AP State Syllabus AP Board 9th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 7 Animal Behaviour Textbook Questions and Answers.
AP State Syllabus 9th Class Biology Solutions 7th Lesson Animal Behaviour
9th Class Biology 7th Lesson Animal Behaviour Textbook Questions and Answers
Improve Your Learning
Question 1.
What is the advantage of reflex action? (AS 1)
(a) It has to be learned
(b) It happens differently each time
(c) It does not have to be learned
(d) None of them
(c) It does not have to be learned.
Question 2.
If a rat is given a mild electric shock when it goes to a certain part of its cage, it eventually avoids going there. This is because of- (AS 1)
(a) Imitation
(b) Conditioning
(c) Instinct
(d) Imprinting
(b) Conditioning
Question 3.
Describe all types of behaviour discussed in the lesson with appropriate examples. (AS 1)
Describe different types of animal behaviours discussed in the classroom with suitable examples.
Scientists categorize animal behaviour into different categories like instinct, imprinting, conditioning, imitation.
1) Instinct:
A) Instinctual behaviours are behaviours that need not be learned.
B) They are inborn behaviours and can be complex like making nest by birds, choose mates and forming into groups for protection.
C) Reflexes are also a type of instinct behaviour.
2. Imprinting:
A) Chickens and ducklings are able to walk almost immediately after hatching from the egg.
B) Duckling can even swim after a few days.
C) They recognise their mother because of a behaviour type called imprinting.
D) Imprinting lets young animals recognise their mother from a young age. They can follow her for food and protection.
3. Conditioning:
A) Conditioning is a type of behaviour involving a response to a stimulus that is different from the natural one.
B) It is a type of learned behaviour.
C) If we take ringing of school bell as an example, student shows different types of conditioning to a school bell as per the time.
4. Imitation:
A) It is a type of behaviour where one animal copies another animal.
B) Kohler conducted experiments on imitation in chimpanzees.
C) One chimpanzee tried to take a fruit from a tree. But it failed in reaching the fruit.
D) Later chimpanzee used sticks to reach the fruit. This time it succeded in reaching the fruit.
E) Chimpanzee used sticks to spear juicy grubs to eat.
F) Other chimpanzees copy this behaviour.
Question 4.
Differentiate between (AS 1)
a) Imitation and Imprinting.
Question 5.
How human behaviour is different from behaviour of other animals? Explain with an example. (AS 1)
- Humans show many of the same types of behaviour as other animals.
- But human behaviour is often more complex because we are more intelligent and aware of ourselves.
- For example, hungry persons might want to start eating immediately when they sit down at the dining table.
- But the humans have learned that good manners mean they should wait until everyone is seated and ready to eat.
- But animals eat food whenever they find it.
Question 6.
Observe ants going on a line. Ask your teacher how they communicate and write a note on this. (AS 4)
- Ants talk to each other using chemical signals called pheromones that they detect with antennae.
- Ants use their antennas to pick up smells.
- For example, when ants find food they have a pheromone trail from the food soure to the colony.
- Other ants follow this trial. As the other ants follow the trial, the pheromone scent becomes stronger.
- The paired antennas of ants provide information about the direction and intensity of scents.
- Since most ants live on the ground, they use the soil surface to leave pheromene trail that may be followed by other ants.
- Some ants produce sounds using gaster segments and their mandibles.
- Sounds may be used to communicate with colony members or with other species.
Question 7.
“Understanding of animal behaviour creates positive attitude towards animals”. How do you support this statement? Explain with suitable examples. (AS 6)
- I support the above statement that understanding of animal behaviour creates positive attitude towards animals.
- Animals usually make sounds depending upon their needs. They show different facial expressions.
- For example, cattle make sounds whenever they need food and water.
- After giving food and water by the master they calmdown.
- When a crow dies, all the other crows come around making sounds ‘kaww, kaww’ shows their sadness, we have to understand nature of the crows in this situation.
- We have to identify the unity and integrity among the ants when they go in line in search of food.
- When dogs bark during nights, we should understand that they are doing that for our safe.
- We have to show positive attitude towards animals who are useful in our daily life. Live and let live should be our motto.
Question 8.
Look at this picture. How do you feel about sibbiling care nature of animals. Have you ever seen such kind of situations in your surroundings? Explain in your own words. (AS 7)
- Sibbiling care nature of animals are animals with instinct behaviour.
- Every animal take care of their young ones until they are grown adults.
- I observed sibbiling care situations in my surroundings.
- The newly hatched chickens are taken by their mother to surrounding places to feed them.
- Whenever the chicks faces danger mother brings them under her wings.
- When the eagle tries to take away the chicks the mother attacks the eagle to save its chickens.
- Chicken feeds and protect young ones until they are able to collect their own food.
- A new born kitten is born blind. Its eyes normally do not open until it is 10 to 12 days.
- Finding the milk source is accomplished with help from mom, who encourages young kittens to feed a few minutes after birth.
- Cat often changes its living place by transfering young kitten. It does so to protect kittens from enemies.
9th Class Biology 7th Lesson Animal Behaviour Activities
Lab Activity
Question 1.
Behaviour of Cockroach : For this we need a choice box and calcium chloride.
Making of Choice box :
- Take a box, and divide it into four chambers with the help of a card board.
- Make tiny holes in any two chambers of one side so that light can pass through these holes into the chambers.
- Let other two chambers as it is (dark).
- Now create humid environment with help of moist cotton wool in one of the lightened and one of the dark chambers.
- Create dry atmosphere with help of calcium chloride in one of the lightened and one of the dark chambers.
- So, the box has been divided into four chambers with different conditions i.e., light and dry, light and humid, dark and dry, dark and humid.
- Make four groups in class. Each group will put several cockroaches into a choice of chamber with four different conditions.
- Cover the box and leave the setup for 15-20 minutes.
- Count the number of cockroaches in each chamber.
Observations :
- Cockroaches prefer dark and damp conditions.
- The quarter of the choice chamber with these conditions contains most or all of the cockroaches.
Activity – 1
Question 2.
Observe the following behaviours of different animals. Identify their instinct, imprinting, conditioning or imitation.
a) Our pet dog barks only on strangers. If is not stopped, how would it behave?
b) Ants which usually go in a line reach sweet kept in tin. How do they know the way to reach the tin?
c) Mosquitoes, cockroaches come out of their places only when it is dark. How do they know the difference between light and dark?
d) Bats and owl move and search for food during night only. How could they know what is a day what is a night?
e) When you untie the neck of your bull at the time of ploughing, it moves towards plough without any instructions. In the same way, it moves towards tub at the time of feeding. How does the bull respond differently?
f) Birds collect material which is soft, strong to build its nest. How do they know the quality of material?
g) Puppies, kitten fight each other when they saw a piece of cloth. They try to tare it off why?
h) In a particular season some birds in our surroundings migrate from long distances. . How do they know their way?
Activity – 2
Question 3.
Select any one of the animals in your surroundings. Observe it how it behaves in the following situation.
1) Name of the animal:
Crow (corvus species)
2) Place where it lives :
They live in nests build on trees. Usually, they build nest where they feel safe from predators.
3) How it builds its place :
Crow builds its nest using tree branches, small sticks, hay etc.
4) Way of collecting food/prey:
Crows go around places where food is available. Crows are omnivorous and they eat almost everything.
5) External characters :
Crows are usually black in colour or black with little white plumage.
6) Expressions :
A) Crows make a wide variety of calls or vocalizations.
B) In many species the pattern and number of numerical vocalizations have been observed in response to events in the surroundings like arrival or departure of crows.
C) Crows show their happiness, Jadness, fear, threat by making sounds like ‘KOWWS’.
7) Group behaviour:
A) If one crow finds food it call others to join.
B) If one crow dies, all the other crows make ‘KOWWS’ continuously without interference.