SCERT AP 7th Class Social Study Material Pdf 13th Lesson Women Change the World Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 7th Class Social 13th Lesson Questions and Answers Women Change the World

7th Class Social 13th Lesson Women Change the World Textbook Questions and Answers

Review of Your Previous Knowledge
AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 13th Lesson Women Change the World 1

Observe the given pictures and respond to the following questions.

Question 1.
What do you observe in the above picture? Have you ever seen this?
A women is ploughing the land in the above picture. Yes, I have seen this in our village.

Question 2.
Do you support the notion that women have the same abilities as men? Explain.
Yes. I support that women have the same abilities as men. Men and women have the same relative muscular strength.

Improve Your Learning

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
In this lesson you learnt about some inspiring women. Write about the accomplishments of any two women you know.
USHA became the first Indian women to reach the final of an Olympic Event. She is the youngest Indian Sprinter, at 16, to compete in the Olympics at the 1980 Moscow games and won the first medal of the 1982 Asian Games in track and field.

She received the Arjuna Award and Padma Shri Award.

Bachendri Pal:
Indian Mountaineer who in 1984 became the first Indian woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

She was received the Padma Shri Award in 1984,

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 13th Lesson Women Change the World

Question 2.
“The stereotypes that men can do anything and woman can only do certain things is an impediment to women’s progress.” Comment.
The above statement is not correct. At present stereotype between men and women has been disappearing.

Today women also equally paid and treated along with the men.

If opportunities are provide women can do far better than men in various spheres.
Ex : Sunitha Williams, Smt Indira Gandhi.

Question 3.
Support the notion that woman have the equal capabilities as men by two examples.

  1. Enjoy Equal access to education and the opportunity to develop personal ambitions, interests and talents.
  2. Sports : Women also equally participated and achieve their targets.
  3. IAS officers etc.
  4. Administration at home or outside.

Question 4.
Mention the issues you think that we need to fight for women.
Issues of women, we need to fight

  1. Domestic violence
  2. Equal pay for equal work
  3. Marital law
  4. Welfare policies and education etc.

Question 5.
“Poor girls drop out of school because they are not interested in getting education.” Can you justify this statement?
The above statement is not true. There are several reasons behind it.

  1. In many parts of the country, especially in rural and poor areas, there are neither proper schools nor teachers who teach them on a regular basis. ,
  2. There is no transport facility.
  3. Many families are very poor.
  4. They are unable to bear the cost of educating all their children.
  5. In such a situation boys get preference and girls are forced to stay indoor.

Question 6.
Write some slogans that emphasize the importance of women’s equality.
Slogan on the importance of women’s equality.

  1. A woman’s place is in the house and in the senate.
  2. Dignity, respect and justice for all.
  3. Equality for all.
  4. Rise of the women = rise of the nation.
  5. The future is female.
  6. Women holdup half the sky.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 13th Lesson Women Change the World

Question 7.
Write about the purpose of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ campaign.
The main purpose of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign is to save the girl child, educate the girl child.

The main aim of Government of India is to generate awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for girls in India.

The scheme was launched with an initial funding of 100 crore rupees.

It was launched by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 22nd January 2015.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 13th Lesson Women Change the World

Question 8.
Prepare some slogans on Women Empowerment.
Best women empowerment slogans.

  1. Pink doesn’t mean weak.
  2. Make our voices heard.
  3. Our consent is important.
  4. We are more than someone’s something.
  5. Humans first.
  6. Education not discrimination.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. The percentage of working women are engaged in agricultural work as per NSS 61st round (2004-05)
a) 89.6
b) 91.7
c) 83.6
d) 65.2
c) 83.6

2. ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ campaign was launched in this year.
a) 2012
c) 2014

3. “International Women’s day” was celebrated on.
a) 15th March
b) 7th April
c) 8th March
d) 11th July
c) 8th March

4. The first woman scientist to receive the Padma Shri award was
a) Janaki Ammal
b) Nandini Harinadh
c) Kadambari Ganguli
d) Anna Marii
a) Janaki Ammal

5. The state that banned arrack as a result of the Women’s movement in 1993.
A) Tamil Nadu
b) Andhra Pradesh
c) Gujarat
d) Kerala
b) Andhra Pradesh

III. Match the following.

1) Mithali Raja) Environmentalist
2) Vandana Shivab) Commando Trainer
3) Seema Raoc) Cricketer
4) Pranjal Patild) Scientist
5) Nandini Harinathe) I.A.S. Officer


1) Mithali Rajc) Cricketer
2) Vandana Shivaa) Environmentalist
3) Seema Raob) Commando Trainer
4) Pranjal Patile) I.A.S. Officer
5) Nandini Harinathd) Scientist

7th Class Social 13th Lesson Women Change the World InText Questions and Answers

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 85

Question 1.
Who perform what?
In your area who is doing the below mentioned professions.

Shop keeper

From the above table, what is your observation?
According to the above table, women can also achieve success in every profession, if opportunities are given to her.

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 88

Question 2.
Gather information about the women in your area who have broken the stereotypes and achieved success. Discuss in your classroom.
Mahatma poojary as Kabaddi queen she broke the stereotypes and achieve success in the Kabaddi game. And she make her village and country proud. Her team won 12 gold medals for India.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 13th Lesson Women Change the World

Question 3.
Read the poem ‘Anadha1 written by Sri Gurram Jashva.

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 89

Question 4.
Discuss the reasons why girls dropout of school in your village.
The following factors responsible

  1. Wage work by childen.
  2. Household chores.
  3. Sibling case responsibility
  4. Collecting minor forest products
  5. Grazing cattle etc.
  6. Migration of families
  7. Highcost of education etc.

The present study was undertaken to know the various reasons of school dropouts amongst girls in various areas.

Think & Respond

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 85

Question 1.
Are the women in your area able to exercise their rights equally with men?
Yes, women in our area are able to exercise their rights equally with men.

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 86

Question 2.
Which of the above tasks do you think men can only do?
No, there is no profession that only men can do.

Women can also achieve success in every profession.

Question 3.
Which of the above tasks do you think women can only do?
No, there is no profession separate that only can women do.
Men and women are equal in all professions.

Question 4.
Is it fair to assume that women cannot do what men do? Why?
No, women can do everything that men can.

If opportunity and support and equal treatment is given to women they can also achieve their goals.

Ex : Seema Rao is the country’s first won Commando trainer. She has trained over 15,000 soldiers in close-quarter battles.

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 87

Question 5.
What can be done to overcome these challenges in the family and the community?

  1. We should be create awareness about the importance of women in the community.
  2. Should provide education and employment opportunities to women.
  3. Men and women should be counselled regarding gender bias.

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 89

Question 6.
How women’s rights movements have contributed to the realization of women’s rights?
Women have struggled for equality and against oppression for centuries and also some battles have been partly won

Such as the right to vote and equal access to education. Here are some examples :

1. Examples :
During French Revolution form very beginning onwards women revolt for right to vote and equality along with men.

2. North America :
Women’s movement for to go to school.

3. Women’s movements for equitable pay with men.

In the above movements women were successuful to gain right to vote, equality, education fields etc.

So women’s right movements helpful to development of women.


7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 89

Question 1.
Find out about the ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ campaign.
The key elements of the scheme include Enforcement of PC & PNDT Act, national wide awareness and advocacy campaign and multi – sectoral action in selecting 100 districts in first phase.

There is a strong emphasis on mindset change through training, sansitization, awareness raising and community mobilisation on ground.

Since the launch of Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao, the multi-sectoral District Action Plans have been operationalized in almost all states.

The initiative has received great response.

Observe the below situations:

7th Class Social Textbook Page No. 86

Dussehra holidays were given. Dharani asked her mother to go to Grand-mother’s village “I don’t know, ask dad”, said mother. Dharani asked her father. “The girl should not go,alone.
Go with your younger brother” said father.
1. What does the above scene convey?
Above scene conveys that a girl could not take her own decision.

2. Is the notion that girls cannot travel alone justifiable?
No, it is not.


Rangayya and Rajamma work as construction workers.
Rangayya is given Rs. 500 per day but Rajamma is given only Rs. 300.
1. Is it fair for women to be paid less than men for equal work? Why?
No, it is not fair for women to be paid less than men for equal work.
Because both men and women are doing the same work. So the difference in payment is not accetable.


Vinay passed with good marks in tenth class. He told his father that he would join Hotel management course. “That is a course for girls. Why do you choose it? Join course that can be useful to become Engineer or Doctor” Father said.
1. Is it fair to divide the courses taken by female and the courses taken by male? Is there a difference in education on the basis of gender?
No. It is not. There is no differene in education on the basis of gender.

AP Board 7th Class Social Solutions 13th Lesson Women Change the World


Bhavana and Sailaja passed 10th class Bhavana told her parents that she would study well to become a collector. They admitted Bhavana in a reputed college. Sailaja also said the same to her parents. But her parents said that the higher education for women was unnecessary and they would marry her.

1. What do you think is the reason for the differences in the way parents think?
Many be because of their financial status.

2. Why the girl was not supported to continue her studies?
Because her parents might think that it is a waste of money to spend on girls education. Due to lack of awareness about the importance of girls education.

Project Work

Question 1.
Prepare a scrap book with prominent women personalities and their achievements.