AP State Board Syllabus AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation.

AP State Syllabus SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions 10th Lesson Globalisation

10th Class Social 10th Lesson Globalisation 1 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Expand the term I.B.R.D.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. (OR) World Bank.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 2.
Explain SEZ.

  1. The full form of SEZ is Special Economic Zone.
  2. They are meant for free establishment of industries.

Question 3.
What is the difference between foreign trade and foreign investment ?
Foreign trade Foreign trade is any kind of trade (exports and imports) with other countries of the world.
Foreign investment: Private capital invest-ment by firms of one country into those of another country is called foreign investment.

Question 4.
Expand WTO.
World Trade Organisation.

Question 5.
What is the Arab Spring?
In 2013 several nations in Western Asia and Northern Africa like Tunisia, Egypt was influenced by each other’s revolutions and uprooting of dictators. This was called ‘Arab Spring’ in the media.

Question 6.
Mention any two factors which led to Globalisation.
Globalization is a process of connecting countries across the globe.
Technology, Liberalisation of foreign trade and investment, foreign investment policy, WTO and other global institutions led to this globalization.

Question 7.
What is an MNC?
An MNC is a multinational corporation, owns and controls production in more than one nation.

Question 8.
What do you mean by foreign investment?
Investments made by MNCs is called foreign investment.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 9.
What is the investment?
The money that is spent to buy assets such as land, building, machines and other equipment is called investment.

Question 10.
What is foreign trade?
Foreign trade is any kind of trade with other countries of the world.

Question 11.
What do you mean by trade barrier?
It is called a barrier since some restrictions have been set up by the Indian government on foreign trade and foreign investment. It can be tax on imports.

Question 12.
What is Globalisation?
Globalization is a major change that occurred across the globe in the late 20th century. This has political, cultural as well as economic dimensions.

Question 13.
What was called ‘Arab Spring’?
In 2013 several nations in Western Asia and Northern Africa like Tunisia, Egypt was influenced by each other’s revolutions and uprooting of dictators. This was called ‘Arab Spring’ in the media.

Question 14.
Where do MNCs set up offices and factories for production? Give reason.
MNCs set up offices and factories for production in regions where they can get cheap labour and other resources.
This is done so that cost of production is low and the MNCs can earn greater profits.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 15.
Define Economic reforms of NEP 1991.
The economic policy adopted by the Government of India since July, 1991 is termed as new economic policy or economic reforms.

Question 16.
What is Privatisation?
Privatization means reduced government intervention and increased private investment in production activities.

Question 17.
What is Outsourcing?
Outsourcing means going out to a source outside the company to buy regular service.

Question 18.
How many countries are currently members of the WTO?
The WTO has 164 member countries as on 29th July 2016.

Question 19.
In which year, the government started to remove barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment?
In 1991.

Question 20.
Why are Chinese toys popular in the world?
Chinese toys are comparatively cheaper and have new designs. So they are popular in the world.

Question 21.
Why are the MNCs making investments in India?
In India labour cost is very low when compared to rest of the world. So, many MNCs are making investments in India.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 22.
Which organization lay emphasis on liberalization of foreign trade and foreign investment in India?
The WTO.

Question 23.
When was the WTO established?
The WTO was established On 01-01-1995.

Question 24.
Where is the main head office of the WTO?
It is in Geneva – Switzerland.

Question 25.
What is the purpose of foreign trade?
Foreign trade creates an opportunity for the producers to reach beyond the domestic markets. They can sell their products in other countries also.

Question 26.
State a positive aspect of India’s development strategy prior to 1991.
The strategy has helped India in creating a large industrial base and an increase in industrial production.

Question 27.
What do you mean by export quotas?
For the protection of local consumers, the government restricts giving limit of export of particular goods. This is called an export quota.

Question 28.
What is an import quota?
For the protection of local manufacturers from the competition of producers of another country, the government imposes taxes on imported goods. This is called an import quota.

Question 29.
State any two impacts of liberalization and globalization in India.

  1. There are better services in the communication sector.
  2. Many food processing companies have taken over the market.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 30.
State the new strategies of NEP.

  1. Liberalization
  2. Privatization
  3. Globalization.

Question 31.
What is meant by modernization of the economy?
The NEP accords top priority to modern techniques and technologies. It also promotes computers and electronics industries. It has made the Indian industries dynamic.

Question 32.
What is Joint Venture?
At times MNCs set up production jointly with the local companies of the countries where they established their MNC operations.

Question 33.
Expand W.T.O. How does it work?

  1. WTO-World Trade Organisation. It lays emphasis on the liberalization of foreign trade and foreign investments.
  2. It was established in 1995 with headquarters in Geneva – Switzerland.

10th Class Social 10th Lesson Globalisation 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the effects of Globalisation in India.

  1. The impact of globalization in India is not uniform.
  2. It has benefited well-off consumers.
  3. It has also benefited the producers with skill, education and huge wealth.
  4. Certain services enabled with technology have expanded.
  5. Some new jobs are created.
  6. Some large Indian companies have grown as M.N.C.s.
  7. On the other hand, most of the small producers and workers are not happy with globalization.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 2.
Estimate the impact of globalization on local industries of India.
Impact of globalization:
Positive effect:

  1. Several of the top Indian companies have been able to benefit from the increased competition.
  2. They have invested in newer technology and production methods and raised their production standards.
  3. Some have gained from a successful collaboration with foreign companies.

Negative effect:

  1. Some of the small industries have been hit hard due to competition.
  2. Several units have been shut down rendering many workers jobless.

Question 3.
“Globalisation by connecting countries results in greater competition among producers.” Justify the statement.

  1. Globalization is a major change that occurred across the globe in the late 20th century. This has political, cultural as well as economic dimensions.
  2. An MNC does different operations related to its business at different locations across the globe.
  3. An MNC is able to take advantage of cost-benefit and also of easier access to important markets.
  4. There is a greater choice before the consumers who now enjoy the improved quality and lower prices for several products.
  5. Competition held between local producers and foreign companies.

Question 4.
Write about the problems of Urbanization.
Problems of urbanization:

  1. The rapid inflows of rural population to urban places give rise to the housing problem and thus slums are developed in these places.
  2. The decrease in rural population affects agricultural production due to a shortage of work¬ers in rural areas.
  3. Due to use of more vehicles, air, water, sound pollutions are increased.
  4. Traffic problems will arise.
  5. Proper drainage facilities are not expanded.
  6. Using of plastic covers are increased.
  7. Unemployment increases in urban areas.
  8. Due to this, various criminal activities, corruption, etc. increase affecting the law and order system.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 5.
Give four reasons to the factors that helped Globalisation.
Globalization means interconnecting the markets and countries also. Factors that helped globalization are:

  1. Technology: The development in Information and Communication Technology have been even more remarkable and rapid.
    Rapid improvement in technology has been one major factor that has stimulated the globalization process.
  2. Transportation: As a result, goods are delivered faster across long distances at lower costs. The Internet also allows us to send instant electronic mail and talk across the world at negligible costs.
  3. Liberalization of Foreign Trade: With the liberalization of trade, businesses are allowed to make decisions freely about what they wish to import or export.
  4. Liberalization of Foreign Investment: Due to this so many companies are going to invest on new products.
  5. Political climate: We must remember that political decisions are taken in a particular context, which accounts for the economic and technological change that has already taken place.

Question 6.
How are the Indian companies benefited from Globalisation at present?
Benefit for Indian companies with globalization at present

  1. Invested in newer technology and production methods
  2. Raised their production standards
  3. Gained from collaboration with foreign companies

Question 7.
What will be the consequences of Globalisation, if it spreads to all sectors in future?
More products will be available if globalization process is continued and spread. Quality of goods will be increased prices come down. Foreign investment is increased. Many new jobs will come up. IT services will be increased. Technology will be more used. Small scale industries will be closed. Culture and nationalism are also affected. Soil lose its fertility.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 8.
What do you understand by globalization?
Globalization is a process associating with increasing openness, growing economic independence and deepening economic integration with the world economy. In other words, it means opening up of the domestic economy for foreign countries.

Question 9.
What is the role of media in ‘Arab Spring’?
Media played a crucial role during the Arab Spring. Television Channels that were owned and run by people from other countries supported such mobilization which resulted in regulating the powers of local leaders. While events like Civil War or natural disasters like Tsunami are discussed within the national boundaries they also receive support and sympathy from around the world.

Question 10.
Give a picture of ‘Production across countries before large MNCs’.
Until the middle of the twentieth century, production was largely organized within countries. Raw materials, food grains and finished products only crossed the boundaries of these countries. Colonies such as India exported raw materials and food grains and imported finished goods. Trade was the main channel connecting distant countries. This was before large multinational corporations (MNCs) emerged on the scene.

Question 11.
What is important regarding MNCs?
MNCs not only sell their finished products globally but more important, the goods and services are produced globally. As a result, production is organized in increasingly complex ways. The production process is divided into small parts and spread out across the globe.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 12.
“Previously important decisions regarding the value of currency were taken by sovereign governments are today made by market player and forces”. Comment with an example.

  1. Previously important decisions regarding the value of currency were taken by sovereign governments are today made by market players and forces.
  2. In fact many of the MNCs have wealth exceeding the entire budgets of the developing country governments.
  3. With such enormous wealth, imagine the power and the influence of these MNCs.
  4. This is how the decision making powers of sovereign governments are at a risk.

10th Class Social 10th Lesson Globalisation 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is the influence of globalization on the Indian economic system? What are the advantages of extending globalization to India? Express your opinion.

  1. The Globalization has benefited both the customers and the industrialists.
  2. There are greater choices for the customers, who now enjoying quality items at lower prices.
  3. As such, their standard of living is improved.
  4. Among producer and workers, the influence has not been uniform.
  5. The MNCs have invested in Indian Companies.
  6. New jobs have been created and local companies supplying raw materials etc. to these companies prospered.
  7. Top Indian companies have been benefited as new technology is implemented.
  8. Some large Indian companies emerged as MNCs.
  9. The Globalization has also created new opportunities for companies providing services.
  10. Besides, a host of services, such as data entry, accounting, engineering etc. are now done cheaply in India.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 2.
Do you support or oppose the setting up of the Special Economic Zones? Why?
I strongly oppose the setting up of Special Economic Zones:
The reasons:

  1. Accumulation of land for SEZs disturb the livelihood of agricultural dependents.
  2. SEZs are not offering as much employment as they have assured.
  3. They disturb the ecological balance in certain cases.


I support the setting up of Special Economic Zones:
The reasons:

  1. They provide more employment opportunities.
  2. They provide world-class infrastructural facilities in a particular place.
  3. They attract foreign investments and help to the establishment of industries.

Question 3.
“Among producers and workers, the impact of globalisation has not been uniform.” Write your opinions on it.

  1. The benefits of globalisation have been unevenly distributed.
  2. It has benefited the producers with huge wealth and well-off consumers.
  3. But the small producers and workers have seen their employment and workers’ rights erode.
  4. Globalisation should be fair. It has to create opportunities for all.
  5. The government has to play a major role in making this possible.
  6. The government has to ensure that labour laws are properly implemented and the workers get their rights.

Question 4.
Explain the factors that have enabled Globalisation.

  1. Technology has been improved rapidly.
  2. Due to this, many revolutionary changes occurred in the fields of production, trade and especially in information and communication.
  3. Nowadays computer and internet has made the world a hamlet.
  4. After 1991, the barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment were removed to a large extent in India.
  5. This had speeded up the process of globalisation in India.
  6. The policies implemented by international organisations like WTO, promoted the interests of MNCs, all over the world.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 5.
Explain with examples, how small and cottage industries are extinct because of multinational companies.
Small and cottage industries are going the extinct because of multinational companies due to the following reasons.

  1. Small industries are not having the capacity to compete with M.N.C.’s
  2. Imported goods quality is high and the cost is low.
  3. People are attracted to machine-made goods. But cottage industries are not following.

a) Basket making:

  1. Small industries did not get good quality of plastic, because its cost is high.
  2. Instead of traditional baskets MNC’s imported steel and metal baskets.

b) Weaving:

  1. Small and cottage industries using old traditional methods for weaving, only handlooms.
  2. MNC’s using power looms for weaving and using machines and imported machine-made cloth.

Question 6.
Write the advantages and disadvantages of Multi-National Companies.
Advantages and disadvantages of Multinational Companies :

  1. Competition among countries increased.
  2. Quality improvement.
  3. The decrease in prices.
  4. Increase in production.
  5. Increase in access of goods and services.
  6. Development in research and technology.
  7. Increase in employment opportunities.


  1. The decline in small scale industries.
  2. No employment opportunities for unskilled labourers.
  3. Agriculture is affected.
  4. The environment is affected.
  5. The exploitation of natural resources.
  6. Value of currency is determined internationally.
  7. Indigenous languages and culture is affected.

Question 7.
How can flexibility in labour laws support the present companies?

  1. Flexibility in labour laws can help the companies to decrease their production cost by employing labourers only for a short period of time when there is need instead of employing them for long period of time or yearly basis.
  2. By easing upon labour laws, company heads can negotiate wages and terminate employment, depending on market conditions.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 8.
Read the following paragraph and interpret.

The developments in information and communication technology have been even more remarkable and rapid. Telecommunication facilities are used to contact one another around the world to access information instantly and to communicate from remote areas.

The given paragraph is about developments in technology especially with regard to information and communication technology. It has various effects on society and made the task of many people easy.

In the fast-growing world, every field is being updated and upgraded. There are so many reasons for these changes in technology. Due to globalization, getting and sending information should be fast. Email, Google, Internet, Wikipedia all these made our task easy. People also changed their lifestyles. Even in mobile phones various activities like e-banking, different payments like electricity bill, phone bill are paid. Many of the GOs and Memos are sent by mail.

It has negative effects also. Some youth are attracted by abscence films and pornographic videos are watched. Students can utilise it for their study. The government should take necessary action.

Question 9.
Read the paragraph given below and comment.

The benefits of globalisation have been unevenly distributed. It has benefited well-off consumers and also producers with skill, education and huge wealth. Certain services, enabled with technology, have expanded. On the other hand, thousands of small producers and workers have seen their employment and workers’ rights erode. It is important to understand the two¬sided nature of globalisation.


  1. The costs and benefits of globalization are unevenly distributed both within and in between cities.
  2. Homeless people are living in cardboard boxes on sidewalks of gleaming corporate skyscrapers, whose budgets exceed those of many countries.
  3. In many countries real incomes have fallen, the costs of living gone up and the number of poor households has grown, particularly in urban areas.
  4. More urban inhabitants live in inadequate housing, mostly in the slums and scattered settlements in developing countries.

Conclusion: Finally developed countries and rich people are benefited and poor people are not benefited.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 10.

Read the following paragraph and write whether you agree with this paragraph or not. Mention why/why not.

At times, MNCs set up production jointly with the local companies of these countries. The local company benefits by the additional investments and the latest technology that the MNCs bring.


  1. According to the paragraph given, it says that the multinational companies invest for the production of goods jointly with the local companies.
  2. This additional investment is a sort of benefit for the local companies as they have access to technology.
  3. To some extent it is true.
  4. When foreign companies want to establish a new factory they bring some new technology and provide job opportunities for the local people.
  5. They utilize the local resources along with the human resource.
  6. The companies keep the local companies in their grip and gradually they lose their control on their own production.
  7. Some people say that multinational companies are helpful to local companies.
  8. It is true in the initial stage but in due course, it leads to downfall.
  9. So I don’t fully agree with this paragraph.
  10. The government should put barriers which are useful for the local companies.

Question 11.
Read the following paragraph and interpret.

For a long time trade has been the main channel of connecting countries. In history, you would have read about the trade routes connecting India and South Asia to markets both in the East and West and the extensive trade that took place along these routes. You would also remember that it was trading interests which attracted various trading companies such as the East India Company to India.


  1. According to the paragraph given, trade is the main channel bringing the nations together.
  2. East India Company came to India in such a way. In the name of trade, the Europeans tried to find out new sea routes and in the series of efforts, they explore many countries and estab¬lished markets.
  3. The exploration doesn’t stop with spreading the markets.
  4. It leads to the exploitation of natural resources.
  5. East India Company came to India and looted the country. Trade doesn’t mean exploitation.
  6. In conclusion, I would like to say that it is not so easy to decide whether the trade is really linking the markets and leading to exploitation.
  7. Every country should think whether foreign companies are useful to their country or not.

Question 12.
Read the following paragraph and write your comments on it.

To put it simply, foreign trade creates an opportunity for the producers to reach beyond the domestic markets. Similarly, for the buyers, trade expands the choice of goods beyond what is domestically produced. Foreign trade thus results in connecting the markets or integration of markets in different countries.


  1. The given paragraph says that because of foreign companies opportunities are created and
    the producers send their goods to other markets also.
  2. The buyers also have the choice to select the commodities or goods whatever they like.
  3. Foreign trade helps in connecting markets of the globe. The international market system will be increased.
  4. My comments on this paragraph are that many of the foreign products like Coca-cola, Pepsi and other cool drinks are available in our country.
  5. Local coconuts and buttermilk are not being utilized.
  6. Though there is a choice for buyers, they should think of their domestic market also.
  7. Foreign trade connects the markets in different countries.
  8. The integration of the market system doesn’t collapse the domestic economic system.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 13.
Read the following paragraph and write’ your opinion on it.

Rapid improvement in technology has been one major factor that has stimulated the globalization process. For instance, the past fifty years have seen several improvements in transporta¬tion technology. As a result, goods are delivered faster across long distances at lower costs.


  1. According to the given paragraph technology is one major factor in the process of globalization.
  2. Recently there are many changes in transportation technology.
  3. It led to faster movement in reaching the destination.
  4. My opinion is that technology is a part of globalization.
  5. Many multinational companies use different technology for various purposes.
  6. In this paragraph, it is discussed about transportation technology.
  7. Improved transportation makes travel easy. Construction and management of roads including vehicle maintenance are to be concentrated.
    8) Better roads help in minimizing the prices because of fuel consumption.

Question 14.
Read the following paragraph and write your comments.

Let us return to the example of imports of Chinese toys in India. Suppose the Indian government puts a tax on the import of toys. And because of the tax, buyers will have to pay a higher price on imported toys. Chinese toys will no longer be as cheap in the Indian markets and imports from China will automatically reduce. Indian toy-makers will prosper.


  1. According to the paragraph given, the government has to put barriers on Chinese toys.
  2. Thus the prices of the Chinese toys rise.
  3. Automatically Indian toys will have positive market. Indian toy makers will get benefits. My comments on this paragraph are as follows. This is only an example.
  4. Like Chinese toys, there are so many goods coming from abroad and making good business.
  5. They are getting good profits.
  6. The same Indian manufacturers face many troubles.
  7. In conclusion, I would like to say that the government should take necessary steps to strengthen the Indian companies and small scale industries along with artisans and handicrafts.

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation

Question 15.
Identify these countries on an outline map of world.

  1. United States of America
  2. China
  3. Mexico
  4. Eastern European countries
    i) Poland
    ii) Ukraine
    iii) Romania
    iv) Bulgaria
    v) Czech Republic
    vi) Slovakia
  5. India


AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation 1

AP SSC 10th Class Social Studies Important Questions Chapter 10 Globalisation