SCERT AP 7th Class Social Study Material Pdf 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 7th Class Social 1st Lesson Questions and Answers The Universe and The Earth

7th Class Social 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth Textbook Questions and Answers

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 1
Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What things do you observe from the picture?
Things I observed in the above picture are, the Sun, Stars, the Moon, Planets, Galaxies, etc.

Question 2.
Which among them appear during the day, and which things appear during the night?
The Sun is the only thing that appears during the day.
The Moon and stars appears during the night.

Question 3.
What do we call all these objects collectively?
Collectively these objects are called Solar System.

Improve Your Learning

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What do you know about the Universe?
The Universe is a vast space that contains many unimaginable elements.

It includes the Sun, Planets, the Milky way Galaxy and all the other Galaxies. Nobody knows how big the Universe is.

The range of the Universe is infinite. The Universe is everything we can touch, feel, sense measure or detect. It includes stars, clouds, light, time and living things etc.

Question 2.
What do you mean by natural environment?
The Natural environment is comprising of (and, water, air, living organisms like plants and animals. It consists of both biotic (plants and animals) and abiotic (land) conditions that exist on the earth.

The biosphere is a narrow zone of the earth where land, water, and air interact with each other to support life.

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Question 3.
“Natural environment is different from the Man- made” Justify your answer.
Yes, I agree with the above statement by the following.

Natural environment refers to the natural biotic and abiotic components of the environment. They are naturally occurring. For example : Pond, lake, grassland, etc.

Our surroundings ‘which are made by the human beings are called man-made environment. For example : Buildings, factories, parks, roads, bridges, projects, and monuments, etc.

Justify : The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth. It is an environment that encompasses the interaction of all living species. ,

Human environment is developed from the natural environment with the adaptation of human beings to their surroundings.

Question 4.
Prepare any two slogans on the protection of environment.
Go green and eliminate the global warming.
Save the nature to save the future.
Save environment, save life.
Natural environment is everything for healthy life, we should maintain it.

Question 5.
Write a list of different plants and animals that depend on each other.

  1. Plants depend on bees and insects for pollination, while the pollinators need the nectar from the flowers.
  2. After the flowers have been pollinated, they can turn into berries, which are then eaten by animals like bears, ptarmigan, fox, and the people.
  3. Animals breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plant use carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and exhale oxygen for animals to breathe.
  4. Forest and wetlands filter water and provide clean water for plants and animals.
  5. Some animals eat plants and animals when plants and animals die, they decompose and provide nutrients in the soil for plants.

Question 6.
Composition of atmosphere is getting changes now. Give reasons.
Changes in atmosphere :

  1. Carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere creates a greenhouse effect by trapping the heat radiated from the earth.
  2. When greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere increases due to factory smoke or car fumes, the heat retained increases the temperature of the earth. This is called global warming.
  3. Rise in temperature on the earth surface causes the snow in coldest parts of the world to melt.
  4. As a result the sea level rises, causing floods in the,coastal areas.


  1. Deforestation
  2. Excessive usage of natural resources.
  3. Burning of fossil fuels.
  4. Usage of inorganic fertilizers, chemicals, and pesticides.
  5. Usage of motor vehicles.
  6. Usage of refrigerators and air conditioners etc.

Question 7.
Prepare any two slogans on the protection of minerals that are available in the Lithosphere.
R3 – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Use the minerals in a planned way.
Technology should be improved to use the low grade ores profitably.
Substitute in order to save minerals should be encouraged.

Save minerals – live in better future.
Wastage in process of mining and processing has to be reduced to minimum.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions Chapter 3 పటాల ద్వారా అధ్యయనం

II. Choose the correct answers.

1. The following is not a component of human environment.
a) Factory
b) Religion
c) Community
d) None of these
a) Factory

2. Find out the odd one.
a) Plains
b) Road
c) Valley
d) River
b) Road

3. This is a threat to environment.
a) Growing plants
b) Growing crops
c) Increasing vehicles
d) All
c) Increasing vehicles

4. Which is the second layer of the interior of the Earth?
a) Mantle
b) Inner Core
c) Outer Core
d) Crust
a) Mantle

5. Which theory is related to Origin of the Universe?
a) Geocentric
b) Heliocentric
c) Big Bang
d) All the above
c) Big Bang

III. Match the following.

1. LithosphereA) Natural domain of water
2. BiosphereB) Air which surrounds the Earth
3. CoreC) Narrow zone where land water and air interact
4. HydrosphereD) Rocky layer of the Earth.
5. AtmosphereE) Deep interior part of the Earth


1. LithosphereD) Rocky layer of the Earth.
2. BiosphereC) Narrow zone where land water and air interact
3. CoreE) Deep interior part of the Earth
4. HydrosphereA) Natural domain of water
5. AtmosphereB) Air which surrounds the Earth

IV. Fill up the following table.

WordOrigin (word) and meaningOrigin (language)


WordOrigin (word) and meaningOrigin (language)
BiosphereBios – Life – Sphaira-ballGreek
LithosphereLitho – Stone – Sphaira-ballGreek
HydrosphereHydor – Water – Sphaira-ballGreek
AtmosphereAtmos – Vapour – Sphaira-ballGreek
EnvironmentEnvironer – NeighbourhoodFrench


Solve the puzzle with the words related to given hints.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 2

1. A system formed by the interaction of aii living organisms (9)
3. Blanket of air (10)
4. Our surroundings (11)
5. Life gas (6)

2. Hard surface layer of the Earth (11)
4. Planet which has life (5)
6. Natural domain of water (11)
7. A Human-made environment (6)
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 3

7th Class Social 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth InText Questions and Answers

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 3

Question 1.
Collect some more information about the Universe.

  1. The Universe includes living things, planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, light, and even time.
  2. Before the birth of the Universe, time, space and matter did not exist.
  3. The space between the stars and galaxies is largely empty. The Universe has not always been the same size.
  4. Since it’s birth-, the Universe has been expanding outward at very high speed. So the area of space we now see is billions of times bigger than it was when the Universe was very young.

Question 2.
Refer atlas or go through the internet and collect information about two more galaxies in the Universe. (Take the help of your teacher if you need.)
Types of Galaxies :
Astronomers classify galaxies into three major categories :

Elliptical, spiral and irregular.


  1. Elliptical galaxies are shaped like a spheriod, or elongated sphere.
  2. In the sky where we can only see two of their three dimensions, these galaxies look like elliptical or oval shaped disks.
  3. The light is smooth, with the surface brightness decreasing as you go farther out from the centre.

Spiral Galaxies:

  1. Spiral Galaxies have three main components : a bulge, disk and halo.
  2. The bulge is a spherical structure found in the center of the galaxy.
  3. The disk is made up of dust, gas and younger stars.
  4. The halo contains old clusters of stars, known as globular clusters.

Irregular Galaxies:

  1. Irregular galaxies have no regular or symmetrical structure.
  2. They are divided into two groups, I rr I and I rr II.
  3. These are mix up of hydrogen gas and dust.
  4. All this dust makes is almost impossible to see distinct stars in the galaxy.

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Question 3.
Collect the Information and fill the following Table.

Name of the PlanetNo. of Natural SatellitesFeatures of the Planet


Name of the PlanetNo. of Natural SatellitesFeatures of the Planet
The MercuryMariner 10 MessengerIt has a solid surface that is covered with craters. It has no atmosphere.
The VenusNo SatellitesVenus has crushing air pressure at its surface more than 90 times that of Earth similar to the pressure you’d encounter a mile below the ocean on the Earth.
It is the second most planet from the Sun.
The EARTHOne-Moon1. Earth is the only planet in the Solar System that is capable of supporting life as we know it.
2. It has the right temperature because it is neither too close to the Sun nor too far from it.
3. So, the living things survive on the Earth.
The MarsPhobos and DeimosMars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere with surface features reminiscent of the impact craters of the Moon and the Valleys, deserts and polar ice caps of Earth.
The JupiterThere are 79 known moons. Ex : Galilean moons,
Simon Marius
Jupiter is called a gas giant planet. Its atmosphere is made up of mostly hydrogen gas and helium gas like the Sun. The planet is covered in thick red, brown yellow and white clouds. The clouds make the planet look like it has stripes.
The SaturnIt has 82 moonsSaturn is a gas giant made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. Saturn’s volume is greater than 760 Earths.
The UranusMiranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and oberonUranus is made of water, methane, and ammonia fluids above a small rocky center. Its atmosphere is made of hydrogen and helium like Jupiter and Saturn, but it also has methane.
The NeptuneNaiad, Thalassa, Despina, Hippo- camp, Larissa, etc.It is dark, cold, and very windy. It is the last of the planets in our solar system. It is encircled by six rings.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions Chapter 3 పటాల ద్వారా అధ్యయనం

Question 4.
Observe the things in the Fig 1.6 and categorize them under the headings in the given table.

Natural EnvironmentHuman EnvironmentMan-made Environment


Natural EnvironmentHuman EnvironmentMan-made Environment
Abiotic-Land, Air, Water Biotic – Animals, Plants, insects, BirdsIndividual Family Community, Religion, Educational, Economic and Political etc.Bridge, Buildings. Parks, Industries, Monuments and Roads etc.

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Question 5.
Observe the components of natural environment in fig. 1.8 and write those components under the right headings given in the table. You can add some more components if any.


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7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 8

Question 6.
With the help of your teacher, fill the following table related to land forms by getting information from different sources like internet, library, etc.

First order land formsSecond order land formsThird order land forms


First order land formsSecond order land formsThird order land forms
Oceans and ContinentsMountains, plains, and plateausLandforms by wind and water.
Ex : Deltas, sand dunes etc.

Question 7.
List the things which are used in our daily life and write down the names of related minerals.

Name of the thingsRelated minerals


Name of the thingsRelated minerals
ToothpasteCalcium and Phosphorous
Ceiling FanCopper
Piece of ChalkLimestone
Gas CylinderLiquefied petroleum
Motor BikePetrol
Iron boxCoal

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Question 8.
Locate all Oceans in the world map.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 7

Question 9.
Locate Major Seas in the World Map.
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7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 11

Question 10.
Collect the information through internet about Oxygen levels in different areas i.e., the Industrial area, the Traffic area and the Greenery area. Write the reasons and suggest the measures to improve the Oxygen levels.

  1. Oxygenleve! in industrial Area -19.5%
  2. Oxygen level in traffic area depends upon the traffic of the area.
  3. Oxygen Level in Greenery Area – 40 %

Reasons and suggestions:

  1. Carpool, use public transportation, bike, or walk whenever possible.
  2. Consider using gas logs instead of wood.
  3. Reduce or eliminate fire place and wood stove use.
  4. Avoid burning leaves, trash and other materials.
  5. Conserve energy – at home, at work, everywhere.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions Chapter 3 పటాల ద్వారా అధ్యయనం

Question 11.
List the different living organisms in your surroundings and categorize them into plants and animals in a table.

In the Forest AreaTeak, Sandalwood, Rosewood,Lion, Deer, Tiger
Neem Sal etc.
In the Desert AreaCactusCamel
Desert MarigoldAardwolf
In the Mountain AreaOaks, PinesYak, mountain goals,
deodarssnow leopards
In the Sea AreaCasuarinaCrabs, fish, prawn.

Question 12.
How Biosphere depends on the Lithosphere and the Hydrosphere?
Biosphere is an environment where animals micro-organisms, humans and plants live together.Biosphere depends on Lithosphere and the Hydrosphere :

  1. All the spheres in the system interconnect and overlap.
  2. No sphere works on its own.
  3. All forms of life have an integral connection with the land, air, water and sunshine around them.


  1. Plants themselves draw (Biosphere) their vital nutrients from the soil (Lithosphere), especially from organic compounds formed due to decay of other plants and animals. They get nitrogen from soil.
  2. Biosphere receives water from Hydrosphere and a living medium from the Lithosphere.

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Question 13.
Collect and list the elements of the human environment in your surroundings and find out how they are formed.
List of elements of human environment in our surroundings.

Individual, family, community, religion, politics, education.How they are formed :

After the settled life was formed, human beings started depending on one another.

It resulted in the establishment of human environment.

After the invention of agriculture human beings starts to live together, next form community with the number of families, next with their beliefs and emotions, mystical feelings they from religion. Next for better and order living formed as rulers and after invention of letters education started.

Question 14.
Collect the information from your elders about how natural environment was when he/she was in your age.
According to some of the elders, I encountered the natural environment during their childhood was much better compared to ours.

As per them, most of the land used to be covered by plants, trees and vegetation.

Ponds & lakes used to be pure during their time.

We are living in a concrete jungle, whereas they lived in a pollution free harmless environment.

Finally, in their words our environment is far worse compared to theirs.

Question 15.
Prepare a poster based on the collected information.
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7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 13

Question 16.
Make a list of different human activities that causes air pollution.
The following list of activities are made by human beings causing air pollution :

  1. The burning of Fossil fuels.
  2. Industrial activities emit several pollutants in the air.
  3. Wild fires.
  4. Transportation.
  5. Open burning of Garbage waste.
  6. Use of pesticides and fertilizers in the agriculture lands.
  7. Use of chemical and synthetic products.
  8. Use of refrigerators and AC’s etc.

Question 17.
Suggest measures to reduce air pollution.
Measures to reduce air pollution :

  1. Using of public transport.
  2. Using of echo friendly products.
  3. Use solar energy.
  4. Recycle and Reuse.
  5. No to plastic bags.
  6. Use filters for chimneys.
  7. Avoid usage of crackers.
  8. Afforestation etc.

Question 18.
With the help of your teacher, draw a diagram with the events that cause air pollution.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 10

Question 19.
Make a list of different human activities that cause water pollution.
Humans are the main cause of water pollution, which is triggered in many ways.

  1. By the dumping of industrial waste.
  2. Sewage and waste water.
  3. Mining activities.
  4. Accidental oil leakage.
  5. Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  6. Leakage from sewer lines etc.

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Question 20.
Suggest measures to reduce water pollution.
Six ways to prevent water pollution.

  1. Pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can.
  2. Don’t put fertilizer on the grass right before it rains.
  3. Don’t pour your motor oil down the storm drain.
  4. Effluent sewage treatment.
  5. Reusing the water.
  6. Proper incineration, etc.

Question 21.
Collect the information (paper clips etc, regarding water pollution and display in your class.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 11

Question 22.
With the help of your teacher, draw a diagram with the events that cause water pollution.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 12

Question 23.
Prepare two slogans about conservation of natural resources.
Slogans :

  1. R3 – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
  2. Clean air is vital for all to survive on the planet.
  3. Tree planting is the most reliable solution to pollution.
  4. Save the Earth, Save our environment.
  5. Don’t be cruel, preserve fuel,
  6. Unite to make planet Earth pollution – free.

Question 24.
Prepare a poster on conservation of water.
Poster on Conservation of water :
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7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 14

Question 25.
Observe the given picture and write your comment.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 14
The given picture shows the flooded area.Generally, a flood is a natural event. Flood is caused by a combination of heavy rainfall causing river/oceans to overflow their banks and can happen at any time of the year.The flash floods occur with little or no warning and cause the biggest loss of human life.

Reasons for cities are drowned in the water during floods.

  1. Many of our cities are made of mostly concrete and other impermeable material.
  2. There is no ground for water to sink into.
  3. Lack of vegetation is one of the cause.

For example :
We can take Wardha cyclone in Chennai.

The people without proper measures constructed buildings not only in the city area but also occupied ponds, lakes and tanks in the city to construct the buildings. They did not give any proper drainage passage area.

Whenever the cyclone comes there is no chance to rainwater neither to sink nor to flow outside from the city.

So the entire city was blocked by flood water.

Conclusion : Sometimes floods are occurred by human beings only.

Question 26.
Prepare two slogans about prevention of disasters.

  1. A little bit of awareness can save hundreds of iives.
  2. Stay alert and move out of the vulnerable areas.
  3. Move fast and avoid wasting time.
  4. Your life is precious – Save it.

Question 27.
Prepare a list with the disasters that occurred recently in your area.
In Andhra Pradesh Recently (2020) the following disasters are occurred.

  1. Niver cyclone.
  2. L-G-Polymers – company disaster.

Think & Respond

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 3

Question 1.
What are the observations of Galileo?

  1. Galileo was an Italian astronomer.
  2. He made a device called a telescope.
  3. When Galileo first looked at the sky through this instrument, he saw many wonders unknown to him.
  4. Galileo discovered that the Sun is in the centre of the Universe and planets revolve around it.
  5. The planets are revolving on their own axis.

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Question 2.
Why do we celebrate June 5th as World Environment Day? Find out the significance of the day with the help of your teacher.
Since 1974, World Environmental day has been started celebrating as an annual event on every 5th June to raise the importance of the healthy and green environment in the human lives, to solve the issues of the environment by implementing some positive environmental actions by the government, organisation and individual.

Significance of June – 5th:
On June 5th 1942 America declared war on Bulgaria and Israel declared war on Egypt on this day.

According to my opinion 5th June 1972 was the first day of the first UN Conference on the human environment. This conference was about the interaction between humans and environment. So we celebrate on this day.

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Question 3.
How is Biosphere different from other natural elements of the Earth?
Biosphere is different from other natural elements of the Earth due to the following reasons:

  1. All living organisms are present in the biosphere.
  2. Biosphere consists of land, water and air.
  3. Other elements are not having these conditions.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions Chapter 3 పటాల ద్వారా అధ్యయనం

Question 4.
The Biosphere would not have survived without the other three spheres. Why?
Earth’s living things make up the biosphere.

The living portion of the Earth interacts with all the other sphere.

Living things need water (hydrosphere), chemicals from the atmosphere and nutrients gained by eating things in the biosphere.

Plants and animals grow in geosphere, they absorb water from hydrdsphere, we get other gases and carbon dioxide from atmosphere.

So, Biosphere depends on all these spheres.

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Question 5.
Why do we celebrate April 22nd as World Earth Day? Find out the significance of the day with the help of your teacher.

  1. On April 22, 1970, the United States celebrated the first Earth day.
  2. More than 20 million people around the U.S. gathered together holding rallies, demonstration and participating in activities to promote a clean and safe living environment. Children and adult students also participated in this movement.

Significance :
On this first Earth day we saw unprecedented unity among the people of the World.

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Question 6.
Write a few more uses of the Lithosphere.

  1. The lithosphere is the domain that provides us with land for agriculture and human settlements.
  2. The thin soil layer of lithosphere helps us for agricultural development and gives us food.
  3. The rockey layer of the lithosphere provides us with minerals, forIndustries and supports industrial development.
  4. It also provides us with forests and grasslands for grazing.

Question 7.
List the human activities that cause change in the Lithosphere.
Human can affect the lithosphere by farming, building structures, mining and all manner of activities that change the Lithosphere.

Question 8.
Suggest measures to protect the Lithosphere.
Measures to protect the Lithosphere :

  1. Planting more plants.
  2. Not to follow the over mining.
  3. Follow safety measures while getting oil from lithosphere.
  4. Don’t throw the waste into deeper soil.
  5. Follow the modern technology without disturbance to lithosphere while constructing buildings.

Question 9.
Why do we celebrate March 22nd as World Water Day? Find out the significance of the day with the help of your teacher.
According to United Nations World Water Day celebrates since 1993. Water and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water.

It is taking action to tackle the global water crisis.

Significance :
To focus on the importance of fresh water.

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Question 10.
Why can’t we use total water on the Earth?
The following factors are responsible for total water that we can’t use are,

  1. 97.25% of water belongs to ocean bodies means salt water.
  2. 2.5% of the earth’s fresh water is unavailable due to following reasons :
    1) Locked up in glaciers, polar ice caps, atmosphere and soil.
    2) Highly polluted or lies too far under the Earth’s surface to be extracted at an affordable cost.
    3) 0.5% of the Earth’s water is available as fresh water.So, the total water on the Earth can’t be used fully.

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Question 11.
How is water being used for different purposes in your school? Observe the places/ situations in which water is being wasted !
In my school water is being used for

  1. Drinking purpose.
  2. Washrooms purpose.
  3. Watering plants in the school.
  4. Sometimes to clean our classrooms.

Near hand wash basins and toilets cleaning sections much of water is being wasted.

Question 12.
What measures do you follow to prevent the wastage of water?
5 to 7 ways are there to reduce the wastage of water.

  1. Checks for leaks in the pipes.
  2. Stop wasting water in the sink.
  3. Reuse water.
  4. Turn off the tap while washing your face, brushing your teeth and shaving.
  5. Don’t use more dishes than you need.
  6. Avoid-mid-day plant and lawn watering.
  7. Shorten your showers.

Question 13.
Suggest measures to increase ground water. What will happen if all the ice melts?
Some measures:

  1. Vegetation increase ground water table due to absorption of water coming from rainfall.
  2. Avoid planting those trees which need more water for their growth.
  3. Construction of check dams.
  4. Percolation tanks.
  5. Loose boulder structures etc.
    a) If all the ice around the World were to melt Ice level would rise about 70 meters.
    b) The ocean would cover all the coastal cities.
    c) And land are would shrink significantly.

Question 14.
Why do we celebrate September 16th as World Ozone day? Find out the importance of the day with the help of your teacher.
In 1994, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 16th Sept, the International day for the preservation of the Ozone layer, commemorating the date of the signing in 1987, of the Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer.

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Question 15.
What happens if the Carbon dioxide level increase in the atmosphere?

  1. The increased percentage of carbon dioxide will cause greenhouse effect, i.e., It will not allow the hot rays of sun to escape from the atmosphere after reflection.
  2. Once they enter the earth’s atmosphere, there by increasing the temperature of earth, ice on mountains will melt and water level will rise.

Question 16
How can we increase Oxygen level in the atmosphere?
We can increase oxygen level in the atmosphere by three ways.

  1. Afforestation – Trees are the absolute source of oxygen.
  2. Reducing the use of non-biodegradable things like plastics.
  3. Reducing the test of different bombs, missiles etc.

Question 17.
Why is Biosphere considered a separate natural domain of the Earth?

  1. The biosphere is a narrow zone of the earth where land, water, air interact with each other to support life.
  2. There are several species of organisms that vary in size from microbes and bacteria to a large mammals.
  3. All living organisms including humans are linked to each other and to the biosphere for survival.
  4. In this zone that life that is unique to Earth exists and flourishes.
  5. Biosphere is the part of the earth’s surface and atmosphere in which plants and animals can live.

Question 18.
What measures do you suggest to protect Biosphere?

  1. Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cutdown.
  2. Encourage people to live jn a way that doesn’t hurt the environment.
  3. Establish parks to protect rain forests and wildlife.
  4. Support the activities that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment.
  5. Conserve water.
  6. Use long-lasting light bulbs.
  7. Plant a tree etc.

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Question 19.
How did the establishment of man-made environment cause change in natural environment? How is it harmful to us?
Human beings modified the natural environment by clearing the land for agriculture, buildings, factories, roads etc. It is harmful to us by global warming. Means due to deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, using more vehicles, release more waste from chemical factories etc. The above reasons cause global warming. Due to the global warming climate change occurred. Floods, cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes, acid rains are common.

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Question 20.
Is there any need to protect natural environment? What can you do for this?
Yes, there is a need to protect natural environment.Our environment gives us a lot of things to live mainly air, land and water.

Our life depends on so many non-living components. It is our duty to save our environment for making a happy life.

Ways to protect the environment :

  1. Choose reusable things.
  2. Recycle properly.
  3. Use few chemicals.
  4. Use less water.
  5. Use your purchasing power for good etc.


7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 3

Question 1.
Get through the internet and explore the Big Bang Theory and list the things you have observed.
The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the Universe began. At its simplest, it says the Universe as we know it started with a small singularity, then inflated over the next 13.77 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.
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7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 4

Question 2.
Go through the internet and collect information about two (ancient and modern) Indian astronomers and discuss in the classroom.
Ancient Astronomer:
1) Aryabhata -1:
He is one of the greatest mathematicians and astronomers of ancient India.

2) Varahamihira :
He is one of the ancient astrologer, astronomer and mathematician.

Modern Astronomers :

  1. Aluru Seelin Kiran Kumar
  2. Byrana Nagappa Suresh
  3. G. Madhavan Nair
  4. Jayant Vishnu Narlikar etc.

Question 3.
Go through the library or internet & collect information. Why Pluto is removed from planet system?

  1. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) downgraded the status of Pluto to that of a dwarf planet because it did not meet the three criteria the IAU uses to define a full sized planet.
  2. Essentially Pluto meets all the criteria one – it has not cleared its neighbouring region of other objects.

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 8

Question 4.
Refer library books or go through the atlas and know more about different types of land forms. Now try to know the process of how land is formed in your locality. (You can discuss with your teacher about the above concept.)
Different types of land forms :

  1. Mountains and hills, Plateaus, Plains, Valleys, Deserts and Dunes etc.
  2. I live in Visakhapatnam. This is formed on the shore of the Bay of Bengal. It is a part of the Eastern Coastal Plain. It can form by deposits of sediments carried by ocean current or rivers entering the sea.

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 10

Question 5.
Browse internet or go through the atlas and know more about different water bodies across the world.
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7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 11

Question 6.
Go through the online educational sources to know more about different layers of the atmosphere, air pressure and various winds. (If necessary, take the help of your teacher).

  1. The atmosphere is comprised of different layers based on temperature.
  2. These layers are the Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and the Exosphere.
  3. Air pressure – it is the force exerted on a surface by the air above it as gravity pulls it to Earth. This pressure is called atmospheric pressure, or air pressure.
  4. Wind is the horizontal movement of air, caused by the uneven heating of the Earth by the Sun and the Earth’s own rotation. The Earth contains five major wind zones: polar easterlies, westerlies, horse latitudes, trade winds, and the doldrums.

Project Work

Question 1.
Prepare a poster showing the activities that destroy natural environment and the activities that protect natural environment.
1) A poster showing the activities that destroy natural environment.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 4
2) The activities that protect natural environment.
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 1st Lesson The Universe and The Earth 5

Question 2.
Collect the information from your surroundings regarding water usage and its wastage. Suggest how you control the wastage of water.
We live in the village Pachipenta in Vizianagaram District. Peddagedda Reservoir project is a Medium irrigation Project Proposed across Peddagedda (also called Vegavathi on its downstream), a tributary to River Suvarnamukhi, which itself is a tributary to River Nagavali to irrigate our Dachipenta village. We use this water for drinking, daily needs, and agricultural needs. But most of the water is wasted in household works. Government check is not possible in the issues like this. Every common man should have their own con RC over their behavior and usage. Invest in a Water Saving Equipment Reuse the polluted water Conserve the