AP State Syllabus AP Board 9th Class English Textbook Solutions Chapter 4C Can’t Climb Trees Any More Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 9th Class English Solutions Chapter 4C Can’t Climb Trees Any More

9th Class English Chapter 4C Can’t Climb Trees Any More Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What is your opinion about the theme of the story?
The theme is about man’s concern for his roots. It is about one’s own association with nature. It is particularly about one’s innocent childhood, spent in the lap of grandparents. It is interesting and inspiring.

AP Board 9th Class English Solutions Chapter 4C Can’t Climb Trees Any More

Question 2.
The middle-aged man remembers his joyous days of youth. What are the different words/phrases used in the story (for example, dark dancing eyes; swift and sweet of limbs) to show the characteristics of the youth?
Words that show the characterstics of youth are: ‘climbing over the wall’, ‘music of a piano’, ‘climbingthe jackfruit tree, ‘marbles I had won’, ‘sprang up and ran’, ‘sprightliness in his step’, etc.

Question 3.
‘A blessing rests on the house where the shadow of a tree falls/ And so the present owners must also be receiving the tree’s blessings. What does the narrator’s grandmother mean by this statement?
The man’s grandmother used to say:
A blessing rests on the house where the shadow of a tree falls! That means growing trees in our yards brings us a lot of good. Trees benefit man in many ways.

AP Board 9th Class English Solutions Chapter 4C Can’t Climb Trees Any More

Question 4.
Are the grandmother and Chief Seattle expressing the same feelings about trees and nature? Why?
Yes, the grandmother and Chief Seattle express the same feeling about nature. Good old people realise the value and the usefulness of nature. They go on wisely advising everyone to love and respect nature.

Project Work

Look at the picture. Our water resources are getting polluted every day. If we do not care enough to prevent pollution and save water, there is going to be an acute scarcity of drinking water.
AP Board 9th Class English Solutions Chapter C Can’t Climb Trees Any More 1

I. Visit five houses in your locality and collect the following information.

1. Number of members in the family.
a) adults
b) children

2. The average quantity of water used in the household (in litres).
a) for drinking and cooking food
b) for washing clothes and cleaning the house
c) for cattle
d) for cultivation

3. The average quantity of drinking water wasted in the household (in litres).
a) for drinking and cooking food
b) for washing clothes and cleaning the house
c) for cattle
d) for cultivation

4. What are the water sources for the household and what is the average quantity 6f water used from these sources?
a) well in the household
b) public well
c) water from public taps
d) river, pond, lake, etc.

AP Board 9th Class English Solutions Chapter 4C Can’t Climb Trees Any More

5. Does the ground water in the locality get polluted ? If so, the sources.
a) domestic sewage
b) industrial wastewater
c) agricultural wastewater
d) construction site run-off
e) urban run-off

Consolidated Sheets of the data collected from five houses
1. Number of members in the family.
AP Board 9th Class English Solutions ChapterC Can’t Climb Trees Any More 2

2. The average quantity of water used in the household (in litres).
AP Board 9th Class English Solutions Chapter C Can’t Climb Trees Any More 3

3. The average quantity of drinking water wastec in the household (in litres).
AP Board 9th Class English Solutions Chapter C Can’t Climb Trees Any More 4

4. What are the water sources for the household and what is the average quantity of water used from these sources?

5. Does ground water in the locality get polluted? If so, the sources.
AP Board 9th Class English Solutions Chapter C Can’t Climb Trees Any More 5

II. Work in three groups and make reports as suggested below. Present all the reports before the whole class.
Group A : The quantity of water used by the households in the locality from various water sources and how the usage can be minimised for conserving drinking water.
Group B : The water sources in the locality, how the water gets polluted and how it can be prevented.
Group C : What measures that can be taken for conserving water and preventing pollution of water ?
Report of Group A
The survey discovers some startling facts. A huge quantity of water is wasted everyday in 90% of the households. The wastage is more in houses that have running water tap connections provided free of cost. An average household with 5 members uses 250 litres of water if their source is a hand pump or public well. But a household of the same size with free running water tap connection uses (or wastes) 1000 litres of water a day! So, there is an urgent need to check this wastage. Strict laws are to be enacted and enforced on oneside and awareness programmes are to be conducted on a massive scale on the other side!

Report of Group B
The only source of water in the locality surveyed is a pond. But the pollution levels in it are very high. Ignorance of pollution is the main reason. Domestic sewage joins the pond. Cattle freely swim around the pond. Even washing of clothes goes on in the pond. Agricultural waste water also enters the pond. A pond – protection committee should be formed and the committee should take round-the-clock care to prevent this pollution and protect the only water source.

Report of Group C
Water is precious. It is essential too I We need to conserve it. First wastage of water in all its forms must be prevented. Rain water harvesting, recycling of water in permissible sareas are to be encouraged. Pollution of water bodies is to be minimised. Promoting aw^-eness among people is most important. Enacting suitable and strict laws and enforce them eftuely are other measures.

The River Summary in English

Ruskin Bond is a famous writer for children. He is fond of writing about the bond between nature and man. “Can’t Climb Trees Any More” is an example. A middle aged man looks at a house, the trees and flower plants in the yard from outside. A young girl of about 12 comes there and asks him what he is looking at. He replies that he is looking at the house. She very innocently asks him if he wants to buy that. He says they lived there twenty five years ago and he just felt like seeing their old house. The little girl invites him in. To prove that he is still young, he climbs the wall but gasps. With the help of the girl, he climbs down. They sit on a stone bench. The man recollects his childhood days. He recollects his grandmother’s words that trees would bless those living in their shade. He says that he used to store his treasures in a hole in the jackfruit branch. An Iron Cross is among his treasures. He says it must be still in the hole. The girl asks if he will check. He says he can’t climb trees any more. The girl climbs the tree, finds the cross and gives it to the man. But the man gives it back to the girl saying that he has come there not for his cross but for his youth. So saying he walks briskly remembering the young girl’s lively features!

The River Glossary

verge (n) : a piece of grass on the edge of a path

turnstile (n) : a gate that moves in a circle allowing only one person at a time

dizzy (adj) : feeling that everything is spinning

hollyhocks (n – plural) : a kind of flowering plants

disembodied (adj) : a sound heard but the speaker not seen

slim (adj) : thin, lean

colonel; brigadier (nouns) : ranks in army

witty (adj) : humorous

offence (n) : hurting; injury

appraising (v + ing) : evaluating; understanding

prosperous (adj) : rich; wealthy

trapeze (n) : a swing used in circus

muttered (v – past tense) : murmered ; said in a low voice

slithered (v – past tense) : glided ; moved slowly and smoothly

shattering (v + ing) : breaking

spotted (v – past tense) : noticed

pruning (v + ing) : shortening; cutting

fragrance (n) : perfume

drenched (v – past tense) : filled with

chiming (v + ing) : soft, ringing sound

budgerigars (n – plural) : a small Australian bird belonging to the parrot family.

hollow (n) : hole

eddies (n – plural) : circular movement of air with dust

barefoot (adj) : without any footwear

sprightliness (n) : liveliness

lissome (adj) : thin and attractive