AP State Syllabus AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Biology Solutions 9th Lesson Production and Management of Food From Animals

8th Class Biology 9th Lesson Production and Management of Food From Animals Textbook Questions and Answers

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Question 1.
One honey bee hive consists of different types of bees. What are they? How they differ from each other?

  1. Honey bee species are social insects, which lives in colonies.
  2. A honey bee colony consists of three types of bees.
  3. One queen, several thousands of workers and few hundreds of drones.
  4. There is only one queen bee in a colony. The primary function of a queen is to lay eggs (800 – 1200 eggs per day). The life span of queen is two to three years.
  5. A worker has 5-6 weeks and the drone has 57 days of life span.
  6. There are sterile female which are called workers in the hive. These bees attend to indoor duties during first three weeks during first three weeks of their lives such as secretion of royal jelly, feeding of the brood.
  7. After three weeks they attend outdoor duties like collecting nector, pollen and water.
  8. Drones are the male members of the colony. They are very lazy and unable to gather food. Their main duty is participating in mating, after this they die.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 2.
Make a list of characters of local variety buffaloes, which gives good quantity of milk in your village.

  1. Buffaloes are most common in India and other Asian countries.
  2. In general, buffaloes give more milk than cows and buffaloes milk has more fat than the cow’s milk.
  3. Buffaloes are more resistant to diseases than cows.
  4. There are about seven different breeds of buffaloes, Murrah, Bhadwari, Jaffrabadi, Surthi, Mehsana, Nagpri and Nili Ravi in our country.
  5. Each breed of buffalo is found in specific regions of the country and they differ in their body colour, shape and length of horns and in the shape and size of their forehead.
  6. Of these different breeds of buffaloes, Murrah breed of buffaloes have been recognised by Government of India, as the best native milk yielding breed.
  7. It yields about 8 litres of milk/day/animal and about 1800 – 2200 litres per year.

Question 3.
Explain the process of hatching eggs under broody hen in rural areas.

  1. Hatching of eggs is an interesting process.
  2. The common village hen has less care and attention.
  3. So it’s productivity is low.
  4. It has the capacity to lay 15 to 20 eggs an egg per day respectively.
  5. After that the hen becomes a broody state (wish to hatch the egg).
  6. In this process the people of the house arrange the eggs in such a way that the broody hen can sit comfortably on the eggs to hatch.
  7. The hen sits on the eggs stretching its wings to provide heat to the eggs, to develop chicks inside the eggs.
  8. It takes 21 days to the chicks emerges out by breaking the egg shell. This process is called incubation.
  9. Almost all the eggs hatch into chicken but some eggs which do not get sufficient heat from the broody hen become rotten.

Question 4.
Write about the accessory products produced in animal husbandry.
Milk, meat, eggs, wool are the accessory products of animal husbandry.

Question 5.
What is estuaries, how they are suitable for both marine and river fish to live?

  1. Estuary is the place where river joins the sea usually called mouth of the river. In this area fresh water (with low salt content from the river) is mixed up with sea water (with high salt content).
  2. When the wave action is strong or during high tide, large amount of sea water mixes with river water. In fact sea flows deep into the river.
  3. During low tide and when the wave action is weak, less amount of sea water mixes with river water.
  4. Because of this, salt content of the water in the estuary changes very rapidly.
  5. Animals living in the estuary should tolerate and adopt to rapid changes in the salt content of water.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 6.
If you have a chance to visit milk chilling centre, what doubts would you like to clarify? Please list out them.

  1. Chilling of milk means rapid cooling of raw milk to sufficiently to low temperature. So that the growth of microorganisms present in the milk is checked.
    Doubts to clarify
  2. What would happen if the temperature of the milk should be reduced to less than 10°C preferably 3-4°C, in the chilling process?
  3. Whether the growth of the microorganisms will be controlled as the required nutrients and the growth conditions will be favourable to them?
  4. If the growth of the organisms will not be checked what would happen to the milk. Any changes would happen? Is it fit for consumption?
  5. If milk has to be transported to longer distances, considerable time is involved between production and heating process.
  6. During this period milk should be protected from spoilage by the action of micro-organisms the chilling process therefore considered is necessary.

Question 7.
Collect news from news papers about milk production and impurities in milk.
Prepare a note and display it on wall magazine.
Milk Production:

  1. Our government treats producing milk as an industry.
  2. Generally farmers rear 1 to 5 cattle in small scale at their homes to produce milk.
  3. Among cows, traditional species give 2-5 liters of milk in a day. Murrah species are reared in most of the districts in our state.
  4. They give up to 8 liters of milk per day. Haryana, Jaferabad, Nagapuri are the traditional variety of cows which give good quantity of milk.
  5. Jersy (England) and Holstein (Denmark) are the foreign varieties. They give 25 liters of milk per day.
  6. These foreign varieties are cross breed with our traditional local varieties. They give 8-20 liters milk per day.
  7. Cows play vital role in total milk production of our country.
  8. Out of milk produced in our country 60% is used to prepare cheese, cova, ghee, curd, milk powder and other milk products.
  9. The milk produced in dairy forms is collected from house holds and pasteurized.

Impurities in Milk

  1. Addition of pure or impure water.
  2. Addition of colouring matter.
  3. Addition of preservatives like Sodium bicarbonate, Borax or Boric Acid, Salicylic Acid and formaldehyde.
  4. Addition of substances used for thickening after dilution with water, e.g. Flour, arrowroot, chalk, carbonate of magnesium.
  5. Sugar is added to raise the specific gravity of diluted skimmed milk.
  6. Milk is contaminated by
    a) improper or poisonous food eaten by the animal.
    b) Poor condition of animal due to nursing.
    c) Contamination of disease germs from the cub.
    d) Absorption of bad odours.
    e) If milk has been diluted it becomes pale and blueish, so milk and cream are artificially coloured with anilines or other pigments. Annotto is the common dye used to milk cream and butter.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 8.
Collect information about sea weeds, sea kelp from your school library and write a note with examples.
Sea Weeds:
Sea weeds constitute an important marine resource and are found along the Rocky intertidal and subtidal regions of the coasts of India. The Sundarbans, the Chilka lake, the deltas of Godavari and Krishna. Gulf of Mannar. Palk bay Gujarath coast and around Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nikobar Islands are areas rich in sea weeds. They are used for human consumption, as cattle and poultry feed, as manure and for industrial purposes as the source phyco colloids like Agar-agar.

Sea Kelps:
Kelps are the largest sea weeds belonging to the brown algae (phaeophyceae) in the order laminariales.
Kelps grow in under water in shallow oceans, it has a high rate of growth and it’s decay is quite efficient in yielding methane as well as sugars that can be converted into ethanol.
It has been proposed that large open ocean, kelp farms could serve as a source as renewable source of energy.
Unlike some biofuels, such as corn, ethanol, Kelp energy avoids “food verses fuel” issues and does not require irrigation.

Question 9.
Observe nearby poultry farm and findout how do they export eggs to market? What material is used for transportation?

  1. The most important component in the marketing of eggs is to handle them with care at the time of collection, transportation and in the sale counter.
  2. To avoid breakage of eggs special designs are planned in the poultry forms. They are packed in tailor made egg trays which can be piled up one over the other after inserting eggs in each tray.
  3. These trays protect the eggs from both vertical and horizontal friction and avoid breakage during transportation.
  4. The design of the transport vehicles for the chicken are also specially designed cages to allow the requisite freedom to the birds.

Question 10.
Observe a dry honey bee hive and how the bees built it. Draw a picture. How does it look like?
AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 8 Production and Management of Food From Plants 14
Honey Bee hive is a construction of six sided (hexagon) wax compartments made by bees to store honey and eggs.
Wax is produced by the honey bees is known as bee’s wax or honey wax. Wax is used in the production of cosmetics, shoe polish, candles and leather industry.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 11.
Agriculture and animal husbandry are both sides of the same coin. How can you justify this?

  1. Farmers adopt different methods of management for getting better yields in agriculture. In the same way, care is required in the management of reading animals also.
  2. Since long ago, man used animals not only for obtaining food but also for agriculture, transportation.
  3. People living in rural areas used to domesticate animals like cows, buffaloes, bullocks, goats, sheep, pigs, hens etc., supplying of nutritious food accommodating clear and hygienic, shelters for animals is very important issue in animal husbandry.
  4. Generally villages send their cattle to rear in their fields. Where grass is easily avail-able. These animals provide him with food (milk, meat, eggs etc) and clothing. Man in turn protected, fed and took care of these domestic animals.
  5. The selective relationship between man and the domestic animals has become in-dispensable – man cannot live without them and these animals cannot survive in wild.
  6. Thus, the relationship is mutually dependent and beneficial.

Question 12.
How do you appreciate the uses of cattle?

  1. Cattle are not only for our food, even its excretions like dung and urine also we make them use. Cow dung is used as a cooking fuel, sanitizing cleanser, construction material, insulation and water proofing for walls and floors in rural houses, a cultural symbol in religious worship, the raw material for producing organic compost and generating electricity.
  2. The urine of cows is considered an elixir of life and is used as a natural remedy for liver and heart conditions as well as for enhancing mental and physical strength and increasing longevity.
  3. The utilization of cow dung and urine is a perfect example of sustainable living. An understanding of the use of cow dung and urine by the rural Indian population can illustrate the indigenous knowledge associated with these materials and alternative sources of materials for electricity generation as well as cost-effective and environmentally friendly fuel and medicines.
  4. Even the ash formed from burning of dung can be used as a cleaning agent for household utensils or used as a fertilizer.
  5. Cow manure contains several plant nutrients including nitrogen, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The composition of cow manure makes it ideal for several uses, including fuel, fertilizer and medicine.

Question 13.
What makes you amazing in division of work in Honey bee colony? Support your answer.

  1. Honey bees lives in colonies. It consists of three types of bees.
  2. One queen bee, several thousands of worker bees and few hundreds of drones or male bees.
  3. The primary function of a queen bee is to lay 800 – 1200 eggs per day.
  4. The worker bees are the sterile female bees. They attend to indoor duties like secretion of royal jelly, feeding of the brood during first three weeks.
    After three weeks they attend outdoor duties like collecting nector, pollen and water.
  5. Drones are the male members of the colony. They are lazy. Their main duty is participating in mating. After this they die.
  6. Thus the division of work is amazing in honey bee colony.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 14.
Conversion of agricultural lands into fish ponds leads to food crisis and environmental pollution. Write your opinion to conduct in debate on this issue.

  1. Fish culture is not new to our country. Even today in several villages, fishes are grown in small ponds in the backyard of the houses. Besides this, growing of fishes in rice fields is also more common in villages. In fact fish production is considered as second crop for farmers, the primary crop being rice.
  2. Fish culture is sometimes practised in combination with a rice crop, so that fish are grown in the water in the paddy field.
  3. Growing fish in paddy field is also multi-utilitarian practice. The reason for this are the increasing use of inorganic fertilizers and insecticides in paddy fields which cause deleterious effects on fish and predation for birds, snakes etc.
  4. Cultivating fish in paddy fields lower diseases like stem borers on paddy.
  5. If the agricultural fields are converted to fish pond, food grains would not be sufficient for the growing population. This leads to food crisis.
  6. But ours is a agricultural country. So agriculture will be done in the crop seasons, and in the unseason they can convert to fish pond.
  7. The places where it is near to the water sources farmers can utilize these places for growing fish.

8th Class Biology 9th Lesson Production and Management of Food From Animals InText Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What are the food items that are obtained from animals?
Milk, meat, eggs, honey.

Question 2.
Do we get our food only from domesticated animals? List out the food that is obtained from animals.
We domesticated only such animals which were helpful to us. Buffalo, Cow etc. are reared for milk. Hens, goats, sheep for meat, ducks for eggs.

Question 3.
Do you know the period from which wild animals were being tamed?

Name of the AnimalPeriod of Domestication
Dog30,000 – 7,000 BC
Sheep11,000 – 9,000 BC
Pig9,000 BC
Goat8,000 BC

Question 4.
Why did early man domesticate only some of the animals?
Domestic animals provide him food, (milk, meat, eggs), clothing (skin of the animals). The early man realised the capabilities of these animals, tamed and domesticated them to help him in his daily activities.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 5.
Why he did not domesticated animals like elephant, tiger, lion etc. or birds like eagle and owl?
They are the wild animals and it is difficult to tame them. There is no use of these animals for his daily activities.

Question 6.
Do all the persons who won agriculture fields also rear cattle?
All most all the persons who won agriculture fields, rear cattle also.

Question 7.
Is there any relation between agriculture and cattle rearing or animal husbandry?
Cattle provide him food, help in agriculture and transport, man provide food for the animals from the agricultural fields.
Collect the following information from your calls.

Question 8.
Number of families in agriculture
Less families

Question 9.
Number of families in agriculture along with animal husbandry.
Almost all families.

Question 10.
Number of families in Animal husbandry alone.
Less families.

LET US DO Cattle Rearing:

Question 11.
Form a group with four or five students in your class. Discuss about the reasons. Why does a farmers rear cattle?
Farmers believe that animal husbandry is part and parcel of agriculture.

Question 12.
Where do people rear their cattle in your village?
Generally people send their cattle to rear at the places where grass is easily available.

Question 13.
What are the cattle here?
Cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep.

Question 14.
At which places fodder is available?
Fodder is available in fields and open places.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 15.
What are places where water is available?
Canals, ponds, wells etc.

Question 16.
Are there any differences between rearing of cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep?
All the animals are herbivorous animals. Farmers use bullocks in agricultural practices like ploughing.

Question 17.
What are the major problems that cattle rearers generally face?
Cattle sheds become unclean because of the remains of fodder, dung and urine. Care should be taken to prevent the growth of lice and mytes on cattle’s body.

Question 18.
Make a list of agricultural practices by using bullocks and the buffaloes.
Ploughing, to draw the leveller, transporting agricultural goods etc.

Question 19.
Think in which way this practice is helpful to the farmer as well as field crops?
Sheep and goats provide him meat and wool, the dung and urine becomes good manure to the field crops.

Question 20.
Where is veterinary hospital located in your area?
It is located at the place where it is convenience to the people to bring their animals for check.

Question 21.
Who are working there and what do they do?
The employees working in veterinary hospital are a veterinary doctor or animal husbandary assistant, a compounder and attenders. They provide treatment and health care for the cattle.

Question 22.
Meet a nearby veterinary doctor or animal husbandry assistant. Collect infor¬mation about common diseases in cattle and prepare a note on them.

  1. Gali Kuntu is a common and dangerous disease in cows and buffaloes.
  2. Sheep and goats suffer from worm infections (Nattala Vyadhi)
  3. Growth of lice and mytes on cattle’s body.
  4. Some parasitic diseases cause damage to liver intestine.
  5. Viral and bacterial diseases also effect on milk production.

Milk Production:

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 23.
From which animals we get maximum milk production?
Cows, buffalows

Question 24.
In which areas people use camel milk?
Desert areas.

Question 25.
Have you ever see people taking donkeys milk? Why was it preffered?
Yes. Donkey milk which is Rich in immunoglobulin helps human body from many viral and bacterial infections. These are mostly found in Telangana regions especially in Adilabad. The secret behind the glowing skin of Egyptian princess Cleopatra’s is donkey milk.

Question 26.
What are the types of fodder generally farmers feed the cattle with?

  1. They supply fodder from their agricultural fields.
  2. They also feed the cattle with hay, green and dry grass, oil seed cakes of ground nut.

Question 27.
How farmers preserve fodder for cattle after harvesting?
After harvesting farmers preserve fodder by arranging into heaps. This heap will be used for the cattle throughout the year.

Pasteurization :

Question 28.
Is there a milk collecting centre in your village?
Krishna Milk Union, Vijaya Dairy Milk centres are located in our village.
AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 8 Production and Management of Food From Plants 15AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 8 Production and Management of Food From Plants 16

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 29.
How do they collect milk and export?
The milk produced in dairy farm is collected from households and cattle rearers and export the milk in chilling form (cooling condition).

Question 30.
Do you know how they decide cost of milk?
The cost of milk is decided due to fat content.

Question 31.
Do you know in which month the rate of milk production is high? Why?
September to November the milk production is high.

Question 32.
Why the milk production is higher during those months than remaining year ? Discuss with your friends and find out the reasons.
Milk production is slightly higher in the November and December months. Because

  1. In these months food availability is rich and intaking of good food increase the milk production.
  2. the climate is cool and enough hot. This sunny weather increase the milk production.
  3. water resources are well in these months. Availability of food and water leads to milk production.
  4. mostly animals delivered in July and August months and give milk before the summer. So the availability of milk is higher in November and December months.

Selection Procedure:

Question 33.
What care should be taken while buying cattle for milk production?
The following points should be kept in mind.

  1. Select high milk producing varieties, either traditional or hybrid.
  2. Observe 2 to 3 days for average milk production.
  3. Number yielding size, health, eating fodder.
  4. Consult veterinary doctor, official of Director of Animal husbandry.

Some of rural people are experts in identifying high producing varieties.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 34.
What occasions, They decorate their cattle in your village?
Pongal, Onam etc.

Question 35.
Do they respond when called by names ? Do you have any such experience with your pets ?
We see the pet dogs climbing our body, sitting beside us, moves it’s tail and licks our feet when we call.


Question 36.
Collect information about Biogas Productions from your school library or internet and write notes on Biogas.

  1. In recent years, an alternate and better method is used to obtain energy from cattle dung and from the excreta of other animals including man and some types of organic waste material from agriculture, homes and industries.
  2. This is by anaerobic fermentation of waste, to produce a gas which can be used as fuel. As this gas is produced from biological wastes, this is called BIO GAS.
  3. Biogas is a mixture of gases – methane, carbondioxide and small amounts of hydro-gen, nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide. About 200 cc of biogas gives about 900 K.Cal of energy.
  4. Production of biogas occurs in three stages. In the first stage, aerobic bacteria are allowed to degrade the complex molecules into simple molecules.
  5. In the second stage, the simple molecules are fermented anaerobically to produce organic acids mostly to acetic acid.
  6. In the final stage methane producing bacteria act on the acetic acid under anaerobic condition produce methane. The gases produced are collected into specially constructed chambers and supplied to users.
  7. Use of bio gas for domestic purposes (cooking) lighting of street lights etc.
  8. When bio gas is burnt, it does not pollute the environment.
  9. The left over material after the production of bio gas can be used as manure in agriculture.

Question 37.
Are the hens reared in the poultry is same as our traditional varieties reared by farmers in the village?
Farmers rear cocks and hens in villages. Most of these are local varieties (Natukollu). Poultry farms are of two types. One is for production of eggs (layers) and other for meat (Broilers).

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 38.
Think and discuss Is genetically modified food useful or not?
Natural wild varieties grow fully in 5 to 6 years. But broilers grow fully in just 6 to 8 weeks. This happens due to genetic modifications in the hen. So genetically modified food is useful.

Question 39.
Do you know Chicken 65? Why is this called so?
This preparation is prepared by A.M. Buhari, in South Indian food industry in Chennai, in the year 1965. So this is called Chicken-65.

Question 40.
Have you heard about cock fight during some festival seasons. Think and discuss in your class about this type of practices which show human cruelty towards animals.
AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 8 Production and Management of Food From Plants 17
At the time of Pongal festival, in some places like India and Tamilnadu, the birds are equipped with either metal spurs or knives tightly tied to the legs in the area where the cock’s natural spur has been partially removed. In this cock fight both the cocks would be wounded, severely bleed, this leads to the death of the birds. By watching this cock fight show, people get enjoyment. This shows human cruelty towards animals.

Question 41.
Do you know how many days a hen spends to hatch it’s eggs?
A hen spends 21 days to hatch its eggs.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 42.
Prepare a detailed note on hatching eggs by observing at your village. If you need, please draw pictures also.
AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 8 Production and Management of Food From Plants 18
Hatching of eggs into chick is called as incubation period. The full incubation period for an egg is 21 days. During this time the hen sits on her eggs and maintains a temperature of 100°F, which is needed to ensure proper embryonic development.

Question 43.
Egg is a nutritious food. Collect information about various nutrients in egg and write a note on them in your notebook.
The nutrients present in egg are is as follows:
Choline: Healthy cell membranes
Vitamin – B: Folate and Riboflavin – converts food we eat into energy. Folate also reduces homocysteine levels and prevent birth defects.
Vitamin – A: Vision and healthy skin.
Vitamin – E and Vitamin – C also present
Luteine and Zeaxanthin: Found in yellow pigment of yolk, prevent macular degeneration.
If you want to be healthy person eat egg everyday. This is the slogan of National Egg Co-ordination Committee. Egg is chief nutritious food which is easily available for all.
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Question 44.
In what way honey bees are helpful in pollination?
Honey bees are helpful in pollination, there after growth of food grains.

Question 45.
Generally where do you find honey bee hives in your surroundings?
Those plants which contain nectar and pollen liked by bees are called bee flora. We find honey bee hives on the fruit trees like citrus, apple, guava, tamarind, cultivated field crops like mustered, gingelly, wheat, cotton, sunflower, vegetable plants like beans, bendi, brinjal, Trees like acacia, neem, sal and bushes, shrubs.

Question 46.
In which seasons we find honey bee hives?
In winter and summer seasons we find honey bee hives.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 47.
Collection of honey from hive is a careful activity. Write a note on how people collect honey from hives. What did they do for this ?

  1. People take risk to collect honey from hives.
  2. They burn some plants or wood to make smoke. They cover their body with a thick blanket.
  3. They put the smoking material into a container. They take it over to the hive.
  4. Working slowly and carefully, they wait for the honey bees to leave the bee hive.
  5. Carefully they cut the hive with a sharp knife.
    By pressing the hive they can collect honey.

Question 48.
Ask your parents/teacher how a bear hunts bee hives for honey?

  1. Before going for hibernation (winter sleep) the bear builts fat reserves in its body and prepares itself for the winter season.
  2. The bear attracted towards the bee hive and honey.
  3. When it finds bee hive it drives away the bees with its forelimbs.
  4. It has the advantage that its body has thick fur and avoids bee sting.
  5. It chews the bee hive along with some bees in the hive swallow honeys spits out the waste.
  6. This is how a bear hunts bee hives for honey.


Question 49.
Write a list of fishes that are available in your surroundings. Just write local names only.
Marrel (Korramenu), Katla (Jella), Katrana (Bochu), Rahu (Mosu), Seer (Vanjiram) are the local varieties.

Question 50.
Do you know how to catch fish in a pond?
Fishing rod will be helpful to catch fish.

Question 51.
How to catch fish in a large scale?
Nylan nets will be useful to catch fish in large scale.

Question 52.
Think what will happen if mechanized fishing continuous for a long run.
If mechanized fishing continuous at last we find no fish (extinction)

Question 53.
Ask your teacher what are the uses of Oysters?
Oysters are the marine molluscs which produce pears. Economically pearls are important.

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Question 54.
Tuna is an important fish which is available in our marine area. Collect information about Tuna and in what way it is important?
Poultry Emu culture /Fish forms / Apiculture. Visit any one of the above industries. Get the information from farmers and prepare a note on this.

  1. Poultry are domesticated birds kept by human for the eggs and meat.
  2. Generally chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail are cultivated in poultry.
  3. Chicken poultry’s are very common in our areas.
  4. Here two types of hen’s are cultivated. Layer’s for eggs, and broiler’s for meat.
  5. Poultry’s are arranged in stair manner, which save the lot of place.
  6. Modern feeds for poultry consists such as soyabean oil, mineral supplements and vitamins.
  7. Daily they collect the eggs and parcel in egg cases to supply.
  8. Broiler chickens are domesticated and specially meant for meat production.
  9. Poultry become a major economic source in rural areas.
  10. It provides work and earning for rural people.

Question 55.
What is blue revolution? What are its effects? Discuss in your classroom.
In the recent times, the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (Blue Revolution) in the country. These schemes include the development of fresh water aquaculture through Fish Farmers Development Agencies (FFDAs) with development of brackish water aquaculture through Brackish Water Fish Farmer’s Development Agencies (BFDAs’ A shrimp and fish culture project is being implemented with World Bank assistance for the development of Shrimp culture in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Odisa and West Bengal.

8th Class Biology 9th Lesson Production and Management of Food From Animals Activities

AP Board 8th Class Biology Solutions Chapter 9 Production and Management of Food From Animals

Activity – 1

Question 1.
Form a group of 5 or 6 students. Collect different types hens and find their characters. If you want to know more details, about you need to ask hen rearers or poultry farmers in your village. Do not forget to collect information about the feed and diseases, treatment by using local technology.

  1. Production and rearing of hens on a large scale is generally called poultry. So billion hens are reared world wide for eggs and chicken.
  2. Farmers rear cocks and hens in villages. Most of these are local varieties (Natukollu). Natural country varieties are good for hatching purpose, Aseel, Kadaknath, Chittagang, Longshan, Bursa are the pure local varieties.
  3. Aseel (Berisa Kodi) the Indian traditional variety is meant for fighting because of its pugnacity, high stamina and majestic gait.
  4. Feeding: The balanced feed must have nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water in sufficient quantities. Minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iodized salt, manganese and zinc are useful for better yield of eggs and meat.
  5. Diseases: Poultry chicken are known to suffer from bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. Fowl cholera, salmonellasis and coryza are the common bacterial diseases. Fowl pox and Rani kher are the dreaded viral diseases.
    Fowl mite, chicken mite, fleas, licks, lice etc., are known to be present on the external surface of the poultry chicken and cause diseases and are therefore called as external parasites.
    Round worm, tape worm and coccidiosis are categorized as internal parasites.
  6. Prevention and control: Prevention is always better than cure. For most of the diseases vaccines are now available. Newly born chicken should be vaccinated. A wide range of antibiotics, particularly broad spectrum sulfa drugs are widely used for treatment for poultry diseases. When a bird is identified to be suffering from a disease, it should be immediately to be isolated.