SCERT AP Board 8th Class Social Solutions 18th Lesson Rights Approach to Development Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Social Studies Solutions 18th Lesson Rights Approach to Development

8th Class Social Studies 18th Lesson Rights Approach to Development Textbook Questions and Answers

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Question 1.
Correct the false statement:
a) Welfare functions of the government need to be monitored.
b) People need to allow the elected representatives alone to monitor the implementation of programmes.
c) Information officers can withhold the information for indefinite period.
d) By looking at various documents one can identify if the programmes are implemented without malpractices.
a) True b) False c) False d)True
Correct of false statements :
b) People and the elected representatives should monitor the implementation of programmes.
c) Information officers cannot withhold the information for indefinite period. It should be given in the prescribed time.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 18 Rights Approach to Development

Question 2.
Read the paragraph under the heading ‘Need for Information to Fight Corruption’ and answer the following:
Observe any of the government programme and make a report of its implementation in your area.
In our area the government is giving pensions to the old people and handicapped. They give Rs. 200/- to the old and Rs. 500/- to the handicapped every month. They release these funds for every 2 or 3 months once. These pensions are given to the beneficiaries through the employs of local bodies.

They select one place to hand over these pensions. Everyone should reach there in prescribed time. There may be 400 to 500 beneficiaries in that centre. They should stand in a line for hours together and sometimes two or three days also. How pity this is ! We feel so sad for this. Why don’t the government send the pensions directly to their homes or to their accounts ? In this connection we request the government and its officials to view this issue in humanitarian grounds.

Question 3.
Collect a few success stories with regarding to Right To Information Act (RTI) from the newspapers and tell them in your class.
Story – 1:
A 70 year old lady Laxmi, lost her son Anoop Singh in Delhi road accident. He was a traffic constable there. His wife was given his pension. Later she remarried some other person. Laxmi was left as an orphan. She used this RTI Act to gain access to files regarding the pension and other benefits of her son.
Story – 2:
Kshetramai of Bhuvaneswar bought a small piece of land and got it registered. But the clerk in the Sub Registrar Office did not hand over the documents to her for 11/2 years.
She complained in the camp of RTI Act. She got her documents within hours on the same day.
Story – 3:
Aashiyana, a thirteen year old Lucknow girl, had got raped by a gang of 6 boys. They gave a compalint in a police station. The prime accused showed an evidence that he was a minor at that time and went for a trial in a Juvenile Court. Then Aashiyana father Sabruddin has filed an application at District Magistrate Office under RTI Act. He has sought information that he was a major at the time of incident. Even though it was late, it was a success.
Story – 4:
RTI brought ban on dark film in motor cars. Use of films or any other material upon the wind screen or the side windows is impermissible in law w.e.f 4.5.2012.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 18 Rights Approach to Development

Question 4.
RTE is a boon to the children. Explain.
RTE law declares that all children of the age of 6 to 14 years have the right to free education and the state has to ensure building of sufficient schools in the neighbourhood of all children, appoint properly qualified teachers and make all necessary provisions. It also declares that the education should ensure all round development of the children, learning through activities, discovery and exploration and child friendly manner. It also states that children should be taught in their mother tongue and they should be free of fear, trauma and anxiety and be able to express their views freely.

In case free neighbourhood schools are not available, in case sufficient number of teachers are not available in the schools, or sufficient teaching learning materials are not available, or if a child is beaten or terrorised, or forced to study in unfriendly manner, such children can complain to the courts against the authorities. So it is a boon to the children.

Question 5.
Do you need any more rights? Why?
After going through this lesson, I came to understand that rights have responsibilities. My country is fulfilling my needs. So I do not need any more rights. I try to safeguard the existing rights.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 18 Rights Approach to Development

Question 6.
What information would you ask your Headmaster according to Right to Information Act?
I ask the following information:

  1. Strength of the school
  2. Staff particulars
  3. Syllabus and teaching-related issues etc.

Question 7.
How can you say that the Right to Information Act helps to face the corruption?
Right to Information laws, or “Sunshine” laws as they are commonly called grant citizens the legal right to access information held by their governments, bringing much-needed transparency in the otherwise opaque functioning of government.

The law is increasingly being used to tackle high profile corruption also. The transparency will automatically limit the abuse of discretion, and thus acts as the check on corruption in any regime. So I can say that the Right to Information Act helps to face corruption.

8th Class Social Studies 18th Lesson Rights Approach to Development InText Questions and Answers

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 18 Rights Approach to Development

Question 1.
Discuss how the information regarding a road construction or building of houses is maintained by contractors. (Textbook Page No. 206)
To construct a road or to build a house, the owners will call tenders from the contractors. They select and appoint the contractor who quoted least price. The contractors should follow the norms in the construction.

  1. What kind of cement is to be used?
  2. What is the ratio of cement and sand …?
  3. What is the measurement of the brick? etc….

All these should be decided and should be mentioned in a book. They should record the figures of coolies, their wages etc. The owner of the construction observes these things and the construction.
If he is satisfied, he pays the amount in installments.
If it is government construction, the government engineer observes all these things.

Question 2.
a) In the example above, (Text page No: 204) do you think Pavan and his mother are able to live with dignity?
b) What would give them a life with dignity?
c) Are Pavan and his mother free to do what they want?
d) Who is to blame for this kind of a life for Pavan and his mother? Are they respon¬sible for their own condition?
e) Whose duty is it to ensure that Pavan and his mother are able to live a life of dignity
and freedom? (Textbook Page No. 204)
a) The persons, who do not participate in illegal and immoral works are able to live with dignity.
Pavan’s mother is working hard in some others’ house. It is dignified. But I think Pavan’s begging is not correct and dignified.
b) “Work hard – Lead the life”.
This only gives them a life with dignity.
c) Any higher official or employee should bend their head before their authorities. They should follow the rules and regulations. But they are not free to do what they want. Like wise Pavan and his mother should obey the rules of their employers in work matter. In the personal life they can do as they like.
For e.g.: If Pavan’s mother does not like the work, she can leave it. She can join some – where else also.
d) The system of the society and its organization are only responsible for their own kind. In this society the rich become the richest and the poor become the poorest. This is also the same.
Some Indians have belief in ‘Karma Siddhantha’. If they are such, they should blame their fate.
e) It is the duty of the society and the government to ensure that Pavan and his mother are able to live a life of dignity and freedom.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 18 Rights Approach to Development

Question 3.
With the help of your teacher make a table of the orders, reports, advices, log books etc., that he or she received from the education department during the last one year. What documents does the school maintain to report to the education department? How is the record for mid-day meal kept? (Textbook Page No. 208)
A table of the orders, reports, advices and log books etc:

  1. The school aged children in the related area should be in the school. For this necessary steps should be taken.
  2. Drop-outs should be rejoined.
  3. Textbooks, uniform with free of cost, should be supplied to the students.
  4. Special classes should be conducted to the SSC students.
  5. Mid day meals scheme should be implemented properly.
  6. Eye camps should be conducted to the students and further treatment also.
  7. De-warming tablets should be supplied to the students.
  8. Necessary steps to be taken to improve the regularity of the students.
  9. Monthly meetings should be conducted with parents etc.

The documents maintained by the school:

  1. Admission Register
  2. T.C. Book
  3. Attendance Registers
  4. Mid-day meals register
  5. Salaries & Bills register
  6. Visitors book
  7. Mid-day meals record

    Class & Sec.RollAttendanceNo. of Meals takenClass Teacher’s signature
  8. Daily Menu register
  9. Monthly statements register etc.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 18 Rights Approach to Development

Question 4.
Do you think your school confirms to these norms?
Yes, I do think so.

  1. There are learned teachers in our school.
  2. We have all the needed facilities.
  3. Lessons are taught in Labs and LCD room.
  4. We enjoy freedom with responsibility.
  5. Our teachers are the architects of our future.

Question 5.
Find out to whom you can complain about the functioning of your school when necessary. (Textbook Page No. 210)
We should complain to the D.E.O. in district level and the Director, School Education in state level.

Question 6.
Why do you think checking this information can help in improving accountability? (Textbook Page No. 206)
Checking the information creates a fear and compulsory morality in the supervisors or other officials. So it improves accountability.

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 18 Rights Approach to Development

Question 7.
Why do you think the word ‘independent’ is important in the context of State Information Commission? (Page – 208)
If the State Information Commission has relations with the Legislature or the Executive it cannot question or control the corruption. It cannot provide the information to the people. So it should be ‘independent’. So the word is important.

Question 8.
Can you think of the questions you would want to ask information officer in the Health department? (If necessary read Chapter IX again and formulate your questions.) (Textbook Page No. 208)

  1. How many ambulances are there to save the lives of the patients?
  2. What are the facilities in regional hospitals?
  3. What steps are you following to retain the doctors in rural areas?
  4. Are the vaccines like ‘Rabis vaccine’ available in all hospitals?
  5. Why are the funds of ‘Arogyasri’ not diverted to the modernization of the government hospitals instead of paying them to private hospitals?

AP Board 8th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 18 Rights Approach to Development