These AP 7th Class English Important Questions 4th Lesson The Brave Little Bowman will help students prepare well for the exams.

AP Board 7th Class English Unit 4 Important Questions and Answers The Brave Little Bowman

Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1. Read the following passage carefully.

Once there lived a little wise man with a crooked back. He was a skilled archer. His only wish was to join the army. He thought that the king might not give him the job because of his crooked back. The little wise man wanted to find a strong man and ask him to take him as his assistant. Then the king would take both of them. He went in search of a big man.

One day he saw a big man digging a ditch.

The Little Man : You are a big and strong man. Why are you digging ditches? Can’t you find some other work?
The Big Man : I don’t know any other work, and I have to earn my living.
The Little Man : Don’t do this work anymore. Come with me. We will go to the king and ask for a job in the army for you.
The Big Man : I can’t do that. I am not a skilled warrior and can’t fight.
The Little Man : Don’t worry about that. Just go to the King, ask for a job in the army, and introduce me as your assistant.
The Big Man : But, how cap, a little man like you assist me?
(The Brave Little Bowman)

Now, answer the following questions. ,
1. What was the disadvantage that the little man had?
He was short and had a crooked back.

2. What was the little man good at?
He was good at archery.

3. What was the little man in search of?
A big man

4. What was the big man doing when the little man approached him?
The big man was digging ditches.

5. How would the little man be introduced?
As an assistant of the big man

AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman

2. Read the following passage carefully.

They went to the palace gates. The big man sent a word to the king that there was a skilled bowman at the gate. The king sent for the big man.

The King : What do you want? Why did you come here?
The Big Man : My greetings to you, your Majesty. I want to join your army.
The King : Who is this little man?
The Big Man : He is my assistant, your Majesty. I want you to take him too along with me.
The King : I will take the both of you and give a thousand silver coins a month.
The Big Man : Thank you very much, your Highness! We will serve you to the best of our abilities.
(The Brave Little Bowman)

Now, answer the following questions.
1. What was the word sent by the big man to the king?
That there was a skilled bowman at the gate

2. What were the phrases used by the big man to address the king?
Your Majesty! and Your Highness!

3. Who was introduced as the assistant?
The little man

4. How much did the king offer them a month?
A thousand silver coins

5. Who joined the big man and the little man in the army?
The king

3. Read the following passage carefully.

One day, the King was informed that a wild elephant was creating panic among the people: running up and down the road, tossing people in the air, causing injuries and in some cases death to the people. Immediately the king ordered the big man fo meet him. The big man reported to the king.
The King : Have you heard about the wild elephant?
The Big Man : Yes, your Majesty!
The King : Go and kill the wild elephant and put the people’s fears to rest.
The Big Man : Certainly, your Highness!
The big man and the little man went to look out for the wild elephant. The little man shot the elephant and killed it and they reported it to the king.
The Big Man : I have killed the wild elephant, your Majesty.
The King : Bravo! You have once again proved that you are a very brave man. I am happy to have you in my army. Take your reward. (The Brave Little Bowman)

Now, answer the following questions.
1. What was informed to the king?
That a wild elephant was creating panic among the people

2. Who ordered to kill the elephant?
The king

3. What was the king’s order to the big man?
To kill the wild elephant and put the people’s fears to rest

4. Who killed the elephant?
The little man

5. Whom did the king praise?
The big man

AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman

4. Read the following passage carefully.

The war elephant went out of the city and entered the battlefield. Then at the sound of the first drum beat, the big man shook with fear.
The Little Man : Hang in there. You need not be afraid. If you fall off now, you will be killed.
The Big Man slipped off the elephant’s back, and ran back to the city.
The Big Man : I don’t want this job. I don’t want your money either. I can do any job as long as I live.
The Little man : Oh! what a coward he is! though big and strong! However, this is a blessing in disguise. I will fight for the king and prove that I am , better than the big man, though I don’t have a big and strong body.

The little bowman drove the war elephant into the fight. The army broke into the enemy king’s camp. The little man’s army drove the enemy out of their kingdom and won the battle. The king heard about the little bowman. The people called him ‘The Brave Little Bowman.’ The king made him the chief of the army and gave him rich gifts. The big man was ashamed of himself and went back to his work of digging ditches. As per the saying, ‘better late than never’, the little man received the much-deserved honour at last. (The Brave Little Bowman)

Now, answer the following questions.
1. Where did the war elephant enter?
The battlefield

2. What did the big man do in the battlefield?
He slipped off the elephant’s back and ran back to the city.

3. How is it a blessing in disguise?
Though he had to fight the battle, it was a great opportunity for him to prove his skill.

4. Who won the battle?
The little man’s army

5. What did the people call the little man?
The Brave Little Bowman

5. Read the following lines carefully.

Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire!
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon’s sphere;
And I serve the Fairy Queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green; (A Fairy Song)

Now, answer the following questions.
1. Who is the speaker of these lines?
A fairy

2. What is the poetic device used in the fourth and the sixth line?

3. Who moves faster, the moon or the speaker?
The speaker

4. Who does the speaker serve?
The Fairy Queen

5. How is the speaker serving her / him?
By dropping dewdrops upon the green.

AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman

6. Read the following lines carefully.

The cowslips tall her pensioners be;
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favours;
In those freckles live their savours;
1 must go seek some dewdrops here,
And hang a pearl in every cowslip’s ear. (A Fairy Song)

Now, answer the following questions.
1. What are the cowslips?
Yellow flowers

2. What are the spots on the cowslips compared with?
The spots on the cowslips are compared with rubies.

3. What is figure of speech used in the line ‘And hang a pearl in every cowslip’s ear.’?

4. How do the spots look like?
Like rubies

5. What are the ‘gold coats’ referred to?
The yellow petals of the flowers

Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

1. Read the following passage.
After the war, our church was in a very bad condition. So we decided to build a new one on the top of a hill just outside the town. We used many different kinds of materials. We built the walls of stone and glass, the heavy doors of wood and metal. From the top of the church there was a wonderful view. You can see the entire town and countryside for miles around. People from all parts of the country visit the church every day. It is such an interesting building. ‘

Now, answer the following questions.
a) What was the condition of the church after the war?
The church was in a very bad condition after the war.

b) Where did the people want to build the church?
on the top of the hill

Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
c) The walls of the new church were made of?
i) wood and glass
ii) wood and metal
iii) stone and glass
iii) stone and glass

d) The doors were made of…….
i) metal and wood
ii) cement and bricks
iii) glass and marble
i) metal and wood

e) Choose the correct statement from the following.
i) The new church was built in a town.
ii) The new church was an interesting building.
iii) The new church had no walls and doors.
ii) The new church was an interesting building.

AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman

2. Read the following passage.

Penny-wise Monkey
Once upon a time, there lived the king of a big and affluent country. The king was quite fond of travelling. Usually, he didn’t like to visit his own country; instead he went to other countries. One day, he assembled his army to move out for a holiday to some distant country. The king and his soldiers walked for the whole morning in the forest. After this, they went into the camp to take some rest.

The horses were also tired, so they were fed with peas. One of the monkeys, who lived in the forest, was keeping a track of the things done by the king’s men from a distance. When he saw peas offered to the horses, he jumped down from the tree at once to get some of them. He quickly gobbled some peas, also filled his mouth and hands with them. Then, he went up the tree and sat down to eat the peas.

As and when, he sat there to eat peas; one pea fell from his hand to the ground. The greedy monkey dropped all the peas he had in his hands and ran down to look for the lost pea at once. Unluckily, he could not find that one pea. He climbed up the ‘tree again and sat at rest. He was looking very sad. He said to himself, “To get one pea, 1 threw away what I had”.

The king was watching the monkey from the camp and said to himself, “I would not be like this stupid monkey, who lost much to gain a little. I will go back to my own country and enjoy what I have”. Thus, the king and his army marched back to their own country.
Now, answer the following questions.
a) Why did the king want to visit other countries?
because he was quite fond of travelling.

b) What did the monkey see?
The monkey saw peas being offered to the horses.

Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
c) The monkey gobbled the peas in a particular way.
From this, we know that ………..
i) the monkey was kind
ii) the monkey was greedy
iii) the monkey wanted just enough to eat
ii) the monkey was greedy

d) Another possible title to the story is ………..
i) The Horses and the Monkey
ii) The Wise Monkey
iii) Penny-wise and Pound-foolish
iii) Penny-wise and Pound-foolish

e) Choose the correct statement from the following.
i) The king learnt that it is foolish to lose more to gain little.
ii) The king learnt that it is good to take risk in life.
iii) The king learnt that without pain there cannot be any gain.
i) The king learnt that it is foolish to lose more to gain little

Interpretation Of Non-Verbal Information

1. Read the following table showing Endocrine glands, hormones they release and their functions.

Endocrine glandHormoneFunctions of Hormone
Pituitarygrowth hormoneStimulates growth and DNA synthesis
Pancreasinsulin glucagonStimulates glucose uptake in all cells; breaks down glycogen into glucose.
ThyroidthryoxinStimulates metabolism and heart rate.
AdrenaladrenalinStimulates heart rate and blood pressure.
Parathyroidparathyroid harmoneStimulates calcium ion release in bones

Now, answer the following questions.
a) What does the table show?
The table shows endocrine glands, hormones they secrete and their functions.

b) Which gland stimulates glucose uptake in all cells?
Pancreas stimulates glucose uptake in all cells.

Choose the correct answer:
c) Which of the following glands stimulates heart rate and blood pressure?
i) pituitary
ii) parathyroid
iii) adrenal
iii) adrenal

d) Which of the following glands releases growth hormone?
i) pancreas
ii) parathyroid
iii) pituitary
iii) pituitary

e) Which of the following glands stimulates metabolism and heart rate?
i) pituitary
ii) thyroid
iii) adrenal
ii) thyroid

2. Study the following table :

Openers with more than 8000 runs in One Day Internationals (ODIs)
AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman 1

Now, answer the following questions.
a) What does the table show?
The table shows the openers with more than 8000 runs in One Day Internationals.

b) Who was the highest scorer as an opener in ODIs?
Sachin Tendulkar was the highest scorer in ODIs as an opener.

Choose the correct answer:
c) How many centuries were scored by Sachin as an opener?
i) 75
ii) 28
iii) 45
iii) 45

d) Who was the second highest scorer as an opener?
i) Adam Gilchrist
ii) Sanath Jayasurya
iii) Sourav Ganguly
ii) Sanath Jayasurya

e) The average of which two openers is almost equal?
i) Desmond Haynes and Chris Gayle
ii) Sourav Ganguly and Desmond Haynes
iii) Chris Gayle and Saeed Anwar
ii) Sourav Ganguly and Desmond Haynes



Choose the words with similar meanings (synonyms) from the list given to the words underlined.
AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman 2
a) a) talented, b) hope
b) a) heavy, b) supporter
c) a) divided, b) equitably
d) a) At once, b) commanded
e) a) applauded, b) courage
f) a) give in, b) war


Write the opposites (antonyms) for the underlined words.
a) He was a skilled (a) archer. His only wish was to join (b) the army.
b) The Big Man : Thank you very much, your Highness ! We will serve (a) you to the best of our abilities (b).
c) Immediately (a) the king ordered (b) the big man to meet him.
d) A few days later (a), as a bolt from the blue for the big man, the kingdom was attacked (b) by an enemy.
e) The Big Man : Today is my last (a) day in this world. I am definitely (b) going to die.
f) I will fight (a) for the king and prove that I am better (b) than the big man, though I don’t have a big and strong body.
a) a) unskilled, b) leave
b) a) neglect, b) inabilities
c) a) Eventually, b) obeyed
d) a) earlier, b) defended
e) a) first, b) doubtfully
f) a) yield, b) worse

Right Forms of the Words

Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given in the brackets.

a) Once there lived a little _____ (a).(wisely / wise) man with a crooked back. He was a skilled _____ (b) (archery / archer).
b) I will do the work _____ (a) (assigned / assignment) to you and we will divide the pay _____ (b) (equally / equal).
c) They joined the army and were _____ (a) (happy / happily). One day the king sent for the big man and told him that there was a tiger in the forest who was _____ (b) (kill/ killing) people.
d) All the people in the _____ (a) (king / kingdom) praised the big man for his _____ (b) (brave / bravery).
e) The king _____ (a) (received / reception) a message either to surrender his kingdom to him or to get _____ (b) (ready / readily) for the battle.
f) As per the saying, ‘better late than never’, the little man _____ (a) (receive / received) the much deserved _____ (b) (honour / honourable).
a) a) wise, b) archer
b) a) assigned, b) equally
c) a) happy, b) killing
d) a) kingdom, b) bravery
e) a) received, b)ready
f) a) received, b) honour

Spelling Test

Type – 1 : Vowel Clusters

Complete the following words using “ai, au, ea, ee, ei, eo, eu, ia, ie, io, oi, oo, ou, ua, ue or ui”.
a) He th _ _ ght that the king might not give him the job bec _ _ se of his crooked back.
b) Then the king w _ _ Id take both of them. He went in s _ _ rch of a big man.
c) The Big Man : My gr _ _ tings to you, your Majesty. I want to join y _ _ r army.
d) Immed _ _ tely the king ordered the big man to m _ _ t him.
e) The king rec _ _ ved a message either to surrender his kingdom to him or to get r _ _ dy for the battle.
f) The p _ _ ple called him ‘The Brave Little Bowman’. The king made him the ch _ _ f of the army and gave him rich gifts.
a) thought, because
b) would, search
c) greetings, your
d) Immediately, meet
e) received, ready
f) people, chief

AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman

Type – 2 : Suffixes

Complete the following words with the suitable suffixes given in the brackets.

a) He was a skilled arch __(er /ery). His only wish was to join the army. He thought that the king might not give him the job because of his crook __(d /ed) back.
b) The little wise man want __(d / ed) to find a strong man and ask him to take him as his assist __(ant / ent).
c) The Big Man : Thank you very much, your High __(nes / ness)! We will serve you to the best of our abilit __(yes / ies).
d) All the people in the king __(dom / dome) praised the big man for his brav __(ary /ery).
a) archer, crooked
b) wanted, assistant
c) Highness, abilities
d) kingdom, bravery

Type – 3 : Wronalv Spelt Words

Identify the wrongly spelt word and write its correct spelling in the space provided.

a) messege, report, country, archer

b) palace, asistant, equally, shoot

c) earn, thousand, battle, apreciate

d) worry, happy, imediatly, blessing

e) praise, cheif, ashamed, shoulder

Classification of Words

Arrange the following words under the correct headings.
AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman 3

Choice of the Words

Fill in the blanks choosing the suitable words from those given in the box.
AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman 4
a) 1) strong, 2) assistant
b) 1) happy, 2) killing
c) 1) informed, 2) creating
d) 1) praised, 2) bravery
e) 1) surrender, 2) ready
f) 1) ashamed, 2) digging

Verb Forms

Read the table given below and fill in the blank with the correct forms of the verbs. Write ‘Regular’ or ‘Irregular’ in the third column.

Present TensePast TenseRegular or Irregular
1. buyboughtIrregular
2. cleancleanedRegular
3. closeclosedRegular
4. dancedancedRegular
5. taketookIrregular
6. eatateIrregular
7. thinkthoughtIrregular
8. flyflewIrregular
9. writewroteIrregular
10. dodidIrregular


I. Edit the following passage correcting the underlined parts.

1. Speech is a great blessing, and (a) it can also be an (b) great – curse, for it helped (c) us to make our intentions and desires knowing (d) to our friends.
a) but b) a c) helps d) known

2. Once upon a time there lived a king in central India. He is (a) handsome and (b) very vain. He looked after (c) himself constantly in mirrors, in pools of water even in other people’s eyes when they spoke to him.
“I am the handsomest (d) king on earth,” he said to his courtiers.
a) was b) but c) at d) most handsome

3. The green cells of leaves are wonderful little laboratories, there (a) all the starch in the world is produced. Since starch forms a (b) important part of the food of men and animals, their life depend (c) on the work done by the green cells of plants. Thus trees are such great friends to (d) man.
a) where b) an c) depends d) of

4. Deforestation in a (a) Himalayas have become (b) major ecological problem. Its results are felt not only in the hill regions and (c) hundreds of miles downstream in the Ganges plain, who (d) feeds and waters about one-third of India’s 840 million people.
a) the b) has become c) but d) which

AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman

II. Complete the passage choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is numbered and for each blank four choices are given. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (Q or (D) in the blanks.

1. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam ………….. (1) born in ………….. (2) middle-class Tamil family in the island town ………….. (3) Rameswaram. He was a short boy with rather ordinary looks ………….. (4) his parents were tall and handsome. His father was neither highly educated nor very rich.
1) A) is B) was C) being D) were
2) A) one B) the C) a D) an
3) A) of B) near C) by D) off
4) A) and B) if C) though D) but
1) B 2) C 3) A 4) D

2. Ramesh ………….. (1) Mohan went ………….. (2) the cinema on Saturday ………….. (3) was a long queue. It was a cold evening and they ………….. (4) to stand in the queue for nearly an hour.
1) A) or B) and C) but D) so
2) A) to B) for C) by D) into
3) A) Their B) There C) They D) The
4) A) have B) had C) has D) will have
1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B

3. Lai Bahadur Shastri ………….. (1) born on 2nd October, 1904 ………….. (2) Mogul Sarai ………….. (3) Varanasi. His father was below two years of age ………….. (4) ordinary teacher and died when he was below two years of age.
1) A) is B) was C) are D) were
2) A) at B) in C) from D) on
3) A) of B) from C) in D) at
4) A) the B) an C) a D) one
1) B 2) A 3) C 4) B

4. One day a Brahmin was walking ………….. (1) a forest ………….. (2) suddenly he ………….. (3) someone crying out for help. He ………….. (4) in the direction of the sound and came upon a well that was dried up.
1) A) by B)through C) in D) from
2) A) or B)through C) when D) but
3) A) heard B) hear C) hears D) hearing
4) A) go B) went C) goes D) going
1) B 2) C 3) A 4) B

III. Fill in the blanks with the verb in Simple Future Tense.

1) Our exams ______ (postpone) because of the second wave Corona.
2) I ______ (meet) you this evening.
3) I don’t think she ______ (accept) your proposal.
4) I ______ (tell) you about it later.
5) I ______ (write) to you as early as possible.
6) Next week, we ______ (buy) a new car.
7) This shop ______ (close) by 8 p.m. today.
8) She ______ (come) to the party.
9) I think, they ______ (lose) their match against Australia.
10) Tomorrow, my father ______ (take) us to circus.

  1. will be posponed
  2. will meet
  3. will accept
  4. will tell
  5. shall write
  6. shall buy
  7. will be closed
  8. will come
  9. will lose
  10. will take

IV. Fill in the blanks with the verb in Simple Future Tense.

1) My father _____ (be) in Guntur tomorrow.
2) I _____ (see) you on Sunday.
3) They _____ (sell) their house.
4) I _____ (do) it for you.
5) I _____ (go) to school tomorrow.
6) _____ you _____ (ring) the bell?
7) I am angry, I _____ (beat) you if you continue to argue with me.
8) They _____ (play) a match in the next month.
9) I _____ (have) my lunch at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
10) I am thirsty, I _____ (drink) a bottle of lemonade.

  1. will be
  2. will see
  3. will sell
  4. shall do
  5. will go
  6. will, ring
  7. shall beat
  8. will play
  9. shall have
  10. will drink

V. Write negative sentences for the given positive sentences.

1) I will see you tomorrow.
2) Tonight, we will go to the cinema.
3) I shall display my product at the exhibition which is going to be held in Vijayawada.
4) I shall attend the programme.
5) He will join us in the webex meeting.
6) They will play a match tomorrow.
7) They will get married in August.
8) It will rain soon.
9) Sushma will be in 8th class by this time, next year.
10) She will dance with me.

  1. I won’t see you tomorrow.
  2. Tonight, we won’t go to the cinema.
  3. I shan’t display my product at the exhibition which is going to be held in Vijayawada.
  4. I shan’t attend the programme.
  5. He won’t join us in the webex meeting.
  6. They won’t play a match tomorrow.
  7. They won’t get married in August.
  8. It won’t rain soon.
  9. Sushma won’t be in 8th class by this time, next year.
  10. She won’t dance with me.

Creative Writing

1. You have read the lesson “The Brave Little Bowman”. You have come to know about the little man’s crooked back though he was a skilled archer. His wish was to join the army. But, he couldn’t get a job in the army because of his crooked back.
Now, describe the feelings of the little bowman about his crooked back and how he could get a job in the army.
The little man was very wise. He was a skilled archer too. But he was unhappy with his crooked back. His strong desire was to join the army. But he knew that he would be refused to join the army because of his crooked back. He thought, “How unlucky fellow I am! Though I am a skilled archer 1 could not fulfil my wish. Oh, God! Why did you give me this crooked back? What can I do now? Shall I go to the king and request him to take me into his army? No, it is not good. He should not give me the job because of my crooked back.

Oh, God! Please show me a way to join the army. If I don’t get a job in the army, my life is futile. What will happen if I assist a strong man? Why can’t I use a strong man to join the army? Yes, it is a good idea! I must find out a strong man and ask him to take me as his assistant. Then we will go to the king and he will give jobs to both of us in the army. Thank God! You have given me a right idea. Now, I am hopeful of fulfilling my wish.”

AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman

2. You have learnt that the little bowman was made the chief of the army by the king. The king and all the people came to know about his abilities. The little man’s joy knew no bounds when he was made the chief of the army.
Imagine that you are the little bowman and make a diary entry describing the feelings of the little bowman after he was made the chief of the army.

15th November, 20xx
7:30 p.m.
Dear Diary,Today is a very good day. It is really an unforgettable day in my life. Finally, I have fulfilled my long-lasting wish. Thank God! You only have given me this chance. It’s all because of that big man. What a coward he is! Though big and strong, he is timid. However, his leaving the battlefield is a blessing in disguise for me. Though I don’t have a big body, I have fought for the kingdom and proved that I am better than the big man. The king has made me the chief of the army and given me a number of rich gifts. It is a great honour for me. I am very happy. Oh, God! I am grateful to you. I shall do my level best as the chief of the army. I shall discharge all my duties upto the king’s entire satisfaction I can’t believe my eyes. Today is a memorable day for me.

The Little Bowman

3. Write about an act of bravery that you or your family member or any one of your friends may have shown at some stage in your life.
An act of my bravery

My father runs a jewellery shop. The shop is open on all days. But it is closed on Sundays.

One Sunday evening. 1 was returning home after playing cricket with my friends. I was coming on my bicycle. On my way home, when 1 came to my father s shop, I found #my father’s shop was kept open. I was surprised to see it open as it was a Sunday. I got down my bicycle and put it behind a tree and stood there silently to see what was going to happen. A few minutes later, I saw two thieves coming from the shop with a bag of jewellery and keeping it in their car, kept outside the shop. They later, went again into the shop to bring some more.

At once, without any hesitation, I ran towards the car and took out the air from all the tyres. Then I rode on my bicycle to the nearby police station and informed the police about the theft.

The police took me in their jeep and came to the spot. Seeing the police, the thieves began to run. But the police chased them and caught hold of them. All our jewellery was kept back in the shop and then it was locked.

The police congratulated me on my act of bravery. All my friends and neighbours praised me for my bravery. I felt happy as 1 had saved our property.

4. You know that Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a social reformer and a politician. He was the chairman of the drafting committee of the Indian Constitution. Now write a brief biographical sketch using the facts given below.
Birth : 14 April, 1891
Place of Birth : Mhow in Central Provinces (currently Madhya Pradesh)
Parents : Ramji Maloji Sakpal (father) and Bhimabai Murbadkar Sakpal (mother)
Wife : Ramabai Ambedkar
Education : Elphinstone High School, University of Bombay, Columbia University, London School of Economics
Associations : Samata Sainik Dal, Independent Labour Party. Scheduled Castes Federation
Political Ideology : Right winged; Equalism
Religious Beliefs : A Hindu by birth; a Buddhist 1956 onwards
Books written : Essays on Untouchables and Untouchability, The Annihilation of Caste, Waiting for a Visa
Death : 6, December, 1956
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a social reformer and a politician. He was the chairman of the drafting committee of the Indian Constitution. He was born on 14 April, 1891 in Mhow in Central Provinces (currently Madhya Pradesh). His parents were Ramji Maloji Sakpal (father) and Bhimabai Murbadkar Sakpal (mother). Ramabai Ambedkar was his wife. He had his schooling from Elphinstone High School. He took his university education from University of Bombay, Columbia University and London School of Economics.

He worked for the organizations of Samaita Sainik Dal, Independent Labour Party and Scheduled Castes Federation. He was right winged. He fought for equal rights for all people. He was a Hindu by birth and turned a Buddhistl956 onwards. He wrote ‘Es¬says on Untouchables’, ‘Untouchability’, ‘The Annihilation of Caste’ and ‘Waiting for a Visa’ describing the problems of the untouchables in society. He passed away on 6th December 1956.

5. Write a story using the following hints.

Hints : Woodcutter – cutting tree – on river bank – axe slips – falls into water – woodcutter sad – river god appears from water – offers golden axe – woodcutter refuses – god offers silver axe – woodcutter refuses- god offers iron-own axe – woodcutter happy – accepts axe – god very pleased- honest woodcutter – gives all three axes.
Once upon a time there was a woodcutter. The woodcutter lived in a village with his family. Though he was poor, he was honest. He had to earn money by selling firewood. He used to cut trees on the nearby river bank.

One day he went to the nearby river bank and started cutting a tree. Unfortunately while he was cutting the tree, his iron axe slipped and fell into water. The woodcutter felt sad as he lost his iron axe. Moreover it would be difficult for him to buy a new axe. He prayed to god for help. Immediately the river god came out of the water and appeared before him. The river god asked the woodcutter what his problem was. The woodcutter told the god that his axe slipped and fell into the river water. He requested the god to bring his axe back. The god took pity on him and disappeared. He brought a golden axe instead of the iron axe and offered it to the woodcutter. But the woodcutter refused to take the golden axe offered by the river god as it was not his own axe. Then the river god disappeared again and came out of water with a silver axe. The god offered him to take the silver axe. But the woodcutter refused the silver axe also, as it was not his own axe.

The river god disappeared once again and came out of water with the woodcutter’s own iron axe. He offered it to the woodcutter. The woodcutter was happy on seeing his own iron axe and accepted to take the iron axe. The river god was pleased with the . honesty of the woodcutter. He gave all the three axes to him and disappeared. The woodcutter went home happily.

Moral: Honesty will be rewarded.

AP 7th Class English Important Questions Unit 4 The Brave Little Bowman

6. Write a story using the hints provided :

Hints : Small village – a boy and a mother – poor – collected wood from forest – cut down small trees – one day – a big bird from a tree – don’t cut down this tree – my house – boy agreed – bird pleased – come before sunrise with a bag – next morning – hold on to my tail – flew up – in the sky – to a distant valley – full of gold – filled the bag – flew back – boy and mother rich – happy.
The Kindness of a Bird
Once there lived a boy and his mother in a small village. They were very poor and earned their livelihood by collecting wood from forest. The boy used to cut down small trees.

One day he began to cut a big tree. A bird from the tree pleaded not to cut down the tree because it was her house. The boy agreed.

The bird was pleased and asked the boy to come before sunrise with a bag the next morning. He did as the bird said. The.bird asked the boy to hold on to her tail. The boy held her tail tightly and the bird flew up in the sky to a distant valley which was full of gold. The boy filled the bag with gold. Then they flew back. The boy and his mother became rich. They lived happily.