AP State Syllabus 6th Class English 6th Lesson Important Questions and Answers A Lesson for All

Reading Comprehension Textual Passages

Question 1.
Read the following text carefully.
Mr. Vamsi : (looking out into the distance) The newspaper hasn’t been delivered today. Why? It’s nine o’clock. Almost time to leave for my office.
Mrs. Rupa : Hello! Mr. Vamsi!
Mr. Vamsi : Hi! Mrs. Rupa, have you received your newspaper today?
Mrs. Rupa : No, Mr. Vamsi, the newspaper boy hasn’t delivered the papers.
Mr. Vamsi : What about our milkman?
Mrs. Rupa : I made a call to him. He told me that he was coming on foot.
Mr. Vamsi : Oh! Look at our street. It’s shocking.
Mrs. Rupa : My word! What’s this? Where did all this litter and garbage come from?

Now, answer the following questions.
1. What was Vamsi waiting for?
For the newspaper

2. What was the time when the conversation took place?
It was nine o’clock in the morning.

3. How was the milkman reaching?
On foot

4. Who made a call to the milkman?
Mrs. Rupa

5. What was shocking about the street?
The street was full of litter and garbage.

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All

Question 2.
Read the following text carefully.

Kalyani : Oooh! Ouch! My foot! It hurts!
Mrs. Geetha : Oh Kalyani! Oh no, her foot is bleeding so much! Somebody help, please!
Mrs. Rupa : Jhansi, go and request Dr. Swathi to come quickly. Your sister has cut herself on a broken glass bottle.
Mrs. Geetha : Unbelievable! Where has all this rubbish come from? (Dr. Swathi enters with Jhansi. She has a doctor’s kit.)
Dr. Swathi : Let me see the wound.
Mr. Vamsi : Doctor, shall I go and bring a piece of ice to stop the bleeding?
Dr. Swathi : Good! (Applies ice on the wound.) It’s a deep cut. I will dress the wound and she will be fine.
Mrs. Geetha : Thank you, Doctor. It’s so kind of you to come at once. Have you seen the rubbish and litter on the road?

Now, answer the following questions.
1. What happened to Kalyani’s foot?
Her foot was injured.

2. What was the relationship between Jhansi and Kalyani?
They were sisters.

3. What was Swathi’s profession?
She was a doctor.

4. What did Vamsi bring to stop bleeding?
A piece of ice

5. What did they see on the road?
Litter and garbage

Question 3.
Read the following text carefully.

Dr. Swathi : Oh! It’s a mystery. All this garbage was not there yesterday. And now… just look! (Enter newspaper boy, milkman, hawker, bus driver, etc.)
Mrs. Rupa : Look, the newspaper boy, the njilkman at last. Why are you so late?
Milkman : I had to come walking all the way.
Newspaper boy : I tripped on an old tyre in the middle of the road and sprained my foot.
Bus driver : Mrs. Geetha, I’m sorry. I can’t drive the school bus today. On every road and street thefe is nothing but litter.
Mrs. Geetha : Our children are not safe with all these dangerous broken objects around.
Hawker : No one is safe. Let’s request the Mayor to come and see for himself.
Mr. Vamshi : I’ll fetch him. (Exits.)

Now, answer the following questions.
1. What was the mystery?
It was a mystery how the garbage came into the street.

2. What happened to the newspaper boy?
He tripped on an old tyre in the middle of the road and sprained his foot.

3. Why was the milkman late?
He had to walk all the way.

4. What was the problem of the school bus driver?
He could not drive the bus as there was litter everywhere on the roads.

5. Who went to call the Mayor?
Mr. Vamsi

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All

Question 4.
Read the following text carefully.

The Mayor : (Annoyed) Shocking! What is this litter? How did it come back into the town overnight?
Bus driver : Nobody knows. It’s a mystery. (Enter animals who have been hiding – deer, rabbit, birds, squirrel, tiger, etc.)
Animals : We are responsible! We have spread the garbage all over the town.
Deer : Yes, we confess, we did so.
The Mayor : What? You! How dare you?
Mrs. Geetha : What right do you have to spoil our town?
Tiger : What right do you have to spoil our forests? The forest is our dwelling place.
Birds : Our trees are dying because of you. Where can we roost or build our nests?
Squirrel : And where can we live?
Rabbit : You are worried about Kalyani when she was injured.

Now, answer the following questions.
1. What made the Mayor feel shocking?
The litter on the roads

2. Who were responsible for spreading garbage all Over the town?

3. What did the deer confess?
The deer confessed that animals were responsible for spreading garbage all over the town.

4. Where did the animals live?
In.the forest

5. Who spoiled the trees?
Human beings

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All

Question 5.
Read the following text carefully.

Jhansi/Kalyani : Oh, no! How shocking! Terrible!
Deer : But we have no doctors.
Tortoise : All the fish in the rivers and lakes die because of the waste dumped in water.
Dr. Swathi : Yes, it is unfortunately true.
Birds : So we arranged a meeting and decided to give all your rubbish back to you.
Tiger : We have only returned the garbage, but not chemicals and poisons.
The Mayor : Dear animals and birds, you are fight.
Mrs. Rupa : But where can we dispose of it?
The Mayor : If you all agree to sort out the litter, I will arrange for it to be collected separately. Then, some of it Can go for processing and some, for recycling.
Mrs. Geetha : Good idea! Let’s do just that.
The Mayor : Let us save our mother earth. (To the animals) Thank you, dear animals for teaching us a lesson. We assure you we will not pollute or spoil your homes.
Animals : Thank you, Mr. Mayor! Thank you.(They return.)
The Mayor : Self-help is the best help. Let’s clear this up. (All including the Mayor start picking up the litter.)

Now, answer the following questions.
1. Who have doctors?
Human beings

2. How did the fish in the rivers die?
Because of the waste dumped in rivers

3. What did the animals not return?
Chemicals and poisons

4. What was the Mayor’s suggestion?
The Mayor suggested that the garbage should be collected separately..Then, some of it can go for processing and some, for recycling.

5. Why did the Mayor thank the animals?
Because they taught a lesson to human beings.

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All

Question 6.
Read the following lines carefully.

Said the little boy, “Sometimes I drop my spoon.”
Said the little old man, “I do that too.”
The little boy whispered, “I wet my pants.”
“I do that too”, laughed the little old man.

Now, answer the following questions.
1. Who are the two persons talking to each other?
The little boy and the old man

2. What does the little boy say to the old man at first?
He says that he sometimes drops his spoon.

3. What is the reply of the old man for the little boy’s first expression?
The old man says that he also drops his spoon.

4. Why does the little boy whisper that he wets his pants?
Because wetting pants is a bad habit.

5. Does the old man wet his pants?

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All

Question 7.
Read the following lines carefully.

Said the little boy, “1 often cry.”
The old man nodded, “So do I.”
“But worst of all,” said the boy, “It seems
Grown-ups don’t pay attention on me.”
And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
“I know what you mean,” said the little old’man.

Now, answer the following questions.
1. Who are the two persons talking to each other?
The little boy and the old man

2. What does the little boy often do?
He often cries.

3. ’The old man nodded.’ Why does the old man do that?
To say that he also often cries

4. What is the worst of all according to the little boy?
Grown-ups neglecting him

5. Is the old man neglected by the grown-ups?

Unseen Comprehension

Question 8.
Read the following passage.

In a certain house which was infested with mice, the cat found easy prey. The mice were very unhappy. The cat killed so many of them that they were all in great fear. At last they held a meeting to discuss how they could get rid of the nasty cat. One mouse said this, another said that but none of the plans was of any use. Then a young mouse stood up and said, “The best thing we can do is to tie a bell round the cat’s neck. Then when the cat comes we will hear the bell and get out of the way.” All the mice shouted. “Good ! Admirable ! Simple! Easy!” They all thought it was a very good plan, indeed. But now an old mouse, who had all the while been listening to the proposals quietly, stood up and said, “Yes, it is a very good plan, no doubt, but who will tie the bell round the cat’s neck ?” No one came forward to say that he would.

Now, answer the following questions.
1. Why were the mice unhappy?
The cat ate them up. So they were unhappy.

2. Why did the mice hold a meeting?
They held a meeting to discuss how they could .get rid of the nasty cat.

Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
3. Who came forward to tie the bell around the cat’s neck?
A) Oniy the young mouse
B) Only the old mouse
C) No one came forward
C) No one came forward

4. What is meant by the word ‘infested’ in the passage?
A) Something which spreads in large numbers
B) It is an infection that affects mice
C) Spreads in a focused manner
A) Something which spreads in large numbers

5. Who was the wise one in the passage?
A) The cat
B) The young mouse
C) The old mouse
C) The old mouse

Interpretation of Non-Verbal Information

1. Study the following results.
AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All 1
Now, answer the following questions.
1. Name the school topper.
Swathi is the school topper.

2. Who got the lowest percentage?
Manjula and Bhanu Prasad got the lowest percentage.

Choose the correct answers from the choices given.
3. The two students who scored equal percentage are_______
A) Swathi and Bhanu Prasad
B) Manjula and Bhanu Prasad
C) Swathi and Manjula
B) Manjula and Bhanu Prasad

4. Farooq has scored percentage of marks.
A) 69
B) 76.8
C) 85
C) 85

5. Which of the following statements is True?
A) Mamatha and Sruthi Geetha scored equal percentage.
B) Masanna has scored the least percentage of marks in the class.
C) The average percentage of the class is 86.
A) Mamatha and Sruthi Geetha scored equal percentage.


I. Choose the words with similar meanmgs (Synonyms) from the list given to the words underlined.

1) [laboriously, swiftly, abuse, seek]
Mrs. Rupa : Jhansi, go and request (a) Dr. Swathi to come quickly (b).
a) seek
b) swiftly

2) [notorious, cut, good, peculiar]
Dr. Swathi: I will dress the wound (a) and she will be fine (b).
a) cut
b) good

3) [protected, substitute, threatening, vulgar]
Mrs. Geetha: Our children are not safe (a) with all these dangerous (b) broken objects around.
a) protected
b) threatening

4) [determined, pious, assembly, party]
Birds: So we arranged a meeting (a) and decided (b) to give all your rubbish back to you.
a) assembly
b) determined

5) [suppress, fresh, greatest, clean]
The Mayor: Self-help is the best (a) help. Let’s clear (b) this up.
a) greatest
b) clean

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All

II. Write the opposite words of the underlined words.

1) Mrs. Rupa : Jhansi, go and request (a) Dr. Swathi to come quickly (b).
a) cortimand
b) slowly

2) Hawker: No one is safe (a). Let’s request (b) the Mayor to come and see for himself.
a) unsafe
b) command

3) Birds: Our trees are dying (a) because of you. Where can we roost or build (b) our nests?
a) living
b) destroy

4) The Mayor : Let us save (a) our earth. Thank you, dear animals for teaching us a lesson. We assure you we will not pollute (b) or spoil your homes.
a) endanger
b) purify

III. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given in the brackets.

1) Dr. Swathi: Good! (Applies ice on the wound.) It’s a ______ (a) (deep/deeply) cut. I will ______ (b) (dress/dressing) the wound and she will be fine.
a) deep
b) dress

2) Our children are not ______ (a) (safe/safely) with all these ______ (b) (danger/dangerous) broken objects around.
a) safe
b) dangerous

3) Birds : Our trees are ______ (a) (dye/dying) because of you. Where can we roost or ______ (b) (build/building) our nests?
a) dying
b) build

4) Birds : So we ______ (a) (arranged/arrangement) a meeting and ______ (b) (decided/decision) togive all your rubbish back to you.
a) arranged
b) decided

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All

IV. Complete the following words using “ea, ee, oa, oo, ou or ui”.

1) Mrs. Geetha: Oh Kalyani, Oh no, her foot is bl_ _ding so much! Somebody help, pi_ _se !
2) Dr. Swathi: Good ! (Applies ice on the wound.) It’s a d_ _p cut. I will dress the w_ _nd and she will be fine.
3) Bus driver: On every r_ _d and str_ _t there is nothing but litter.
4) Birds : Where can we r_ _st or b_ _Id our nests?
1) bleeding, please
2) deep, wound
3) road, street
4) roost, build

V. Complete the following words with the suitable suffixes given in the brackets.

1) Mrs. Geetha : Oh Kalyani, Oh no, her foot is bleed ______ (ing/ng) so much! Somebody help, please!
Mrs. Rupa : Jhansi, go and request Dr. Swathi to come quick ______ (lly/ly).

2) Mrs. Geetha : Our child ______ (en/ren) are not safe with all these danger ______ (ous/eous) broken objects around.

3) The Mayor : (Annoyed) Shock ______ (ing/king) ! What is this litter? How did it come back into the town overnight?
Bus driver : Nobody knows. It’s a myst ______ (ery/ary).

4) The Mayor : If you all agree to sort out the litter, I will arrange for it to be collect ______ (d/ed) separate ______ (ly/lly).
1) bleeding, quickly
2) children, dangerous
3) Shocking, mystery
4) collected, separately

VI. Identify the wrongly spelt word and write its correct spelling in the space provided.
1) receive, deliver, injure, cartan

2) leave, hurt, daughter, rubish

3) hawker, unbelevable, bleed, dress

4) quickly, please, wound, triped

5) dangerus, request, around, spread

VII. Arrange the following words under the correct headings.

1) [newspaper boy, lion hawker, hare]

1) newspaper boy1) lion
2) hawker2) hare

2) [cat, hawk, pigeon, fox]

1) cat1) hawk
2) fox2) pigeon

3) [process, pollute, unbelievable, wrinkled]

1) unbelievable1) process
2) wrinkled2) pollute

4) dangerous, laugh, terrible, nod

1) laugh1) dangerous
2) nod2) terrible


I. Read the following passage and correct the underlined parts. Rewrite the corrected parts in the space provided.

1. In the city of Ujjain there was a young merchant name (1) madanaka. He lost her (2) father when he is (3) in his teens, so it was his mother brought him up by (4) great affection.
1) named
2) his
3) was
4) with

2. Last Sunday, I attend (1) Lahari’s birthday party. All her family members but (2) friends are (3) present their (4).
1) attended
2) and
3) were
4) there

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All

II. Complete the following passage choosing the right words from the choices given below. Each blank is numbered and four choices are given. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (Q or (D) in the blanks.

1. Lai Bsrtiadur Sastri ______ (1) born on 2nd October, 1964 ______ (2) Mogul Sarai ______ (3) Varanasi. His father was ______ (4) ordinary teacher and died when he was below two years of age.
1. A) is B) was C) are D) were
2. A) at B) in C) from D) on
3. A) of B) from C) in D) at
4. A) the B) an C) a D) one
1 -B
2 – A
3 – C
4 – B

2. One day a Brahmin was walking ______ (1) a forest ______ (2) suddenly he ______ (3) someone crying out for help. He ______ (4) in the direction of the sound and came upon a well that was dried up.
1. A) by B) through C) in D) from
2. A) or B)through C) when D) but
3. A) heard B) hear C) hears D) hearing
4. A) go B) went C) goes D) going
1 – B
2 – C
3 – A
4 – B

III. Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with ‘will’ ’ or ‘shall’.

1. ______ you accompany me?
2. ______ I carry the bag for you?
3. ______ you give me your English reader?
4. ______ I drive your car? You are tired.
5. I ______ talk to your father.
6. You ______ go at once.
7. ______ I bring vou the tablets?
8. He ______ turn off the light.
9. She ______ close the door.
10. ______ we travel by car?

  1. Will
  2. Shall
  3. Will
  4. Shall
  5. will
  6. shall
  7. Shall
  8. will
  9. will
  10. Shall

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All

IV. Form the questions (offers, suggestions) using the hints given below.
1. shall/cook/idlis
2. shall/carry/luggage
3. shall/I/call/later
4. shall/start/game
5. shall/complete/together
6. shall/follow/enemy troops
7. shall/type letter/you
8. shall/go/our native-place
9. shall/invite/friends/dinner
10. shall/drop/office

  1. Shall I cook idlis for breakfast?
  2. Shall I carry your luggage?
  3. Shall I call you later?
  4. Shall we start the game?
  5. Shall we complete the task together?
  6. Shall we follow the enemy troops?
  7. Shall I type the letter for you?
  8. Shall we go to our native place?
  9. Shall we invite my friends for dinner?
  10. Shall I drop you at your office?

V. Change the following “Future Actions” into “Past Actions”. (Simple Future into Simple Past)
1. I will meet you tomorrow.
2. She will prepare dinner.
3. They will play cricket.
4. Our team will win the match.
5. I will call you later.
6. He will arrive on time.
7. It will rain tomorrow.
8. Raju Will come at 9 p.m.
9. They will publish the results.
10. The headmaster will beat you.

  1. I met you yesterday.
  2. She prepared dinner.
  3. They played cricket.
  4. Our team won the match.
  5. I called you yesterday.
  6. He arrived on time.
  7. It rained yesterday.
  8. Raju came at 9 p.m.
  9. They published the results.
  10. The headmaster beat you.

VI. Change the following “Past Actions” into “Present Actions”. (Simple Past into Simple Present)

1. We caught fish.
2. They sold bangles.
3. I brought vegetables.
4. I travelled by bus.
5. She ate too many sweets.
6. Mr. Prakash taught us English.
7. Priya painted a number of pictures.
8. Lavanya spoke in English.
9. Raju played chess with his friends.
10. He washed his car.

  1. We catch fish.
  2. They sell bangles.
  3. I bring vegetables.
  4. I travel by bus.
  5. She eats too many sweets.
  6. Mr. Prakash teaches us English.
  7. Priya paints a number of pictures.
  8. Lavanya speaks in English.
  9. Raju plays chess with his friends.
  10. He washes his car.

Creative Expression

Question 1.
You have read how Kalyani injured her foot in the lesson “A Lesson for AH’. Later, she came to know how their town was polluted by animals and birds and their request to the Mayor to stop polluting their habitat.
Now, imagine that you were Kalyani and write a diary entry at the end of the day.

Thursday, 4 February 20xx
8 p.m.

Dear Diary,
Today is a memorable day in my life. Though I injured earlier in the day, the animals and birds opened our eyes. I did not understand why all the streets were filled with litter and garbage. I was shocked to know from animals that the litter and garbage were returned to us from them. They, actually, did it to make us realize our mistakes. We, the human beings should curse ourselves for doing all this! Why should we pollute their dwelling places? Where can they live? The human beings should change their attitude. They should avoid the bags made of plastic. They can use the bags made of jute, paper or cloth. We should lessen the use of the number of vehicles. We should not cut down trees. We should not dump the waste in water bodies, We should not throw away litter everywhere. From today onwards I will try to do all these things. I shall make the persons 1 meet aware of the measures taken up to reduce pollution and save ourselves.


AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 6 A Lesson for All

Question 2.
You want to go on leave in connection with your brother’^ marriage. Write a letter to your Headmaster / Headmistress requesting to sanction you leave for 10 days.

20th Septemebr, 20xx.

The Headmaster,
Z.P. High School,

Respected Sir,

I am a student of your school in 6th class in ‘B’ section with roll no: 15. My brother’s marriage will be celebrated at Guntur on 24th of this month.

Hence I request you to sanction me leave for 10 days from tomorrow.

Yours obediently,
xx xx

These AP 6th Class English Important Questions 6th Lesson A Lesson for All will help students prepare well for the exams.