AP State Syllabus 6th Class English 3rd Lesson Important Questions and Answers Little Hearts

Reading Comprehension Textual Passages

Question 1.
Read the following passage carefully.

It was a rainy Sunday. There were rills everywhere in the village. There was a large puddle across the street. And at this puddle, two girls from class sixth met each other. One girl was older than the other. Their mothers dressed them in new clothes as there was a village festival. The little girl was wearing a green skirt and the older a pink skirt.

They began to play. The little girl started to go into the puddle with her shoes on. “Don’t go, Malasha! Your mother will scold you. Let’s remove our shoes and play,” said the older girl.
Now, answer the following questions.
1. How was the weather?

2. What was the relationship between the two girls?
Classmates (Students of the same class)

3. Where did the two girls meet each other?
At the puddle

4. How were the girls dressed?
In new clothes

5. Why were the girls dressed in new clothes?
Because there was a village festival

6. Who was wearing a green skirt?
The little girl

7. What were the two girls doing?
They were playing.

8. What was the little girl’s name?

9. What was the suggestion of the older girl?
They should remove their shoes and play.

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

Question 2.
Read the following passage carefully.

“It’s deep, Akulka, I am afraid,” said Malasha.
“Don’t be afraid! It’ll not be any deeper,” said Akulka.
Before Akulka completed her words, Malasha plumped her foot into the water. The muddy water splashed and fell not only on Akulka’s new dress, but also on her face. Seeing mud spots on her dress, Akulka grew angry with Malasha. She scolded her, ran after her and wanted to strike her. Malasha was frightened. Immediately she jumped out of the puddle and ran home.

Akulka’s mother passed by; she saw her daughter’s dress soiled.
“Why did you get yourself so dirty?” she asked.
“Malasha has purposely splashed it on me,” said Akulka.

Now, answer the following questions.
1. Who were Akulka and Malasha?
They were classmates.

2. Who was responsible for splashing the muddy water?

3. What happened to Akulka’s new dress?
It was soiled.

4. Why did Akulka grow angry with Malasha?
Because her dress was soiled by Malasha.

5. Why did Akulka run after Malasha?
She wanted to strike Malasha.

6. Why did Akulka scold Malasha?
Malasha soiled Akulka’s dress. So Akulka grew angry with Malasha and scolded her.

Question 3.
Read the following passage carefully.

Akulka’s mother caught Malasha and gave a slap on her face. Malasha began to howl, and her mother ran out of the house. “Why do you slap my daughter?” she began to scold her neighbour. Soon, it turned to be a big quarrel. The men also joined the scene. One man pushed the other, and a fight began. Akulka’s grandmother tried to separate them. They paid no attention to her.

While the neighbours were busy with their fighting, Akulka wiped off her dress, and went back to the puddle. She took a pebble and scratched the ground so as to let the water off into the street. Seeing this, Malasha came with a chip to help her.

Now, answer the following questions.
1. Who slapped on Malasha’s face?
Akulka’s mother

2. Why did Akulka’s mother slap on her face?
Because she soiled her daughter’s dress.

3. What was the reason for tjie quarrel?
Malasha soiled Akulka’s new dress.

4. Who tried to stop the quarrel?
Akulka’s grandmother

5. Who let the water off into the street?

6. Who helped Akulka in letting the water off?

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

Question 4.
Read the following passage carefully.

The fight was going on. The girls made a long rill. The old woman was still trying to separate the fighting crowd. Water started flowing down the rill. The girls put some pieces of paper on water. They ran along the rill laughing and jumping in joy. They ran straight into the crowd.

The old woman saw them and said to all of them, “Shame on you, men! You are fighting for these two girls. See! They have forgotten it. They are playing nicely together. They are wiser than you.

The men looked at the girls and felt ashamed. Then they laughed at themselves and left the place.

Now, answer the following questions.
1. Who were fighting?
The members of the families of Akulka and Malasha

2. Why did the girls make a long rill?
To make the water flow down

3. What was the mood of the two girls?
Playful and happy

4. Who were the two girls?
Akulka and Malasha

5. What did the girls forget?
Their quarrel

6. Why were the girls wiser than the elders in their families?
Tfyey forgot their quarrel and began playing together.

7. What made the men laugh at themselves?
The girls playing together forgetting their quarrel

Read it yourself

Question 5.
Read the following passage carefully.

Once upon a time, the son of Brahmadatta was ruling righteously in Benares, in northern India. It came to pass that the king of Kosala made war, killed the king of Benares, and took the qUeen as a prisoner.

Meanwhile, the queen’s son escaped by sneaking away through the sewers. In the countryside, he eventually raised a large army and surrounded the city. He sent a message to the king, the murderer of his father. He told him to surrender the kingdom or fight a battle.

Now, answer the following questions.
1. Who killed the king of Benares?
The king of Kosala

2. What happened to the queen of Benares?
She was taken as a prisoner.

3. How did the queen’s son escape?
By sneaking away through the sewers

4. What did the son do in the countryside?
He eventually raised a large army.

5. What was the city surrdunded by the queen’s son?
The city of Benares

6. What was his message to the king?
To surrender the kingdom or fight a battle

7. What did the son do with his large army?
He surrounded the city of Benares.

8. Who is referred to as ‘the murderer of his father’?
The king of Kosala

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

Question 6.
Read the following passage carefully.

The prince’s mother heard of this threat from her son by some faithful servants. She was a gentle and kind woman who wanted to prevent violence and suffering and killing. So she sent a message to her son – “There is no need for the risks of battle. It would be wiser to close every entrance to the city. Eventually the lack of food, water and firewood will wear down the citizens. Then they will give the city to you without any fighting.”

The prince decided to follow his mother’s wise advice. His army blockaded the city for seven days and nights. Then the citizens captured their unlawful king, cut off his head, and delivered it to the prince. He entered the city triumphantly and became the new king of Benares.

Now, answer the following questions.
1. How did the mother heai-of the threat from her son?
By some faithful servants

2. What was the threat of the prince?
He told the king to surrender the kingdom or fight a battle.

3. What kind of woman was the mother?
Gentle and kind

4. What did the mother want?
She wanted to prevent violence and suffering and killing.

5. What was the wise thing to do according to the mother?
To close every entrance to the city

6. What did the citizens do after the seven day blockade of the city?
The citizens captured their unlawful king, cut off his head, and delivered it to the prince.

7. Who became the new king of Benares?
The son of the queen (the prince)

Unseen Comprehension

7. Read the following passage.

Once there lived in a village an old man named Muthu. He had four sons – Ramu, Shyam, Mannikam and Ratnam. They were always quarrelling with one another. Muthu became old and was bedridden. One day he called his sons to his bed side and told them not to quarrel with one another. He asked them to be happy. So, saying, he gave a bag to each one of his sons.

After a few days, Muthu died. His sons were curious to know what was kept in their bags. On opening the bags, they found sand in Ramu s bag, a brick in Shyam’s bag, a cow’s horn in Mannikam’s bag and a silver coin in Ratnam’s bag. They could not understand why their father had given those things.

All of them met the village headman and narrated the whole incident. The village headman thought for a while. He said that the land would go to Ramu, house to Shyam, the cattle wealth to Mannikam and the money to Ratnam. The four brothers were not satisfied with their father’s division. Then the village headman said that their father had divided the property in that way to keep them united. He advised them to share their assets with one another so that they could lead a happy life. The four brothers understood the meaning of their father’s division and lived happily ever after.

Now, answer the following questions.

1. Why did the sons go to the village headman?
The sons of the old man went to the village headman to know why their father had given them those things. .

2. What did the village headman advise the old man’s sons to do?
The village headman advised them to share their assets with one another and lead a happy life.

Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
3. The contents of Ratnam’s bag were
A) a brick
B) a cow’s horn
C) a silver coin
C) a silver coin

4. What did the old man, Muthu wish for? (A)
A) his sons’ unity
B) peace of mind
C) a lot of wealth
A) his sons’ unity

5. Which of the following statements is True?
A) There was a gold coin in Ramu’s bag.
B) The village headman was a wise person.
C) Muthu had four sons and a daughter.
B) The village headman was a wise person.

Interpretation Of Non-Verbal Information

1. Study the following pie-chart carefully. The pie-chart given below represents the portion of wage earners engaged in various types of occupations in a city.
AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts 1
Now, answer the following questions.
1) What does the pie-chart show?
The pie chart shows the portion of wage earners engaged in various types of occupations in a city.

2) What is the percentage of professionals in the city?

Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
3) Who occupies 32 percent of wage earners in the city?
A) Professionals
B) Commerce
C) Transportation
B) Commerce

4) The least percentage of wage earners are
A) Manufacture
B) Other occupations
C) Personal service
C) Personal service

5) Which of the following statements is True?
A) The second highest wage earners next to commerce are manufacture.
B) The other occupation wage earners are 12%
C) Personal service and professionals occupy the same percent of manufacture.
A) The second highest wage earners next to commerce are manufacture.


I. Choose the words with similar meanings (Synonyms) from the list given to the words underlined.
1) [rebuke, catch, bring out, take off]
“Don’t go, Malasha ! Your mother will scold (a) you. Let’s remove (b) our shoes and play,” said the older girl.
a) rebuke
b) take off

2) [intruded, picked, began, lifted]
The girls took off their shoes, raised (a) their skirts and started (b) walking in the puddle. .
a) lifted
b) began

3) [straightaway, feared, suddenly, anxious]
Malasha was frightened (a). Immediately (b) she jumped out of the puddle and ran home.
a) feared
b) Straightaway

4) [ideal, cleaned, engaged, stained]
While the neighbours were busy (a) with their fighting, Akulka wiped off (b) her dress, and went back to the puddle.
a) engaged
b) cleaned

5) The old (a) woman was still trying to separate (b) the fighting crowd.
a) aged
b) scatter

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

II. Write the opposite words of the underlined words.

1) They began (a) to play. The little (b) girl started to go into the puddle with her shoes on.
a) stopped/ended
b) older

2) “Don’t go, Malasha ! Your mother will scold (a) you. Let’s remove (b) our shoes and play,” said the older girl.
a) praise
b) put on

3) Akulka’s grandmother tried to separate (a) them. They paid no attention (b) to her.
a) combine/join/unite
b) inattention

4) They ran along the rill laughing and jumping in joy (a). They ran straight (b) into the crowd.
a) sorrow
b) curved

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

III. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given in the brackets.
1) The girls took off their shoes, ______ (a) (raise/raised) their skirts and started ______ (b) (walk/walking) in the puddle.
a) raised
b) walking

2) ______ (a) (Immediate / Immediately) she jumped out of the puddle and ______ (b) (ran/run) home.
a) Immediately
b) ran

3) Akulka’s grandmother ______ (a) (tried/trial) to separate them. They paid no ______ (b) (attentive/attention) to her.
a) tried
b) attention

4) They are playing ______ (a) (nice/nicely) together. They are ______ (b) (wiser/wise) than you.
a) nicely
b) wiser

IV. Complete the following words using “ai, au, ea, e.e, ei, ia, io, oi, oo or ou”.
1) r_ _ny
2) th_ _r
3) w_ _r
4) r_ _se
5) d_ _p
8) f_ _t
9) immed_ _tely
10) s_ _led
11) d_ _ghter
12) s_ _n
13) neighb_ _r
14) j_ _n
15) attent_ _n

  1. rainy
  2. their
  3. wear
  4. raise
  5. deep
  6. afraid
  7. deeper
  8. feet (or) foot
  9. immediately
  10. soiled
  11. daughter
  12. soon
  13. neighbour
  14. join
  15. attention

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

V. Complete the following words with the suitable suffixes given in the brackets.

1) One girl was old ______ (er/or) than the other. The mothers dress ______ (ed/d) them in new clothes as there was a village festival.
2) Malasha was frighten ______ (ed/d). Immediate ______ (ly/lly) she jumped out of the puddle and ran home.
3) He sent a message to the king, the murder ______ (er/or) of surrender the king ______ (dom/dome) or fight a battle.
4) There is no need for the risks of battle. It would be eas ______ (yer/ier) to close every entrance to the city. Eventual ______ (ly/y) the lack of food, water and firewood will wear down the citizens.
1) older, dressed
2) frightened. Immediately
3) murderer, kingdom
4) easier. Eventually

VI. Identify the wrongly spelt word and write its correct spelling in the space provided.

1) daughter, seperate, caught, pebble

2) righteously, messege, battle, sewer

3) nortltren, threat, unlawful, advice

4) servant, capture, citizen, triumphently

5) follow, deliver, violance, blockade

VII. Arrange the following words under the correct headings.
1) [pebble, rill, puddle, chip]

Water BodiesKinds of Rocks
1) rill1) pebble
2) puddlex2) chip

2) [piece of chalk, army, herd, table]

Collective ThingsConcrete Things
1) army1) piece of chalk
2) herd2) table

3) [king, arrow, sword, Chief Minister]

1) king1) arrow
2) Chief Minister2) sword


I. Read the following passage and correct the underlined parts. Rewrite the corrected parts in the space provided.

1) My mother is Anasuya. She loves all at (1) us equally well. She studied Intermediate only. So (2) she has good knowledge about so many things. She is a good home make (3) She cooks food well. She receives our friends and relatives with courtesy. She is an (4) lovable mother.
1) of
2) But
3) maker
4) a

2) Once a jackal was very much troubled with (1) fleets. He wanted to get rid of them. So he went to a tank and find (2) a dry stick in (3) the bank. He took it in his mouth but (4) walked slowly into the water.
1) by
2) found
3) on
4) and

3) I want to become an (1) teacher. My father was a teacher. He inspire (2) me very much. 1 think that I could serve the nation by shaping the young minds on (3) the classroom. I become a sincere but (4) hard-working teacher.
1) a
2) inspired
3) in
4) and

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

II. Complete the following passage choosing the right words from the choices’given below. Each blank is numbered and four choices are given. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the blanks.

1) Our school building is big. There ______ (1) twenty classrooms in it. It has strength of 1200 pupils. ______ (2) is a garden in front of our school. ______ (3) have a large playground too. We ______ (4) games in the afternoon.
1. A) B) are C) was D) were
2. A) Here B) Where C) However D) There
3. A) We B) They C) You D) It
4. A) played B) will play C) play D) have played
1 – B
2 – D
3 – A
4 – C

2) Once there lived a king ______ (1) India. ______ (2) name was Sagara. He ______ (3) a beautiful horse. He-wanted to give it as ______ (4) present to the gods.
1. A) for B) in C) to D) on
2. A) Her B) Their C) Its D) His
3. A) had B) has C) have D) is having
4. A) the B) an C) a D) some
1 – B
2 – D
3 – A
4 – C

3) There is a storv ______ (1) a kind tree and ______ (2) little boy. He used to ______ (3) in the shade ______ (4) the tree. The tree loved him verv much.
1. A) for B) on C) about D) with
2. A) a B) one C) the D) an
3. A) sits B) sit C) sat D) sitting
4. A) by B) near C) at D) of
1 – C
2 – A
3 – B
4 – D

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

III. Change the following statements into questions.

1) My father is writing a letter.
Is my father writing a letter?

2) My mother is cooking food.
Is my mother cooking food?

3) My brother is r|ading a story.
Is my brother reading a story?

4) I am watering plants.
Am I watering plants?

5) She is speaking in English.
Is she speaking in English?

6) He is sleeping.
Is he sleeping?

7) She is driving a car.
Is she driving a car?

8) He is riding a horse.
Is he riding a horse?

9) Ria is looking at the painting.
Is Ria looking at the painting?

10) They are painting the wall.
Are they painting the wall?

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

IV. Read the following sentences and poin Comparison of each out the adjectives and name the Degree of Comparison of each.

1) The pen is mightier than the sword.
Adjective → mightier → Comparative Degree

2) Bumrah bowls faster than Ishanth Sharma.
Adjective → faster → Comparative Degree

3) Asia is the largest continent.
Adjective → largest → Superlative Degree

4) Ramya is cleverer than Shobha.
Adjective → cleverer → Comparative Degree

5) Srinivas is smarter than all other boys.
Adjective → smarter → Comparative Degree

6) Shakespeare is the most famous English poet.
Adjective → most famous → Superlative Degree

7) He is an intelligent boy,
Adjective → intelligent → Positive Degree

V. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with ‘a’ / ‘an’ or ‘the’.

1) ______ sun rises in ______ east.
2) He is ______ best friend of mine.
3) How blue ______ sky looks !
4) It is ______ interesting story.
5) What ______ beautiful picture it is !
6) He is ______ poor man.
7) ______ rose is ______ beautiful flower.
8) I like to take ______ cup of milk.
9) Solomon was ______ wisest king.
10) I need ______ bottle of water.
11) ______ Sahara is the biggest desert in India.
12) She has got ______ idea.
13) ______ tea in the cup is too hot to drink. •?>,
14) Chiranjivi is one of ______ most famous Indian actors.
15) He will come in ______ day or two.
16) You must speak ______ truth always
17) I visited ______ university yesterday.
18) ______ Pacific ocean is ______ deepest ocean.
19) They went on ______ expedition.
20) Kapildev was ______ highest wicket taker of Indian fast bowlers.

  1. The, the
  2. the
  3. the
  4. an
  5. a
  6. a
  7. The, a
  8. a
  9. the
  10. a
  11. The
  12. an
  13. The
  14. the
  15. a
  16. the
  17. a
  18. The, the
  19. an
  20. the

Creative Expression

Question 1.
In the lesson “Little Hearts”, the parents of Akulka and Malasha were busy with their fighting. The little girls watched their quarrel for some time. Then they thought differently. They wanted to go out.
Now, develop an imaginary conversation between them.
(The neighbours were busy with fighting. Akulka cleaned her dress, took a pebble and was going towards the puddle.)

Malasha : Akulka, why are you going towards the puddle?
Akulka : Come and see.
(Akulka is scratening the ground near the puddle.)
Malasha : What are you doing?
Akulka : I want to let the water off into the street.
Malasha : But, why?
Akulka : To make a rill. I shall make a rill and put the pieces of paper on water. It is really enjoyable !
Malasha : Shall I help you?
Akulka : How do you help me?
Malasha : I shall bring a chip along with me and help you in letting off the water into street.
Akulka : OK., join me. We shall jump, we shall enjoy!
Malasha : Thank you, Akulka. We both jump and enjoy!

Question 2.
In the lesson “Little Hearts,” the two girls opened the eyes of their elders. Malasha didn’t forget how their elders had quarrelled. That night, before going to bed, she started to write her diary.
Now, attempt a diary entry imagining that you were Malasha.
Monday, 16th August 20xx
8:00 p.m.
Dear Diary,

What a terrible day it is ! It is only my fault! I should not have done it! If Akulka didn’t complain against me to her mother, they would not have quarrelled. They quar-relled for hours ! Akulka forgot it and played along with me. But our parents did not stop their quarrel till Akulka’s grandmother showed them our laughing and jumping. They are really not sensible. They are not wiser. They realized only after they had witnessed our playing together. Thank God (They stopped quarrelling finally! I won’t do such naughty things once again in my life.

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

Question 3.
Read the following Telephone conversation between Vasu and Venu. Venu’s sister Kamala is not at home. So, Venu writes a message for his sister as he has to go out on some urgent work.
Vasu : Hello, is that Kamala?
Venu : Kamala is not at home. May I know who is speaking ? I am her brother Venu.
Vasu : I am Vasu, Kamala’s classmate. Could you tell her that the dance class which is going to be conducted tomorrow is cancelled. Our dance teacher has just informed me. She has said that she has to leave for Chinnai to attend an important task. Also tell her that the next class will be on the 10th of this month.
Venu : I will inform her, Vasu.
Vasu : Thank you.

Now, Venu leaves message for his sister. Write her message.
8, August’ 4:00 pm
Dear Sister,
Vasu called when you were away. He told me that your dance class scheduled to be conducted tomorrow is cancelled. Your dance teacher is leaving for Chennai. The next dance class will be on the 10th of this month.

AP 6th Class English Important Questions Chapter 3 Little Hearts

Question 4.
Write a story using the following hints.

A fox – lives in forest – one day – feels hungry – goes about forest – not find any food – at last – sees bunches of grapes – hanging from tree – jumps up – to get grapes – not reach them – jumps again and again — in vain – disappointed – thinks grapes were sour – goes away.
Once there lived a fox in a forest. One day he felt hungry. It went about the forest but could not find any food. At last it saw some bunches of grapes hanging from a tree. It jumped up to get the grapes. But it could not reach them: It jumped again and again. All its efforts were in vain. It was disappointed. It thought that the grapes were sour after all, and went away.

These AP 6th Class English Important Questions 3rd Lesson Little Hearts will help students prepare well for the exams.