Practice the AP 9th Class Social Bits with Answers Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 on a regular basis so that you can attempt exams with utmost confidence.

AP State Syllabus 9th Class Social Bits 12th Lesson Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Choose the correct answer.

Question 1.
The author of the book “Principia Mathematics”
A) Newton
B) Donatello
C) Galileo
D) None of these
A) Newton

Question 2.
Early modern period in European history is
A) 400 AD to 1300 AD
B) 1300 BC to 1800 BC
C) 1300 AD to 1800 AD
D) Upto 400 AD
C) 1300 AD to 1800 AD

Question 3.
Members of church are called
A) Mullah
B) Poojari
C) Clergy
D) None of these
C) Clergy

Question 4.
………….. was the first to dissect a human body.
A) Donatello
B) Vesalius
C) Erasmus
D) None of these
B) Vesalius

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 5.
The influence of science over art and painting is known as
A) Devotion
B) Revolution
C) Modern art
D) Realism
D) Realism

Question 6.
Leonardo da Vinci means
A) Disciple of experiment
B) Disciple of God
C) Disciple of experience
D) None of these
A) Disciple of experiment

Question 7.
The literature of the ancient ……………… had reflected an interest in life.
A) Greek
B) English
C) Roman
D) Parsi
A) Greek

Question 8.
Serfdom was come to an end in England with the revolt of
A) Industrialists
B) Peasants
C) Labour
D) Proletariat
B) Peasants

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 9.
The famous writer Jacob Burckhardt belongs to the following country.
A) America
B) England
C) Switzerland
D) France
C) Switzerland

Question 10.
The name of the book-The civilization of the Renaissance in Italy was written by
A) Rousseau
B) Jacob Burckhardt
C) Mazzini
D) Milton
B) Jacob Burckhardt

Question 11.
In Feudalism, the political power is in the hands of
A) Kings
B) Religious heads (or) Priests
C) Peasants
D) Warrior – land lords
D) Warrior – land lords

Question 12.
The famous “Monalisa” picture was painted by
A) Leonardo – da Vinci
B) Thomas More
C) Erasmus
D) Jacob
A) Leonardo – da Vinci

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 13.
The followers of Ignatius Loyola were called
A) Christians
B) Humanists
C) Soldiers
D) Jesuits
D) Jesuits

Question 14.
The “Society of Jesus” was established by
A) Fedele
B) Jacob
C) Ignatius Loyola
D) Vesalius
C) Ignatius Loyola

Question 15.
………… launched a campaign against the catholic church.
A) Marlin Luther king
B) Thomas more
C) Erasmus
D) Fedele
A) Marlin Luther king

Question 16.
Earlier the Bible was only in language. Which ordinary people did not understand?
A) Greek
B) Latin
C) Parsee
D) English
B) Latin

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 17.
In 1453, Constantinople was captured by Ottoman
A) Turks
B) Romans
C) Britishers
D) Dutch
A) Turks

Question 18.
Who was the first person to dissect a human body?
A) Erasmus
B) Andreas Vesalius
C) Jacob
D) Durer
B) Andreas Vesalius

Question 19.
…………. made the voyage round the world.
A) Ferdinand Magellan
B) Columbus
C) Martin Luther
D) Jacob
A) Ferdinand Magellan

Question 20.
…………….. and ……………… were invented by sailors to know the direction they were going and their location
A) camera
B) machine
C) the compass and the astrolabe
D) books
C) the compass and the astrolabe

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 21.
Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book on politics for rulers was …………
A) Social contract
B) The spirit of laws
C) Utopia
D) The prince
D) The prince

Question 22.
At the beginning in Europe the peasants were mostly
A) Business men
B) Landlords
C) Serfs
D) Farmers
C) Serfs

Question 23.
The author of “utopia” was
A) Thomas More
B) Florence
C) Socratece
D) Plato
A) Thomas More

Question 24.
…………. sailors (or) navigators played an important role in the geographical explorations.
A) America
B) England
C) Russia
D) Portugal & Spain
D) Portugal & Spain

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 25.
The humanist ideas extended to ………….. also.
A) Astrology
B) Architecture
C) Literature
D) Revolutions
B) Architecture

Question 26.
During the Renaissance, the humanist scholars acquired the books from the Arabs and retranslated them into …………languages.
A) Arab
B) Spanish
C) Greek & Latin
D) English
C) Greek & Latin

Question 27.
This man observed birds in flight, and designed a flying machine.
A) Write brothers
B) Leonardo da Vinci
C) Luther king
D) None of these
B) Leonardo da Vinci

Question 28.
These preached that the purchase of “Indulgence certificates” would be freed from their “sins”
A) Clergies
B) Peasants
C) Labourers
D) Kings
A) Clergies

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Christopher Columbus determined to find new route to the east. He believed that the eastern shores of Asia lay across the dark Atlantic, and so he set out with three small ships to get there. After a long, dangerous voyage, Columbus reached land on an island on October 12, 1492. He thought he had reached the East Indies and called the natives, Indians. Amerigo Vespucci an Italian sailor, followed Columbus. He confirmed that the new world discovered (America) by Columbus was quite different from Asia.
Ferdinand Magellan a sailor of Spain made the voyage round the world with the help of Spanish King Charles I. He crossed the Atlantic, went around the southern tip of South America and sailing through the straits, he reached the Pacific Ocean and landed at the Islands of Philippines. This voyage was great landmark in the history of exploration of the sea routes.
Read the given para and answer the question numbers 29 – 33
Question 29.
Which island did Columbus want to discover?
A) East Indies
B) West Indies
C) Newzealand
D) Japan
A) East Indies

Question 30.
What was the Island discovered by Columbus?
A) East Indies
B) West Indies
C) Australia
D) Madagascar
B) West Indies

Question 31.
Magellan belongs to the following country
A) England
B) Spain
C) Portugal
D) Italy
B) Spain

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 32.
Who followed Columbus?
A) Columbus
B) Amerigo Vespucci
C) Vasco Da Gama
D) Copernicus
B) Amerigo Vespucci

Question 33.
Amerigo Vespucci an ……….. sailor.
A) Italian
B) Spain
C) Portuguese
D) English
A) Italian

Study the table and answer the questions given below.
The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: A Timeline

1516Thomas More’s Utopia published
1517Martin Luther writes the Ninety- Five Theses
1522Luther translates the Bible into German
1525Peasant uprising in Germany
1543Andreas Vesalius writes on Anatomy
1559Anglican Church established in England, with the king/queen as its head
1569Gerhardus Mercator prepares cylindrical map of the earth
1582Gregorian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII
1628William Harvery links the heart with blood circulation
1673Academy of Sciences set up in Paris
1687Isaac Newton’s Principia Mathematica published

Question 34.
Gregorian calendar was introduced by
A) Isaac Newton
B) William Harvey
C) Pope Gregory XIII
D) Vasco Da Gama
C) Pope Gregory XIII

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 35.
Who prepared cylindrical map of the earth?
A) Giotto
B) Raphael
C) Donatello
D) Gerhardus Mercator
D) Gerhardus Mercator

Question 36.
The Bible was translated into German in
A) 1687
B) 1522
C) 1569
D) 1559
B) 1522

Question 37.
Principia Mathematica was published in
A) 1582
B) 1628
C) 1687
D) 1673
C) 1687

Question 38.
Academy of sciences was setup in
A) England
B) Italy
C) Rome
D) Paris
D) Paris

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 39.
The following person links the heart with blood circulation.
A) William Harvey
B) Andreas Vesalius
C) Raphael
B) Giotto
A) William Harvey

Observe the map and answer the questions given below it.
AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers 1
Question 40.
The discoverer of Brazil was
A) Magellan
B) Columbus
C) Pedro Alvares
D) Vasco Da Gama
C) Pedro Alvares

Question 41.
Ferdinand Magellan worked for
A) Portuguese
B) Spain
C) Italy
D) England
B) Spain

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 42.
Who discovered sea route to India?
A) Amerigo Vespucci
B) Pedro
C) Magellan
D) Vasco Da Gama
D) Vasco Da Gama

Question 43.
Bartholomev Diaz was a
A) Italian Explorer
B) Portuguese Explorer
C) Spanish Explorer
D) Italian Explorer
B) Portuguese Explorer

Question 44.
The name Pacific ocean was given by
A) Erasmus
B) Plato
C) Magellan
D) Columbus
C) Magellan

Question 45.
Match the following.
Group – A                                              Group – B
1. The Pieta                            ( )             A) Filippo Brunelleschi
2. Monalisa                            ( )             B) Isaac Newton
3. Duomo of Florence            ( )            C) Leonardo-da-Vinci
4. The Prince                          ( )             D) Michelangelo
5. Principia Mathematica       ( )             E) Machiavelli
1) D
2) C
3) A
4) E
5) B

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 46.
Match the following.
Group – A                               Group – B
1. Gutenberg              ( )         A) The Cape of Good Hope
2. Erasmus                  ( )         B) Germany
3. Galileo                    ( )         C) Holland
4. Diaz                        ( )         D) Portugal
5. Vasco-da-Gama      ( )         E) Italy
1) B
2) C
3) E
4) A
5) D

Question 47.
Match the following:
1) Ancient Period a) 400 AD to 1300 AD
2) Medical Period b) 1300 AD to present
3) Modern Period c) Upto 400 AD
A) 1 – a, 2 – b, 3 – c
B) 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a
C) 1 – c, 2- b, 3 – a
D) 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – b
D) 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – b

Question 48.
a. The famous picture ‘Monalisa’ was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci
b. Constantinople was occupied by the Turkish in the year 1453.
A) a & b are true
B) a & b are false
C) a true, b false
D) a false, b true
A) a & b are true

Question 49.
World famous ‘Mona Lisa’ was painted by:
A) Michelangelo
B) Leonardo da vinci
C) Albercht Durer
D) Pikaso
B) Leonardo da vinci

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 50.
The thoughts of ‘medieval’ man were controlled by
A) Literature
B) Arts
C) Democracy
D) Religion
D) Religion

Question 51.
The sea mariner who discovered the sea route to Indian in 1498 was:
A) Colombus
B) Pizaroo
C) Vasco Da Gama
D) Marco Polo
C) Vasco Da Gama

Question 52.
Among the following languages in which Bible was published first
A) Sanskrit
B) English
C) French
D) Latin
D) Latin

Question 53.
The trade routes between the West and East were closed with which city fell into the hands of the Turks in 1453?
A) Ankara
B) Constantinople
C) Alexandria
D) Rome
B) Constantinople

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 54.
Match the following.
1. Praise of folly A) Copernicus
2. Founder of society of Juses 1540 B) Erasmus
3. Proved that all planets revolved C) Jacob Burckhardt
4. The civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy D) Ignatius Loyola
A) B, D, A, C
B) B, A, C, D
C) C, D, B, A
D) B, C, A, D
A) B, D, A, C

Question 55.
Who was signed name ‘disciple of experiment’?
A) Isaac Newton
B) Andreas Vesalius
C) Leonardo da vinci
D) William Harvey
C) Leonardo da vinci

Question 56.
Who claimed that the earth is one of the number of planets that revolve around the sun?
A) Galileo
B) Copernicus
C) Ptolemy
D) Gerhardus Mercator
B) Copernicus

Question 57.
The conquering of which city in C.E. 1453 forced the Europeans to find new sea trade routes to India?
A) Alexandria
B) Constantinople
C) Rome
D) London
B) Constantinople

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 58.
Humanism is an intellectual movement that had its origins in the European Renaissance. Which of these did humanism emphasize on?
A) Importance of life after death than life on the earth
B) Adherence to Christianity and the Church
C) The dignity and potential of the individual
D) Obedience to the king and government
C) The dignity and potential of the individual

Question 59.
Which ancient civilization did the renaissance artists look to for inspiration?
A) Mayan
B) Aryan
C) Egypt
D) Greek
D) Greek

Question 60.
Many educated Greek men fled to Italy because
A) Greeks wanted to occupy Italy
B) Constantinople was overthrown by Turkey
C) Greeks like the traditions of Italy
D) Italy first adopted humanism
B) Constantinople was overthrown by Turkey

Question 61.
The sketch by Durer (Praying hands) gives us a sense of
A) Realism
B) Universalization
C) Italian culture in the sixteenth century
D) Culture of Greeks
A) Realism

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 62.
Leonardo Da Vinci signed his name as
A) Disciple of experiments
B) Man of experiments
C) Master of experiments
D) Worker of experiments
A) Disciple of experiments

Question 63.
‘Even though the study of literature promises and offers no reward for women and no dignity, every woman ought to seek and embrace these studies’ – who said the above?
A) Isabella De Este
B) Cassandra Fedel
C) Mary Anteonette
D) Queen Elizabeth
B) Cassandra Fedel

Question 64.
Identify the persons given in the table.


A) Sailors – Scientists
B) Sailors – Prime Ministers
C) Kings – Scientists
D) Kings – Sailors
A) Sailors – Scientists

Question 65.
The division given in table is based on:

Section -1Section – 2
ColumbusJames Watt
Vasco da GamaStephenson
Amerigo VespucciMcAdam

A) Sailors – inventors
B) Sailors – kings
C) Kings – inventors
D) Inventors – sailors
A) Sailors – inventors

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 66.
In 1453, Constantinople was over-thrown, and this Empire took the place of the Eastern Roman Empire.
A) French Empire
B) Manchuria Empire
C) The Egyptian Empire
D) Turkish or Ottoman Empire
D) Turkish or Ottoman Empire

Observe the bar graph and answer the question 67-70:
AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers 2
Question 67.
The approximate no. books printed in the 17th century:
A) 55 crores
B) 60 crores
C) 20 crores
D) 40 crores
A) 55 crores

Question 68.
The reason for the increase of printing books 18th century:
A) Global Expansion
B) All of these
C) Improved Technology
D) Improved Book reading attitude
B) All of these

Question 69.
Who first developed paper and printing with blocks:
A) The Chinese
B) The Germans
C) The Japanese
D) The Indians
A) The Chinese

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 70.
This was the first book printed:
A) The Bhagavad Gita
B) The Bible
C) The Mahabharat
D) The Ramayana
B) The Bible

Question 71.
The Holy Scripture of Christians:
A) The Bible
B) The Quran
C) The Ramayana
D) The Mahabharata
A) The Bible

Observe the map and answer the questions 72 – 75.
AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers 3

Question 72.
Who was the first sailor to travel around the Earth?
A) Magellan
B) Vespucci
C) Vasco da Gama
D) Columbus
A) Magellan

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 73.
He was the first sailor who discovered America?
A) Magellan
B) Vespucci
C) Vasco da Gama
D) Columbus
D) Columbus

Question 74.
Most of the sailors belong to this continent:
A) Africa
B) Europe
C) Asia
D) North America
B) Europe

Question 75.
He was the first sailor who reached the Philippines and Indonesia:
A) Magellan
B) Vespucci
C) Vasco da Gama
D) Columbus
A) Magellan

Question 76.
The navigators of these countries played an important part in the geographical explorations.
A) India – Pakistan
B) China – Japan
C) America – Russia
D) Portugal – Spain
D) Portugal – Spain

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 77.
In 1860 this item was emphasized by Jacob Burckhardt in the book ‘The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy’.
A) Realism
B) Humanitarianism
C) Rebirth
D) Renaissance
D) Renaissance

Question 78.
The changes that took place in the period of Renaissance :
1. Books were available to the common man also.
2. Weakening of the control of religion over human life.
3. People were attracted to material wealth, power and glory.
A) 1, 3 only
B) 1, 2 and 3
C) 1, 2 only
D) 2, 3 only
B) 1, 2 and 3

Question 79.
Identify the painting of Leonardo da Vinci:
i) Mona Lisa ii) The Last Supper
A) (i) and (ii)
B) None of these
C) (i) only
D) (ii) only
A) (i) and (ii)

Question 80.
The organization that had dominated the religious and cultural life of people in medieval times was
A) Feudalism
B) Science
C) State
D) Church
D) Church

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 81.
Venetian woman writer Fedele criticized the Republic in the following aspect/aspects:
A) For creating highly limited definition of freedom and For favouring the desires of men over those of women
B) None of these
C) For creating highly limited definition of freedom
D) For favouring the desires of men over those of women
D) For favouring the desires of men over those of women

Question 82.
Martin Luther had not preached this in his campaign against the Catholic Church:
A) Complete faith in God.
B) Faith alone could guide them into right life and entry into heaven.
C) Priests are not necessary to establish relation with God.
D) Bible should be read in Latin only.
C) Priests are not necessary to establish relation with God.

Question 83.
Who discovered the relation of heart with blood circulation?
A) Galileo
B) Copernicus
C) William Harvey
D) Roger Bacon
C) William Harvey

Question 84.
If a heavy stone and a cotton ball are dropped from a height, which one falls with more speed ? Who proved this in his experiments from the Tower of Pisa?
A) Heavy stone – Gaiiieo
B) Both fall at the same speed – Galileo
C) Heavy stone – Copernicus
D) Cotton ball – Copernicus
B) Both fall at the same speed – Galileo

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 85.
Who invented the Paper first?
A) Chinese
B) British
C) Indians
D) Germans
A) Chinese

Question 86.
The paint ‘Praying Hands’ was sketched by
AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers 4
A) Leonardo da Vinci
B) Michelangelo
C) Andreas Vesalius
D) Albrecht Durer
D) Albrecht Durer

Question 87.
The theme of Praise of Folly written by Erasmus was:
A) Appreciation of Greek language and literature.
B) Importance of religious arts.
C) Criticism of the beliefs of the church, which were based on superstitions.
D) Discussion on life after death.
C) Criticism of the beliefs of the church, which were based on superstitions.

Question 88.
Which of the following was the theory propagated by Nicolas Copernicus?
A) The sun, planets, and stars revolve around the earth.
B) The earth is one of the planets that revolves around the sun.
C) The moons of Jupiter revolve around it on an axis.
D) Heavy and light objects fall at the same speed when dropped from a height.
B) The earth is one of the planet that revolves around the sun.

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 89.
Which of the following is the most appropriate reason for European exploration of trade routes?
A) Find alternate fuel sources
B) Desire to control Constantinople
C) To industrialize the countries of the East
D) To find alternate trade routes
D) To find alternate trade routes

Question 90.
One way Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingii and John Calvings were similar is that they all were
A) French revolutionary leaders
B) Renaissance artists
C) Monarchs who opposed the Church
D) Reformation leaders
D) Reformation leaders

Observe the timeline and answer the following questions 91 and 92.
AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers 5
Question 91.
Which period of European history is represented by this timeline?
A) Renaissance
B) Reformation
C) Industrial Revolution
D) German Unification
B) Reformation

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 92.
Which major event happened between 1510 and 1520 in Europe?
A) Erasmus Publishes Praise of Folly
B) Martin Luther Nails 95 Theses
C) Calvin Published Institutions of the Christian Religion
D) Council of Trent Meets in Italy
B) Martin Luther Nails 95 Theses

Observe the map and answer questions 93 – 94.
AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers 6
Question 93.
Who was the first explorerto sail around the southern point of the continent of Africa?
A) Christopher Columbus
B) Bartolomeu Dias
C) Vasco Da Gamma
D) Ferdinand Magellan
B) Bartolomeu Dias

Question 94.
Which of the following was the first country to establish colonies in the American continent?
A) France
B) England
C) Spain
D) Portugal
B) England

Question 95.
Which of the following Empires was a South American Empire?
A) The Inca Empire
B) The Aztec Empire
C) The Ming Empire
D) The Ottoman Empire
A) The Inca Empire

AP 9th Class Social Bits Chapter 12 Changing Cultural Traditions in Europe 1300-1800 with Answers

Question 96.
Vasco Da Gama travelled in his exploration around which of the following continent to reach india?
A) Australia
B) South America
C) North America
D) Africa
D) Africa