SCERT AP 7th Class Social Study Material Pdf 9th Lesson Indian Constitution – An Introduction Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 7th Class Social 9th Lesson Questions and Answers Indian Constitution – An Introduction

7th Class Social 9th Lesson Indian Constitution – An Introduction Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
Why does a democratic country need a constitution? *

  1. The constitution lays out the important guidelines that govern decision making within the the country.
  2. It serves as an asset of rules and principles as the basis by which the country has to be governed.

So a democratic country needs a Constitution.

Question 2.
How many fundamental rights are there in our Indian constitution? What are they?
There are six fundamental rights in our Indian constitution.
i) Right to equality,
ii) Right to freedom,
iii) Right against exploitation,
iv) Right to freedom of religion,
v) Cultural and educational rights, and
vi) Right to constitutional remedies.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 9th Lesson Indian Constitution – An Introduction

Question 3.
Give examples for violation of Fundamental Rights.

  1. Sexual harassment is a violation of Fundamental Right.
  2. Meetings on Public roads and road margins is violative of fundamental right.
  3. False prosecution.
  4. Without submitting the arrested person keep in the prison more than 24 hrs is a violation of fundamental right,

Question 4.
The fundamental duties enhance patriotism. How?

  1. The major intention behind the adoption of fundamental duties under the constitution of India was to make citizens ensure that they own some duties to the community in return for fundamental rights.
  2. Such duties are not merely needed to uphold unity, integrity, and sovereignty but also to remind the citizens about their democratic conduct and manners to maintain social harmony as the rights and duties go hand in hand. ,

Question 5.
Appreciate the role of Dr.B.R Ambedkar in the preparation of the Indian Constitution.

  1. The contribution of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in Indian Democracy is not to be forgotten.
  2. Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s name will be written in golden letters in the history of India as a creator of social justice.
  3. He spent his whole life for the betterment of the poor, exploited, untouchables and troubled classes.
  4. Baba Saheb gave shape to social aspect without exploitation.
  5. Thus, Dr. Ambedkar’s contribution to the Indian Constitution is undoubtedly of the highest order.
  6. Indeed he deserved to be called the “Father of the Chief Architect of the Indian Constitution”.

Question 6.
Write the Fundamental Duties of our Constitution.
The fundamental duties noted in the Constitution are as follows:
It shall be the duty of every citizen of India –

  1. To abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem;
  2. To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom;
  3. To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
  4. To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so;
  5. To promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women;
  6. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;
  7. To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, wildlife ‘ and to have compassion for living creatures;
  8. To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
  9. To safeguard public property and to abjure violence;
  10. To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement;
  11. Who is a parent or guardian, to provide opportunities for education to his child, or as the case may be, ward between the age of six to fourteen years.

Question 7.
“India is a sovereign country” comment.

  1. The Preamble to the Indian Constitution declares India to be a Sovereign Republic.
  2. India is free to conduct her internal and external affairs as she deems desirable.
  3. India is no longer under subjugation of any foreign power.
  4. As a sovereign state, India is free from any kind or form of foreign interference in its domestic affairs.
    So India is a sovereign country.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 9th Lesson Indian Constitution – An Introduction

Question 8.
Write the characteristics of a good citizen.

  1. Obeys the law / Respects authority.
  2. Contribute to Society and Community/ Performs Civic Duty.
  3. Loves his/her country/Patriotism.
  4. Courtesy and respect for the rights of others.
  5. Trust worthy and Honesty.
  6. Tolerance.
  7. Accountability.
  8. Moral Courage.

II. Choose the correct answers.

1. The Chairman of Constituent Assembly is …………………
a) Dr.B. R. Ambedkar
b) Jawahar Lai Nehru
c) Mahatma Gandhiji
d) Dr. Babu Rajendra Prasad
d) Dr. Babu Rajendra Prasad

2. Find the odd one out.
a) Liberty
b) Inequality
c) Justice
d) Fraternity
b) Inequality

3. Which Article tells about Right to Education in our Constitution ?
a) 19
b) 20 A
c) 21
d) 21 A
d) 21 A

4. Which of the following is a violation of Fundamental Rights?
a) All are equal before law
b) A child below 14 years, working in tea shop
c) A person has a right to follow any religion
d) All
b) A child below 14 years, working in tea shop

5. Which Article tells about Fundamental Duties in our Constitution?
a) 51
b) 51 A
c) 21
d) 21 A
b) 51 A

6. Who proposed the “objective resolution” of the Indian constitutaion.
a) B.R Ambedkar
b) Sardhar Vallabh bhai Patel
c) Jawaharlal Neheu
d) H.C. Mukharjee
c) Jawaharlal Neheu

III. Matching.

1. 42nd Amendmenta) Fundamental Rights
2. 44th Amendmentb) Fundamental Duties
3. 86th Amendmentc) Deletion of Right to Property
4. Part-IIId) Right to Education
5. Part – IVAe) Socialist, Secular added to Preamble


1. 42nd Amendmente) Socialist, Secular added to Preamble
2. 44th Amendmentc) Deletion of Right to Property
3. 86th Amendmentd) Right to Education
4. Part-IIIa) Fundamental Rights
5. Part – IVAb) Fundamental Duties


Solve the puzzle with the words based on the given hints, takes from the preamble of the constitution.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 9th Lesson Indian Constitution – An Introduction 1
1. People should live like brothers and sisters.
4. Government will not favour any religion.
5. Head of the state is an elected person.

2. Government by the people
3. Moral obligations of all citizens. Reasonable claims of a person
7. The complete power to take decisions.
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7th Class Social 9th Lesson Indian Constitution – An Introduction InText Questions and Answers

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 31

Question 1.
Identify any four prominent members of our Constituent Assembly and briefly write about them.
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Question 2.
Identify the statements of fundamental rights and fundamental duties given below, and put a tick mark in the respective box.
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Question 3.
Make a role play on the practice of equality and brotherhood in our lives and perform it in the classroom.

Think & Respond

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Question 1.
Our national leaders opposed the acts made by the British government. Why?
Our National leaders opposed the acts made by the British government because they implemented Regulating Act 1773, Pitts India Act 1784, Charter Act 1883, etc. which were against to wish of the Indians. Moreover they implemented Divide and Rule policy. So, our National leaders opposed their Acts.

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Question 2.
Why did the Indian National Congress demanded for a separate Constitution for India. What were the reasons for it?

  1. After the elections to Constituent Assembly, the Muslim League refused to cooperate with the Congress and the political situation deteriorated.
  2. Hindu, Muslim riots began, and the Muslim League demanded a separate constituent assembly for Muslims in India. And
  3. The separate Nations of India & Pakistan were announced by Lord Mountbatten.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 9th Lesson Indian Constitution – An Introduction

Question 3.
What is Universal Adult Franchise?
The Universal Adult Franchise refers that all citizens who are 18 years and above irrespective of their caste or education, religion, colour, race and economic conditions are free to vote in a democracy.

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Question 4.
There are only nine women members in the Constituent Assembly. Do you think it would have been better if there had been more female members? Why?
Yes. I think it would have been better if there had been more female members. Why because it would have increased the opportunites to women in their fields.

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Question 5.
Our Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November, 1949. But it Came into force on 26th January, 1950. Why was it delayed? Find out the reason with the help of your teacher.
The Constitution of India was adopted on 26th November, 1949 and the honourable members appended their signatures to it on 24th January, 1950. In all 284 members actually signed the constitution.

Question 6.
Why do we celebrate Republic day on 26th January?
India has been celebrating Republic day every year on January 26th to honour the date on which our constitution came into effect.

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Read the Preamble of our Constitution very carefully and answer the following questions.
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Question 7.
The Preamble of our Constitution starts with ‘We the people of India/ What does it mean ?
The Constitution has been drawn up and enacted by the people through their repre¬sentative, and not handed down to them by a king or any outside powers.

Question 8.
Identify the date which was given in the Preamble and write its importance.
Date in the Preamble – 26-11-1949.

The importance is our Constitution was adopted on that day.

Question 9.
Is Preamble a part of the Constitution or not? Try to know that with the help of your teacher.
Amendment of the Preamble.
42nd Amendment Act, 1976.
After the judgement of Kesavananda Bharathi case. It was accepted that the Preamble is part of the Constitution.

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Question 10.
Why is India called a Republic?
India is called a Republic, because the head of the nation means President is an elected person.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 9th Lesson Indian Constitution – An Introduction

Question 11.
How can you say that India is a Secular country?
Yes, India is a secular country. Because, Indian Government did not give any importance to any religion during the policy decisions (or) making.
There is no state religion in India. Just people of India are followed the religion.

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Question 12.
Right to Property was deleted from the Fundamental Rights. Why?
The word Socialism was incorporated in our Constitution through 42nd Amendment in 1976. Socialism means avoiding the differences between Have’s & Have not’s.

So Right to Property was deleted from fundamental Rights through 44th Amendment in 1978 to reduce the boundaries of rich & poor.

Question 13.
Why do we need right to freedom?

  1. Right to freedom generates liberty of expression and speech association, or assembly etc.
  2. It protects us from exploitation.
  3. It provides a chance to us to practice any ocupation or profession.
  4. If protects us from offences against detention and arrest in many cases.
  5. It rainforces of all other human rights, allowing society to develop and progress.

Question 14.
How do the “Right against exploitation” contributes to the development of the children?
The fundamental right against exploitation guaranteed to all citizens prohibits child labour in mines, factories, and hazardous conditions.

Question 15.
Try to know, How the Right to Information ensures transparency in government administration?
The enactment of Right to Information Act 2005, people are now able to seek information from any government department with a definite time frame.

The Right to Information Act is intended to promote accountability and transparency in government by making the process of government decision making more open.

Question 16.
Have you seen any violation of Fundamental Rights in your surroundings? If so mention some examples.
Example : A person below 14 years working in tea shop.

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Question 17.
What are the rights you enjoy and the duties done by you in your school?
I enjoyed the following rights.

  1. Right to Equality.
  2. Right to Freedom.
  3. Right to Education and Culture.

I perform the following duties :

  1. Respect to the National Flag and National Anthem.
  2. Protect the Unity and Integrity.
  3. Promote Harmony and brotherhood.
  4. Develop Humanism, etc.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 9th Lesson Indian Constitution – An Introduction

Question 18.
“Rights and duties are the two sides of the same coin”. Discuss.

  1. Right and duties are closely related and cannot be separated from one another.
  2. For every right there is a corresponding duty.
  3. The state protects and enforces rights and it is the duty of all citizens to be loyal to the state. Thus, a citizen has both Rights and Duties.

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Question 19.
What activities you can perform as a responsible citizen?
Be honest and trustworthy.
Follow rules and laws.
Respect the rights of others.


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Question 1.
Browse the internet or go through the library books and know more about other acts made by the British parliament for ruling India. (If necessary, take the help of your teacher).
List of acts passed by British in India. Some important Acts.

  1. Regulating Act of 1773
  2. Charter Acts, – 1793,1813, 1833,1853.
  3. Bengal Sati Regulation Act – 1829.
  4. Hindu Widow’s Remarriage Act – 1829.
  5. Transfer of Property Act -1882.
  6. Minto – Morley Reforms -1909.
  7. Montague – Chemsfofd Reforms -1919.
  8. Rowlatt Act – 19×19.
  9. Government of India Act – 1935.
  10. India Independence Act – 1947, etc.

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Question 2.
Do you know that all your textbooks have preamble of the constitution, can you identify and read aloud?

Project Work

Question 1.
Collect pictures of prominent members of Indian Constituent Asssembly and make an album.
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Question 2.
Prepare a report on how you celebrated Constitution day in your school.

Z.P.H School
Celebration of the Constitution Day
26th November, 2018

“The Constitution Day” was celebrated on 26<sup>th</sup> November, 2018 Z.P.H. School.

To spread awareness about the Indian Constitution and to install a sense of patriotism among ourselves.

On that day, the Assembly began with the principal addressing the students from class 2nd to 7th about the significance of the Constitution Day and the importance of being a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic country.

My Principal Sir led the students in taking the pledge by reciting the Preamble of the Constitution.

On that day a special period was taken by the social studies teachers who explained in detail the meaning of the Constitution, the Preamble, the Five Year Plan and the Directive Principles.

The Day ended with the students of VI to IX participating in a Poster Making Competition where they had to reflect their thought on the principle of the preamble.