These AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation will help students prepare well for the exams.

AP Board 7th Class Science 4th Lesson Important Questions and Answers Respiration and Circulation

Question 1.
What is inspiration?
The process of inhaling air is called inspiration.

Question 2.
What is expiration?
The process of exhalation of air is called expiration.

Question 3.
What is respiratory rate?
The number of times we inhale and exhale air in a minute is called the Respiratory Rate.,

Question 4.
What is the normal respiratory rate in human beings?
The normal respiratory rate in human beings is 14 to 20 times per minute.

Question 5.
What are the only part of the human body which floats on water?
Lungs are the only part of the human body which floats on water

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

Question 6.
What does our circulatory system consisting of?
Circulatory system consists of Heart, Blood vessels and Blood

Question 7.
What is the pumping organ in the blood circulatory system.
Heart is the pumping organ in the blood circulatory system.

Question 8.
How many chambers are there in the human heart? What are those?
Human heart has four chambers, upper two chambers are called Atria and lower two chambers are called Ventricles.

Question 9.
What is heartbeat?
The rhythmic contraction followed by its relaxation of heart is called heartbeat.

Question 10.
What is the instrument used to feel and measure the “heart beat?
Stethoscope is the instrument used to feel and measure the heart beat.

Question 11.
What is the role of circulation in the human body?
The process of circulation helps in the supply of digested food and oxygen to all parts of the body (cells) and also to bring back the waste material.

Question 12.
What is the fluid portion of the blood?
Plasma is the fluid portion of the blood.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

Question 13.
What are the different types of blood cells in the human blood?
Blood cells are of three types – Red blood cells, White blood cells and Blood platelets.

Question 14.
Which blood cells act like police force of our body?
White blood cells act like police force of our body.

Question 15.
Why red blood cells are red in colour?
Red blood cells have a colouring pigment called Haemoglobin. It gives blood the red colour.

Question 16.
What is the function of haemoglobin?
Haemoglobin acts as a carrier for oxygen and carbon dioxide and plays a key role in respiration. ,

Question 17.
What is the function of Blood platelets?
Blood platelets play an important role in coagulation of blood when there are cuts and wounds.

Question 18.
Which organisms have colour less blood?
Insects like cockroach have colour less blood.

Question 19.
Give examples for the organisms having blue coloured blood?
Prawns, snails and crabs have blue coloured blood.

Question 20.
Expand NCDs.
Non communicable diseases

Question 21.
Give some examples for non-communicable diseases.
Heart attack, Cancer, Paralysis

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

Question 22.
What are the major causes for non-communicable diseases?
Tobacco and alcohol use, poor eating habits, and lack of exercise are the major causes for non – communicable diseases.

Question 23.
What is immunity?
Immunity is the inbuilt capacity of the body to fight and overcome the effects of disease causing germs.

Question 24.
What is meant by infection?
The entry of disease-causing germs into our body to grow and multiply is called infection.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

Question 25.
Expand SARS.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

7th Class Science 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation Short Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is breathing? Explain brifly about breathing.

  1. The process of inhalation and exhalation of air is called Breathing.
  2. During the process of inhalation the air with more oxygen and less carbon dioxide enters the lungs through nostrils.
  3. During the process of exhalation the air with more carbondioxide and less oxygen is sent out from the lungs.

Question 2.
Write about lungs.

  1. Lungs are pink in colour spongy, elastic and sac like structures with many tiny air sacs.
  2. They are placed safely in the ribcage formed by ribs in the chest cavity.
  3. The right lung is slightly larger than the left one. ‘
  4. The lungs do not possess muscles, so they cannot expand or contract on their own.

Question 3.
Why is the right lung larger than the left lung?

  1. Lungs are located in the chest cavity.
  2. Heart is also present in the chest cavity on the left side.
  3. So, there is less space for the left lung in the chest cavity.
  4. As a result left lung is smaller with two lobes when compared with the right lung which had three lobes.

Question 4.
What is diaphragm? what is its role?

  1. A large thin muscular sheet called diaphragm is attached to the lower side of the ribcage and forms the floor of the chest cavity.
  2. The process of breathing involves the movement of the diaphragm and the ribcage.
  3. During inhalation diaphragm moves down as a result air enters the lungs.
  4. During exhalation diaphragm moves back as a result air goes out of the lungs.
  5. It play major role in the respiratory movements of men when compared with women.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation 1

Question 5.
Draw the flow chart air passage in respiration.
AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation 2

Question 6.
What are plants respiratory organs?

  1. Plants being living organisms, have to breathe to survive. ,.
  2. Plants take in oxygen and leave out carbon dioxide, as in any other living organisms.
  3. The process of breathing takes place with the help of small openings in the leaves called stomata and in stem called lenticels.
  4. The roots also need oxygen to produce energy, so they absorh the oxygen present in the air spaces between soil particles with the help of root hairs.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

Question 7.
What is the need to plant more trees?

  1. Plants take in Oxygen and give out Carbon dioxide during respiration.
  2. The same plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen during the process of Photosynthesis.
  3. So we should protect and plant more trees for a rich supply of oxygen.

Question 8.
What is the role of respiration?

  1. During the process of Respiration oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is sent out of the body.
  2. The process of respiration leads to the production of energy in all the living organisms.
  3. Respiration takes place uninterrupted even when we are sleeping, eating, working or at rest.
  4. Respiration takes place without our knowledge and effort and is very much essential for the survival of the organism.

Question 9.
How can we. prevent Covid-19?
The best way to prevent and slow down spread is

  1. Protecting ourselves by washing hands with soap or sanitizer
  2. Not touching the face, eyes, nose, mouth
  3. Wearing a facemask Maintaining social distance
  4. Strictly adhering to covid protocol SMS – SANITISE, MASK, SOCIAL DISTANCE.

Question 10.
Write the differences between bacterial and viral disease.

Bacterial diseasesViral diseases
1. Can be cured using antibiotics.1. Cannot be cured using antibiotics.
2. Only few need vaccines2. Vaccine is the only remedy.
3. Ex : Typhoid, Cholera, Tuberculosis (TB).3. Ex.: Common cold, Polio, HIV, CoViD-19

Question 11.
What is sneezing? When is it occur?

  1. The process of sudden uncontrolled expulsion of air through the nose by the lungs, due to irritation in the nasal passage is called Sneezing.
  2. Sneezing occurs when we inhale air with dust, smoke, pollen or strong smells.

Question 12.
What is yawning? How is it caused?

  1. The uncontrolled action of opening of our mouth wide, to take a long, deep breath of air is called Yawning.
  2. It is seen when a person is bored, stressed, feeling sleepy or very tired.
  3. Yawning is caused when the respiratory rate gets slowed down resulting in insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain.
  4. To overcome this situation, the body goes for the involuntary opening of the mouth to take in a long deep breath of air.

Question 13.
What is coughing? When does it happen?

  1. Coughing is the result of forceful contraction of the lungs to send out the unwanted substances through the mouth.
  2. This happens when some strong smells or dust irritate the inner lining of the lungs.
  3. By coughing the accumulated solid and semi -solid wastes in the lungs due to cold and other related respiratory disorders are also expelled out.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

Question 14.
What is Deglutition apnea? What is its importance?

  1. The temporary arrest of respiration is called Apnea.
  2. Deglutition or swallowing apnea occurs reflexly when the food is in the pharynx.
  3. This process prevents the food from entering into the windpipe.
  4. If food enters the windpipe it will have serious effects, so the larynx moves up to stop the food from entering the windpipe. Hence we should not talk while eating.

Question 15.
When do bleeding occurs? What is the first aid foe it?

  1. Bleeding takes place when we are injured or there is a cut,
  2. First the bleeding injury is to be washed with clean water.
  3. Use cotton or a cloth to clean the injured are ‘
  4. Then use cotton or a bandage cloth to cover the injury to stop the flow of blood.
  5. Take the injured person to the nearest Doctor or Hospital if bleeding does not stop.

7th Class Science 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation Long Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Which of the following statements are wrong? Give reasons.
1) There is no har m in trying a cigarette once, because one can stop after that.
2) One cigarette a day does not harm any more.
3) Will power alone can help a smoker to stop smoking.
4) Smoking helps you feet good and relaxed.
5) Smoking is not harmful to health.

  1. Wrong. Because almost all smoker starts by trying just once but it will become a habit hard to leave.
  2. Wrong. Because every cigarette you smoke is doing damage to your body, which ultimately causes heartattack, stroke and lung diseases.
  3. Wrong. Because along with will power, the love and support of the family and friends combined with medical arid psychological treatment also needed to quit smoking.
  4. Wrong. Because smoking may make you feel relaxed temporarily but the long term harmful effects will affect your health, wealth and life style.
  5. Wrong. Because smoking leads to several health problems such as Lung Cancer, Tuberculosis and other respiratory disorders. So, never try to start smoking.

Question 2.
Describe the structure of human heart.
AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation 3

  1. Heart is the pumping organ in the blood circulatory system.
  2. It’s about the size of one’s fist.?
  3. It is located in the centre of the chest cavity slightly bent towards the left.
  4. It has four chambers, upper two chambers are called Atria and lower two chambers are called Ventricles.
  5. The walls of the chambers are made of muscles which contract and relax, regularly and rhythmically to pump the blood.

Question 3.
How do you prove the aerobic respiration?
Aim: To prove the aerobic respiration.

Apparitors : Wide-mouthed bottle, lid, sprouting seeds, beaker, lime water.


  1. Take a wide mouthed bottle and place a handful of sprouting seeds in it.
  2. Prepare some fresh lime water in a small container and place it carefully in one corner of the bottle.
  3. Close the cap of the bottle and apply vaseline on the edges to make it air-tight.
  4. Leave the apparatus undisturbed for a day or two days.
  5. After two days open the cap and carefully take out the lime water container and observe the changes.

The lime water turns into milky white.

Lime water turned milky white by carbon dioxide, which is released by germinated seeds through aerobic respiration

It is proven that carbon dioxide is released in aerobic respiration
AP Board 7th Class Science Solutions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation 12

Question 4.
What are blood vessels? Write about different types of blood vessels in human body.

  1. The tube like structures through which blood flow in the human body are called blood vessels.
  2. There are three types of blood vessels in the human body. 1. Arteries, 2. Veins and 3. Blood capillaries –
  3. Arteries carry blood with more oxygen from heart to body parts.
  4. Veins carry blood with more carbon dioxide from the body parts to the heart.
  5. Blood capillaries which are very thin narrow blood vessels that connect the arteries with the veins and distribute the blood to the body parts.

Question 5.
Write about composition and functions of blood.

  1. Human blood is composed of Blood cells and plasm. Plasma is the fluid portion of the blood.
  2. Blood cells are of three types – Red blood cells, White blood cells and Blood platelets.
  3. White blood cells are again of different types.
  4. The white blood cells boost our immunity and protect us from the harmful, disease causing micro organisms that enter into our body.
  5. They act like police force of our body.
  6. Red blood cells have a colouring pigment called Haemoglobin in the RBC, which gives blood the red colour.
  7. Haemoglobin acts as a carrier for oxygen and carbon dioxide and plays a key role in respiration.
  8. Blood platelets play an important role in coagulation of blood when there are cuts and wounds.
  9. Blood plays an important role in the transport of materials in animals.
  10. Blood is the medium to carry the digested food materials and the inhaled oxygen to all parts of the body.

Question 6.
What preventive measures will you suggest to be healthy, strong and disease free in the context of covid 19.

  1. Protecting ourselves by washing hands with soap or sanitizer,
  2. Not touching the face, eyes, nose, mouth
  3. Wearing a face mask
  4. Maintaining social distance
  5. Strictly adhering to covid protocol SMS – SANITISE, MASK, SOCIAL DISTANCE.
  6. Taking steam inhalation twice a day.
  7. Drinking hot milk mixed with turmeric,
  8. Taking meals when hot,
  9. Taking a nutritive balanced diet,
  10. Practicing breathing exercises and yoga,
  11. Gargling with warm water and Taking vitamin C

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

Question 7.
What is Choking? What is the first aid for it?

  1. Choking occurs when the wind pipe is obstructed by an object leading to blocking of air.
  2. Choking has to be attended immediately as it is dangerous.
  3. In adults, hold the person from behind around the abdomen just below the ribs.
  4. Press quickly and repeatedly until the person gets relief by coughing or vomiting.
  5. In case of children who usually put seeds, coins or bottle caption their mouth and get choked.
  6. The child should be made to lie down upside down in the lap of an adult.
  7. Then, the part of the back between the shoulder bones has to be tapped strongly until the object comes out.
  8. Take him to the doctor immediately.

AP Board 7th Class Science 4th Lesson 1 Mark Bits Questions and Answers Respiration and Circulation

I. Multiple Choice Questions

1. In which process accumulated semisolid wastes come out?
A) Sneezing
B) Yawning
C) Coughing
D) Apnea
C) Coughing

2. Which of the following is occured when food enters in the wind pipe?
A) Sneezing
B) Yawning
C) Coughing
D) Apnea
D) Apnea

3. First aid for bleeding is
A) Create pressure on the diaphragm
B) Cover with bandage
C) Upside down
D) Above all
B) Cover with bandage

4. Which of the following requires oxygen?
A) Aerobic respiration
B) Anaerobic respiration
C) Both A & B
D) None
A) Aerobic respiration

5. The process of inhaling air is called
A) Breathing
B) Inspiration
C) Expiration
D) Respiration
B) Inspiration

6. The opening of the nose is called
A) Nostrils
B) Nasal cavity
C) Pharynx
D) wind pipe
A) Nostrils

7. Inspiration occurs due to
A) Ribcage move upward
B) Diaphragm move upward
C) Air enters the lungs
D) A & B
A) Ribcage move upward

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

8. Quantity of nitrogen present in the inhaled air …………%.
A) 21
B) 25
C) 78
D) 0.4
C) 78

9. Quantity of water vapour in exhaled air 0.4 …………%.
A) 15
B) 4
C) 78
D) 3
D) 3

10. This gas turns lime water into milky white
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Carbon dioxide
D) Nitrogen
C) Carbon dioxide

11. Find the correct statement
i) In the lungs, Carbon dioxide from the inhaled air is absorbed by the blood vessels present in the lungs.
ii) Oxygen collected by the blood vessels from all parts of the body enters into the Lungs.
A) both are correct
B) i only correct
C) ii only correct
D) both are wrong
D) both are wrong

12. This will help to quit smoking.
A) Will power
B) support of the family and friends
C) medical and psychological treatment
D) All the above
D) All the above

13. Nicotine is present in this leaf
A) Neem
B) Pipal
C) Tobacco
D) Betel
C) Tobacco

14. Find the odd one
A) Grasshopper
B) Cockroach
C) Earthworm
D) Honey bee
C) Earthworm

15. Frogs respires through
A) Lungs
B) Skin
C) Tracheae
D) Both A & B
D) Both A & B

16. Fish respire through
A) Gills
B) Skin
C) Lung
D) Both A & B
A) Gills

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

17. Marine animal that respire through lung is
A) Fish
B) Dolphins
C) Prawn
D) Star fish
B) Dolphins

18. Respiration in plants occurs through
A) Stomata
B) Lenticles
C) Root hairs
D) All the above
D) All the above

19. Honey bee : Tracheae :: Earth worm : ?
A) Gill
B) Lung
C) Skin
D) None of, these
C) Skin

20. In this process, energy released in our body
A) Photosynthesis
B) Digestion
C) Respiration
D) Circulation
C) Respiration

21. This process helps in the supply of digested food and oxygen to all parts of the body
A) Digestion
B) Circulation
C) Excretion
D) Photosynthesis
B) Circulation

22. This is not a part of circulatory system ….
A) Lungs
B) Heart
C) Blood vessels
D) Blood
A) Lungs

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

23. Upper two chambers of the heart are called
A) Arteries
B) Ventricles
C) Atria
D) Veins
C) Atria

24. The fluid portion of the blood is
C) Blood platelets
D) Plasma
D) Plasma

25. They protect us from the harmful, disease causing micro organisms that enter into our body.
C) Blood platelets
D) Plasma

26. They play an important role in coagulation of blood…….
C) Blood platelets
D) Plasma
C) Blood platelets

27. They plays a key role in respiration.
C) Blood platelets
D) Plasma

28. Which of the following does not have blue coloured blood
A) Prawns
B) Snails
C) Cockroach
D) Crabs
D) Crabs

29. This life processes play an important role in release of energy in organisms.
A) Digestion
B) Respiration
C) Circulation
D) All the above
A) Digestion

30. Which of the following is not a non communicable diseases?
A) Heart attack
B) COVID – 19
C) Cancer
D) Paralysis
B) COVID – 19

31. Identify the bacterial disease
A) Common cold
B) Polio
C) Tuberculosis
C) Tuberculosis

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

32. Identify the viral, disease
A) Typhoid
B) Common cold
C) Cholera
D) Tuberculosis
B) Common cold

33. SMS protocol is for this disease
A) Polio
C) Cancer
D) Paralysis

34. This is caused due to insufficient supply of Oxygen to the brain.
A) Coughing
B) Sneezing
C) Deglutition
D) Yawning
D) Yawning

35. This process prevents the food from entering into the windpipe.
A) Coughing
B) Sneezing
C) Deglutition
D) Yawning
C) Deglutition

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

36. This occurs when the wind pipe is obstructed by an object leading to blocking of air….
A) Coughing
B) Sneezing
C) Deglutition
D) Choking
D) Choking

II. Fill in the blanks

1. COVID -19 is caused by a virus called …………………… .
2. SARS means …………………… .
3. Giving assistance before a doctor attending is called …………………… .
4. The temporary arrest of respiration is called …………………… .
5. The process of inhalation and exhalation of air is called …………………… .
6. The process of inhaling air is called …………………… .
7. The process of exhalation of air is called …………………… .
8; The number of times we inhale and exhale air in a minute is called the
9. We breathe about …………………… times per minute normally.
10. One inhalation and one exhalation together called one
11. …………………… is the first part of the Wind pipe.
12. …………………… is the process which helps in the release of energy in our body.
13. …………………… are the respiratory organs in human beings.
14. The …………………… lung is slightly larger than the …………………… one.
15. Wind pipe is kept in its shape by …………………… .
16. Lungs are protected by …………………… .
17. …………………… is the thin muscular sheet attached to the lower side of the ribcage.
18. …………………… forms the floor of the chest cavity.
19. …………………… play key role in the respiratory movements in man.
20. …………………… play key role in the respiratory movements in woman.
21. …………………… are the only part of the human body which floats on water
22. …………………… is the gas produced in photosynthesis.
23. Percentage of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air is …………………… .
24. Percentage of oxygen in the inhaled air is …………………… .
25. Percentage of carbon dioxide in the exhaled air is …………………… .
26. Percentage of oxygen in the exhaled air is …………………… .
27. Lime water turns milky white when it reacts with …………………… .
28. Glucose + Oxygen → …………………… + water + Energy
29. Tobacco smoke contains a highly dangerous substance called
30. …………………… respiration is present in insects.
31. Breathing through the skin is called …………………… respiration.
32. Respiration carried out by gills is called …………………… .
33. Respiration through is called Pulmonary respiration.
34. Plants respire through on the leaf and on the stem.
35. …………………… is the pumping organ in the blood circulatory system.
36. Upper two chambers of the heart are called and lower two chambers are called …………………… .
37. The rhythmic contraction followed by its relaxation of the heart is called …………………… .
38. Heart beat can be felt and measured by an instrument called …………………… .
39. …………………… carry blood with more oxygen from heart to body parts.
40. …………………… carry blood with more carbon dioxide from the body parts to the heart.
41. …………………… connect the arteries with the Veins
42. …………………… is the fluid portion of the blood.
43. …………………… act like police force of our body.
44. Red blood cells have a colouring pigment called …………………… .
45. …………………… acts as a carrier for oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood.
46. …………………… play an important role in coagulation of blood …………………… .
47. Blood present in cockroach is
48. …………………… is the storage point for undigested food.
49. Blood in snails is …………………… in colour.
50. …………………… was the new disease that created a global impact recently.
51. …………………… is the inbuilt capacity of the body to fight and overcome the effects of disease-causing germs.
52. The entry of disease-causing germs into our body is called ……………… .
53. COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through …………………… of infected person.

  1. SARS CoV – 2
  2. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  3. First aid.
  4. Apnea
  5. breathing
  6. inspiration
  7. expiration
  8. Respiratory Rate
  9. 14 to 20
  10. breath
  11. Larynx
  12. Respiration
  13. Lungs
  14. right
  15. C Shaped rings
  16. ribcage
  17. Diaphragm
  18. Diaphragm
  19. Diaphragm
  20. Ribcage
  21. Lungs
  22. Oxygen
  23. 0.04%
  24. 21%
  25. 4%
  26. 15%
  27. carbon dioxide
  28. Carbon dioxide
  29. Nicotine
  30. Tracheal
  31. cutaneous
  32. branchial respiration
  33. lungs
  34. stomata, lenticels
  35. Heart
  36. atria, ventricles
  37. heartbeat
  38. Stethoscope
  39. Arteries
  40. Veins
  41. Blood capillaries
  42. Plasma
  43. White blood cells
  44. Haemoglobin
  45. Haemoglobin
  46. Blood platelets
  47. colourless
  48. Rectum
  49. bluish
  50. COVID-19
  51. Immunity
  52. infection
  53. droplets of saliva or nasal discharges

III. Match the following


Group – AGroup – B
A) Opening of the nose1) Nostrils
B) Mucus and nasal hair2) Nasal cavity
C) Common chamber3) Lungs
D) Wide tube4) Wind pipe
E) Branches of wind pipe5) Bronchi
F) Spongy and elastic6) Pharynx


Group – AGroup – B
A) Opening of the nose1) Nostrils
B) Mucus and nasal hair2) Nasal cavity
C) Common chamber6) Pharynx
D) Wide tube5) Bronchi
E) Branches of wind pipe4) Wind pipe
F) Spongy and elastic3) Lungs


Group – AGroup – B
A) Red blood cells1) Earthworm
B) White blood cells2) Cockroach
C) Blood platelets3) Carrier for oxygen and carbondioxide
D) Colourless blood4) Coagulation of blood
E) Blue colour blood5) Police force of our body
6) Snails


Group – AGroup – B
A) Red blood cells3) Carrier for oxygen and carbondioxide
B) White blood cells5) Police force of our body
C) Blood platelets4) Coagulation of blood
D) Colourless blood2) Cockroach
E) Blue colour blood6) Snails


Group – AGroup – B
A) Sneezing1) Wastes in the lungs expelled out
B) Yawning2) Inhale air with dust
C) Coughing3) Obstruction Of wind pipe leading to blocking Of air
D) Apnea4) Bleeding injury
E) Choking5) Insufficient supply of Oxygen to the brain
6) Prevents the food from, entering into the windpipe


Group – AGroup – B
A) Sneezing2) Inhale air with dust
B) Yawning5) Insufficient supply of Oxygen to the brain
C) Coughing1) Wastes in the lungs expelled out
D) Apnea6) Prevents the food from, entering into the windpipe
E) Choking3) Obstruction Of wind pipe leading to blocking Of air


Group – AGroup – B
A) Typhoid1) Non communicable diseases
B) Polio2) Pumping organ in the circulatory system
C) Heart attack3) Bacterial disease
D) Capillaries4) Carry blood with more oxygen
E) Heart5) Viral disease


Group – AGroup – B
A) Typhoid3) Bacterial disease
B) Polio5) Viral disease
C) Heart attack1) Non communicable diseases
D) Capillaries6) Connect the arteries with the veins
E) Heart2) Pumping organ in the circulatory system

Do You Know?

→ Lungs are the only part of the human body which floats on water.

→ The efforts of scientists like Von Helmont and Joseph Black led to the discovery of carbon dioxide. Joseph Priestley and Lavoiser discovered Oxygen.

→ Whales, Dolphins, Seals etc. are marine animals which live in water but have lungs. So, they come up regularly ones the surface to breathe the air.

AP 7th Class Science Important Questions 4th Lesson Respiration and Circulation

→ Plants take in Oxygen and give out Carbon dioxide during respiration. The same plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen during the process of Photosynthesis. So we should protect and plant more trees for a rich supply of oxygen.