AP State Syllabus 7th Class Social Important Questions 17th Lesson Implementation of Laws in the District

Question 1.
What are the responsibilities of MRO (Tahsildar)?

  1. Mandal Revenue Officer is an officer or head of law order, land revenue, and judiciary at the Mandal level.
  2. Mandal Revenue Officer keeps the records of land revenue and maps of the land showing the land owned by different people showing crops, tanks, drainages, wells, neighbouring plots, roads, hillocks and so on.
  3. Using these land records and maps the Mandal Revenue Officer settles the disputes between two individuals.
  4. If anyone encroaches on the forest and the lands belonging to the government, the Mandal Revenue Officer evicts them.
  5. The Mandal Revenue officer has the responsibility of updating and issuing ration cards.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 17 Implementation of Laws in the District

Question 2.
What are the main features of the Water, Land, and Trees Protection Act of 2002?
Some of the features of this law are:

  1. Permission from Mandal Revenue Officer is essential to drill/dig a new well.
  2. Specific depth and distance should be maintained between the wells to avoid unnecessary competition.
  3. Steps to prevent wastage of rainwater.
  4. Industrial units have wastewater treatment plants.
  5. Protection of drinking water.
  6. In the regions affected by groundwater depletion sand quarrying from riverbeds is prohibited.
  7. Social forestry to be taken up on large scale.
  8. Cutting trees without permission is prohibited. When a tree is cut two saplings should be planted.

Question 3.
Read the following passage and answer the questions.
We saw in the last lesson that there are various departments of the government to do various kinds of activities. These departments are under the control of ministers, but they have a large number of officials who carry out the orders of the government. Some of these officials are posted in the state capital like Hyderabad from where they plan the implementation in all parts of the state. At the same time, the entire state is divided into a number of districts and most departments have their offices in them for the implementation of the government’s laws and plans. There are 13 districts in Andhra Pradesh.
a. Who controls various departments?
The ministers.

b. Who carries out the orders of the government?
The officials.

c. Where are these officials posted to implement the decisions of the government?
At the state capital and at the district headquarters.

d. How many districts are there in Andhra Pradesh?

e. What is the capital of our state?

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 17 Implementation of Laws in the District

Question 4.
Read the following passage and answer the questions.
You may have noted that the Nallavaram district is divided into different mandals. There are many villages in each of these Mandate. Nallavaram is divided into many Mandate. Many villages together form a Mandal. Just like in the district headquarter there are different offices at the Mandal. There are Mandal Parishad Development Officer Revenue, Education, agriculture, and so on.
a. What is Nallavaram?
An imaginary district.

b. What is the district divided into?

c. What are the mandals composed of?

d. Where are the different offices located at the mandal?
At the mandal headquarters.

e. Write some offices you can have at the mandal headquarter.
Mandal Office of Education, Mandal Agricultural Office. Mandal Revenue Office, Mandal Development Office.

f. What is the name of your mandal?
Students Activity

g. Write any three neighboring mandals of your district.
Students Activity

Question 5.
Read the following passage and answer the questions.
After the law was passed, the government formed an authority to implement the act. It was called the Water, Land, and Trees Protection Authority or WALTA: If you look carefully, in order to implement a law like this – it is necessary that different departments of the government work together. You can note that the forest department has to be taken into account because forests are important for saving water and government departments are in charge of the industry to ensure that the factories are not polluting the water.
a. What was the law mentioned in the above passage?
Andhra Pradesh Water, Land and Trees Protection Act.

b. What is necessary to implement a law?
The different departments working together.

c. Expand WALTA.
Water, Land, and Tree Protection Authority.

d. What was the authority formed by the government?

e. What are forests important for?
For saving water.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 17 Implementation of Laws in the District

Question 6.
Read the following passage.
It is important to protect the resources for the benefit and survival of the next generations. In this connection, the Government of Andhra Pradesh enacted the Andhra Pradesh Water, Land, and Trees Protection Act in 2002. It is being implemented from 19 – 04 – 2002.
a. Why is it so important to protect the resources?
For the benefit and survival of the next generations.

b. What did the government do to protect the resources?
It enacted the Andhra Pradesh Water, Land, and Trees Protection Act

c. When was the Water, Land, and Trees Protection Act made?
In 2002.

d. was the Water, Land, and Trees Protection Act implemented?
From 19 – 4 – 2002.

e. What is it that is very important for the survival of the next generations?
To protect the resources.

Question 7.
Study the following table.

Ground Water DepartmentRegistration of Rigs, Sand Mining, classification of Groundwater basins, etc.
Municipal Administration & Urban Development DepartmentConstruction of Rain-water harvesting structures, tree planting, permission for construction of new buildings.
Mines and Geology DepartmentMonitoring Sand Mining in water bodies
Forest DepartmentGranting permission for felling trees

Now answer the following questions.
a. What are the responsibilities of the Ground Water Department?
Registration of rigs sand mining, classification of groundwater basins is the responsibilities of the Ground Water Department.

b. Who issues permissions for new buildings?
Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department.

c. Which department monitors sand mining in water bodies?
Mines and Geology Department.

d. Which department grants permission for felling trees?
Forest Department.

e. Which department does the construction of rainwater harvesting structures?
Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 17 Implementation of Laws in the District

Question 8.
Some activities and some departments are given hereunder. Can you match them?

i) Building dams and canalsa) Civil supplies
ii) Supplying electricity to housesb) Railways
iii) Running ration shopsc) Major irrigation
iv) Running trainsd) Revenue
v) Printing currency notese) Child welfare
vi) Collecting taxes from people.f) Army
vii) Preventing child labour and educating all children.g) Poverty Alleviation
viii) Defending the borders the countryh) Reserve Bank
ix) Identifying those below the poverty line and implementing schemes for their benefit.i) Electricity
x) Preventing people from stealing from other people’s houses.j) Police

i) c
ii) i
iii) a
iv) b
v) h
vi) d
vii) e
viii) f
ix) g
x) j

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 17 Implementation of Laws in the District

Question 9.
Read the following table.

Ground Water DepartmentRegistration of Rigs, Sand Mining, classification of Groundwater basins, etc.
Municipal Administration & Urban Development DepartmentConstruction of Rainwater harvesting structures, tree planting, permission for construction of new buildings.
Mines and Geology DepartmentMonitoring Sand Mining in water bodies.
Forest DepartmentGranting permission for felling trees.

Now answer the following questions:
a. The responsibilities of Ground Water Department is
a) Registration of Rigs
b) Sand mining
c) Classification of groundwater basins.

b. The responsibilities of the Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department are ……………..
a) Construction of rainwater harvesting structures.
b) Tree planting.
c) Permission for the construction of new buildings.

c. The responsibility of the Mines and Geology Department is ……………….
Monitoring sand mining in water bodies.

d. What is the responsibility of the Forest Department?
Granting permission for felling trees.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions Chapter 17 Implementation of Laws in the District

Question 10.
What is the need for the Water, Land, and Trees Protection Act?
It is important to protect these resources for the benefit and survival of the next generations. In this connection, the Government of Andhra Pradesh enacted the Andhra Pradesh Water, Land, and Trees Protection Act in 2002. It is being implemented from 19-04-2002.

AP 7th Class Social Important Questions