Ask for permission in different ways using the following expression. The first one is done for you.
Expression | Friend to friend | Student to teacher |
1. go out | Can 1 go out? | May I go out? |
2. use your pen | Can I use your pen? | May I use your pen? |
3. have a drink of water | Can I have a drink of water? | May I have a drink of water? |
4. switch off the fan | Can I switch off the fan? | May I switch off the fan? |
5. come in | Can 1 come in? | May I come in? |
Giving Permission
A. Asking for and giving permission :
Look at the following conversation between Pavan and his teacher. Observe how the permission is given by the teacher.
Pavan : May I sit in the first bench, please?
Teacher : Sure.
Pavan : May I ask a doubt?
Teacher : Yes, please do.
Pavan : May I talk to Gopi once?
Teacher : Sure, but why?
B. You want to go on a picnic with your classmates. You need permission from your parents.
Now prepare a conversation between you and your mom in this context.
I : Can 1 ask you one thing?
Mother : Sure.
I : Can I go on a picnic with my classmates?
Mother : Certainly!
I : Can I ask you to prepare my favourite food?
Mother : Why not?
2. Say the following pairs of words aloud.
sit | seat |
bit | beat |
lid | lead |
fit | feet |
fill | feel |
mill | meal |
ship | sheep |
chick | cheek |
Once there lived three friends Vani, Kavya and Sumi. They always played jokes on one another. One day, Vani bought some delicious black plums. The three of them sat and started eating the black plums. Suddenly Sumi decided to play a trick on Kavya. When she looked under her chair, she saw a small heap of plum seeds. She stealthily pushed the heap of seeds under Kavya’s chair.
Then Sumi said, “What is this Kavya? You are so greedy! You alone have eaten so many black plums.” Kavya felt bad and didn’t know what to say.
Vani looked here and there. When she looked under Sumi’s chair, there were no seeds. So, she replied, “Sumi, Kavya was at least greedy, but see yourself, you have eaten all the black plums including its seeds.” Then, Kavya understood that her friend had just played a trick on her and then all three of them laughed heartily.
Answer the following questions orally :
Question 1.
What did Vani buy?
Vani bought some delicious black plums.
Question 2.
Who decided to play a trick on Kavya?
Sumi decided to play a trick on Kavya.
Question 3.
There were no seeds under Sumi’s chair, why?
As Sumi stealthily pushed the heap of seeds under Kavya’s chair, there were no seeds under her chair.
Study Skills
The following bar graph shows the marks secured by five sixth class students in the final exam. Use the graph to answer the questions.
1. What does the bar graph show?
The marks secured by five sixth class students in the final exam
2. Who got the same marks?
Javed and Pramod got the same marks.
3. How many marks were secured by Pramod?
4. Abhay secured ………… marks.
a) 350
b) 400
c) 450
c) 450
5. The least marks were secured by …………
a) Javed
b) Mariya
c) Pramod
b) Mariya
Read it yourself
Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Talk about the great achievements of Malli Masthan Babu.
Malli Masthan Babu was regarded as the fastest ‘seven summiteer’. He successfully climbed and reached the highest peaks in all the seven continents in the year 2006.
Question 2.
How are you inspired by the achievements of Malli Masthan Babu?
One can learn that we should have uncrusha.ble spirit to achieve a success.
Question 3.
What happened to Masthan Babu when he was descending the Andes?
When Masthan Babu was descending the Andes, he was caught in a bad weather and died on its slopes.
Question 4.
Have you ever seen a hill or a mountain? Describe it in two or three lines.
Yes, I have seen a small mountain near our village. It is famous for a temple. On the highest point of the hill, there is a temple. The hill is full of green trees and colourful flowers.
Dr.B.R. AMBEDKAR Summary
Swapna wrote a letter to her friend Kusuma describing the details of her project work. In her letter she mentioned some important incidents in Dr. B. R.Ambedkar’s life.
When Bhimrao was nine years old, he, along with his brother and cousin, went to Koregaon to spend the summer vacation with his father. On the way they were ill treated by the cart-man. A man refused to give drinking water. They had to sleep without water and food.
There was a Brahmin teacher in his high school who showed great love and affection for Bhimrao. Dr. Ambedkar remembered the teacher throughout his life.
Ambedkar felt that lack of education is the root cause of caste discrimination in India. He decided to uplift the oppressed classes and remove caste barriers.
Ambedkar went to the USA to join Columbia University. He completed his M.A and Ph.D there. Then, he joined the London School of Economics and graduated in Political Science.
Babasaheb was a voracious reader throughout his life. He purchased about 2,000 old books when he was in New York.
He was appointed Chairman of the Drafting Committee to write India’s new Constitution. He was appointed the first Law Minister in Jawaharlal Nehru’s cabinet.
In the year 199p, Dr. Ambedkar was awarded the ‘Bharat Ratna’ after his death. The Government of India released a stamp in memory of his valuable services to modern India.
In her letter Swapna says that Babasaheb achieved such a success because of his reading habit.
The Trekking Champion Summary
Malli Masthan Babu belonged to Nellore District. He obtained his M.Tech Degree from IIT – Kharagpur. He was interested in trekking and climbing high-altitude mountains.
He climbed and reached the highest peaks in all the seven continents in the year 2006. He was regarded as the fastest “seven summiteer” in the world, that is, the fastest person to climb summits in all seven continents.
Unfortunately, while descending the Andes, Malli was caught in a bad weather and died on its slopes on 24 March 2015. But his uncrushable spirit inspires us forever.