AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 7th Lesson Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Solutions 7th Lesson Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

6th Class Social Studies 7th Lesson Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
What do you mean by Gana? How were they different from the kingdoms ruled by the kings?
The term ‘gana’ means people of equal status. Sangha means ‘assembly’. Gana Sangha means an assembly of equal-status people. They cover a small area that was ruled by a superior group among them. These gana sanghas practiced “all are equal” traditions.
A kingdom means a territory and was ruled by a king or queen. In a kingdom, a family which rules for a long, period becomes a dynasty.

Question 2.
Why did the Rajas of Mahajanapadas build forts?

  1. The rajas of Mahajanapadas built forts to protect their capital city.
  2. Huge walls of wood, brick or stone were built around the cities.
  3. Forts were probably built because people were afraid of attacks from other kings and needed protection.
  4. Some rulers wanted to show their wealth and strength by building large, tall, and impressive walls around their cities.
  5. The land and the people living inside the forts could be controlled more easily by the king.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 3.
Can you point out the difference between the way villages are managed today and in the time of Mahajanapadas?
Nowadays, regular elections are taking place in villages which promotes democracy in our country. But in earlier times there was a ruler who controlled the village which did not help the democracy, but it helped in the monarch system which went for a long time in our country.

Question 4.
Find out how the craftspersons are; taxed by the government today? Was it the same in the times of Mahajanapadas?
Craft persons have to pay taxes at the time of Mahajanapadas. Sometimes they have to work free of charge for the king for one day of every month.
But today if a craft person earns money more than the specified amount by the government they have to pay the tax for the excess amount they earned. There is no chance to work instead of paying tax.

Question 5.
Through what sources do you know about Mahajanapadas?
We can know much about those villages and towns from two kinds of sources from archaeological excavations in different places and from the books composed during that period:

Question 6.
Write the agricultural practices that led to an increase in agricultural production in the time of Mahajanapadas.
Two major changes were practiced during the Mahajanapadas period.

  1. Iron ploughshares were used. Heavy, clayey soil could be turned over better than with a wooden ploughshare, so that more grain could be produced.
  2. People of Mahajanapadas began transplanting paddy. Instead of scattering seeds on the ground, from which plants would sprout, saplings were grown and then planted in the fields. Production developed due to this since many plants survived.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 7.
“ The Mahajanapadas developed on the river banks.” Do you agree or not? Justify your answer.
All the Mahajanapadas developed on the river banks. I agree with this statement. Archeologists found hundreds of sites in the Ganges valley. As this plain receives very high rainfall, it is very fertile. These rivers bring silt from the Himalayas and flow throughout the year. Transportation is also easy from these places. So Mahajanapadas developed on the river banks. If we observe all the Mahajanapadas, all the janapadas emerged around the river banks of Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada and Godavari.

Question 8.
How do you appreciate the works of craftsmen in the times of Mahajanapadas?
During the period of Mahajanapadas, craftsmen played a key role in the development of Mahajanapadas. Availability of iron facilitated craft production also. Blacksmiths made necessary tools for agriculture like ploughshares, sickles, axes, arrows etc., With the use of iron ploughshare productivity improved. Potters made pots for cooking and storing grains. Carpenters made carts and with the help of these carts transportation was made easy. Weavers weaved cloth which was exported to other places and it helped the economy of Mahajanapadas. Potters made special type of pottery known as painted grey ware, which became famous in those days.
In this way craftsmen participated in the development of Mahajanapadas.

Question 9.
What were the taxes collected by the rulers of the Mahajanapadas?
The taxes collected by the Mahajanapadas were :

  1. 1/6th of the total agricultural produce as a tax on crops.
  2. Craftsmen had to pay taxes in the form of labor.
  3. Taxes on the sale and purchase of goods and services for trade.
  4. Taxes on herders in the form of animals or animal products and taxes on hunters and gatherers in the nature of their collection from forests.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 10.
How are present-day elections different from the way in which rulers were chosen in Janapadas?
Choosing of rulers in ‘janapadas’ – Men were chosen ‘rajas’ by performing big sacrifices. The ‘Ashwamedha was one such ritual that was used to identify a ‘raja’. The ‘raja’ chosen by this sacrifice was considered very powerful.
Electing rulers today – Today, we have a democratic system of government. Each citizen has a right to cast his vote and to form the government through his elected representative.

Question 11.
What is similar in the way crops were grown in the Mahajanapadas and how they are grown today?
The crops that were grown in the Mahajanapadas were wheat, barley, peas, and lentils. These crops are grown in the same way as those were grown in the ancient days.
In the time of Mahajanapads, they planted paddy saplings instead of grains.
Even today the same system was followed by the farmers.

Question 12.
How can you appreciate the role of natural resources in the emergence of Magadha as a powerful kingdom?
The rivers made the land very fertile and the Grihapatis could irrigate their lands easily. The rivers were also used for transporting goods and armies. Parts of the Magadha were forested. Elephants were captured from there and trained for fighting in the armies. Wood from the forests was used for building fortresses and palaces and chariots. In the southern parts of Magadha, there were iron ore deposits that could be used for making weapons, etc.
All this enabled Magadha to emerge as a very powerful kingdom. The kingdom extended from the northwest part of India to Odisha.
Thus Magadha used the natural wealth of the region to build a powerful kingdom.

Question 13.
Locate the 16 Mahajanapadas and their capitals in the following India outline map.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 1

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 14.
Solve the puzzle with new terms you have learned in this lesson. Take the support of your teacher.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 2
Down ↓

  1. The mahajanapada located on the extreme eastern side
  2. This is the capital city of Avanti
  3. Farmers used this metal to make plough shares.
  4. The Mahajanapada located on the banks of river Godavari
  5. The slaves employed at Gahapatis
  6. Kusinara is the capital of this kingdom
  7. The capital city of Surasena Cross

Cross →

  1. The powerful kingdom of Mahajanapadas
  2. another name for Varanasi
  3. Kaushambi is the capital of this Mahajanapada
  4. Mahabharata tells us about the battle among the kings of this mahajanapada
  5. 1 /6th of farm produce collected as tax from farmers
  6. These condemned caste systems and the use of yagnas
  7. Vajji has this type of government.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 4

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Project Work

Collect the information about 16 Mahajanapadas, and the state, in which they were located. Prepare a table as given below. Refer to India Political map given.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 3

S.No. Mahajanapada Capital Modern Location / State
1. Anga Champa West Bengal
2. Magadha Girivraja/Rajagriha Gaya & Patna / Bihar
3. Kasi Banaras/Varanasi Uttar Pradesh
4. Vatsa Kausambi Around Allahabad / UP
5. Kosala Shravasti Modern Avadh region / Eastern UP
6. Surasena Mathura Western UP region
7. Kuru Indraprasta Meerut & Southeastern Haryana
8. Matsya Viratnagar Around Jaipur
9. Chedi Sothirati Bundelkhand region
10. Avanti Ujjaini/Mahismati Around Malwa MP
11. Gandhara Taxila Rawalpindi/Pakistan
12. Kamboja Pooncha Kashmir & Hindukush
13. Asmaka Pratisthan / Pothan Telangana & Maharashtra
14. Vajji Vaishali Bihar
15. Malla Kusihara Deoria & UP
16. Panchala Ahichatra/Kampliya Western UP

6th Class Social Studies 7th Lesson Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

(Textbook Page No. 75)

Question 1.
Look at the physical map of India and identify the plains through which the rivers Ganga and Yamuna flow
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 5

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 2.
Identify the modern cities of India like Delhi, Allahabad, Varanasi, Lucknow and Patna.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics 6

Question 3.
Do you think this area will be similar to your villages? Give your reasons.
I don’t think that our villages are similar to that of Delhi, Allahabad, Varanasi, Lucknow, and Patna. They are well developed from the time of Mahajanapadas itself. Because of high fertility lands and transportation facilities these areas developed from that time. Now they became big cities and Delhi being our national capital. So, we can’t compare our villages to the cities mentioned above.

(Textbook Page No. 77)

Question 4.
The important Janapadas of those times are shown on the map.
Look at the map and fill in the blanks.
1. The …………. Janapada was settled on both the banks of the Yamuna.
2. The Panchala was settled on both the banks of the river …………..
3. The ………….. Janapada was situated on the western side of the Surasena.
4. The ………….. Janapada was on the extreme north.
5. The ………….. Janapada was situated on the banks of the river Godavari.
6. The Gandhara was situated on the banks of the river …………..
1) Kuru
2) Ganga
3) Matsya
4) Kambhoja
5) Asmaka
6) Kubha

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Think and Respond

(Textbook Page No. 75)

Question 1.
Find out the names of a few Janas (tribes) who initially settled down in the Indo – Gangetic plain,

  1. Magadha dynasty
  2. Imperial Kanauj
  3. Mughal Empire
  4. Maratha Empire are some of the janapadas who initially settled down in the Indo – Gangetic plains.

Question 2.
What do you mean by Janapada? How is it different from Mahajanapadas?
People of different tribes settled down to practice agriculture in many parts of the valley. These tribes were called Jana and the place they settled was called Janapada. Many groups of such villages and towns are called Mahajanapadas.

Question 3.
How is paddy grown today? (Textbook Page No. 78)

  1. Land is to be prepared and levelled.
  2. Planting on time to be done.
  3. Fertilization to be done.
  4. Field is to be watered.
  5. Pests is to be controlled.
  6. Harvest on time.
  7. Storing safely.
  8. Milling efficiently.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 4.
Describe the relationship between Grihapatis and Craftsmen of the village. (Textbook Page No. 79)
In most villages, there Were craft persons like blacksmiths who made tools necessary for agriculture (like ploughshares, sickles, axes, arrows, etc), potters who made pots for cooking and storing grains, carpenters who made carts, ploughs, furniture etc., and weavers who wove cloth for the villagers.
Probably the Grihapatis gave them grains in return for their products. These craft products were necessary for agriculture, but the Grihapatis may not have had the time or skill to make them.

(Textbook Page No. 80)

Question 5.
The people of the towns would haMe needed grain, milk, meat etc. How do you think they got them if most townspeople were not doing any farming?
Even though the townspeople were riot doing, any farming they get milk and meat by purchasing them from nearby villages and shops situated in the town.

Question 6.
Have you ever seen a fort on TV or have you ever been there? Why were there big walls around the fort?
I have seen Red fort. I had been to Delhi and I have seen the Red Fort there. There are big walls around the fort. To protect the enemy kings by not entering them into the fort big walls were constructed around the fort.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

Question 7.
What were they made of? How do you think the kings managed to get the wealth needed for all this?
The Red fort got its name from the stone used to construct it. The entire fort is made up of red sandstone. Maybe it was constructed with the tax amount collected and conquering other kingdoms.

Question 8.
Why did the king of Mahajanapadas need armies?
The kings of Mahajanapadas were afraid of attacks from other kings and enemies. They needed protection. So the king of Mahajanapada needed armies.

(Textbook Page No. 81)

Question 9.
In which form the hunter-gatherers paid taxes to their kings?
Hunters and gatherers paid taxes to the Raja from what they got from the forest like hides, woods, and honey etc.

Question 10.

  1. If everyone was forced to give away a part of their earnings as tax, how did it affect their lives?
    If everyone was forced to give away a part of their earnings, they will lose the earning for that part which was given as tax.
  2. Why do you think they agreed to pay the taxes? Do you think they benefited in any way from the new arrangements?
    They will get encouragement, and support from the king – besides protection.
  3. What is bhaga? Does the government of our times take the produce of farmers in , a similar way?
    The Grihapatis had to divide their crops into six parts and one part of them is to be given to king as tax. This was called bhaga.
    The government of our times does not collect produce from the farmers. The government collects tax from the farmers as per the quantity sold.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics

(Textbook Page No. 82)

Question 11.

  1. Why were the kings of Mahajanapadas keen to increase craft production and trade?
    The kings of Mahajanapadas were k^en to increase craft production and trade because they would get more taxes. The wealth of the kingdom will increase.
  2. How did the headmen of the villages benefit from the imposition of taxes by the kings?
    The kings of Mahajanapadas wanted the village headmen to collect the taxes on their behalf. This might have helped the headmen to increase their power in the villages.

(Textbook Page No. 83)

Question 12.
Write a couple of lines on each of the natural resources of Magadha and how it could have been used by the kings.

  1. Magadha kingdom was spread on both sides of the river Ganga. The river made the land fertile and the Grihapatis could irrigate the land easily and produce was high.
  2. The river was also used for transporting goods and armies.
  3. Elephants were captured from the forests that spread over in the kingdom and trained for fighting in the wars.
  4. In southern parts of Magadha, there were iron ore deposits that were used for making weapons etc.

Question 13.
Compare the gana form of government in Vajji with the present-day republic. Who was not allowed to participate in the assembly of Vajji Mahajanapada?
Vajji had gana form of government which was nearly equal to the present-day form of government. Gana was ruled by a group of leaders instead of a single ruler. In the present republic type of government, we will elect local loaders and they will discuss our problems in the assemblies through discussion and debate.
Women, slaves and wage earners are not allowed to participate in the assembly of vajji mahajanapadas.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 7 Emergence of Kingdoms and Republics


Question 1.
A famous religious epic tells us about many of these Janapadas. Find out about it. (Textbook Page No. 77)
The Mahabharat.

Do you know

Question 1.
Make a list of the Mahajanapadas and the cities which were situated on the Ganges valley. (Textbook Page No. 76)

  1. Kasi – Banaras
  2. Kosala – Shravasti
  3. Anga – Champa
  4. Magadha – Girivraja or Rajagriha
  5. Vajji or Vriji – Vaishali
  6. Malya – Kushinagar
  7. Vatsa – Kausambi
  8. Kuru – Indraprasta/Hastinapur
  9. Pachala – Ahichhtra
  10. Surasena – Mathura

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum

AP State Syllabus AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions 7th Lesson Coal and Petroleum

8th Class Physical Science 7th Lesson Coal and Petroleum 1 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What are exhaustible resources? Give examples.
The resources which are limited in nature and can be exhausted by human activities are called exhaustible resources, e.g. Coal, petroleum and natural gas.

Question 2.
What are inexhaustible resources? Give examples.
The resources which are unlimited in nature and not likely to be exhausted by human activities are called inexhaustible resources, e.g. Solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum

Question 3.
When and where does petroleum first used?
More than 4000 years ago, asphalt (petroleum product) was used in the construction of walls and towers of Babylon. There are also records from ancient China about shallow wells being dug to get petroleum.

Question 4.
What did our ancestors do with petroleum?
They mainly used petroleum for their wooden boats and waterproof, as a fuel for lamps and in some traditional remedies.

Question 5.
What is the basic difference between coal and charcoal?
Coal used in factories is mined from the earth’s crust. The charcoal is obtained from firewood.

Question 6.
What is meant by fractional distillation?
The separation technique used to separate various components of petroleum is called fractional distillation.

Question 7.
What is carbonisation?
The slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonisation.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum

Question 8.
Why coal, petroleum and natural gas are called fossil fuels?
They were formed from the dead remains of living organisms (fossils). So these are called fossil fuels.

Question 9.
What is coke and what are its uses?
Coke is a tough, porous and black substance. It is an almost pure form of carbon. Uses:

  1. Coke is used in the manufacture of steel.
  2. In the extraction of many metals.

Question 10.
Why petroleum is called black gold?
Due to its great commercial importance petroleum Is called black gold.

Question 11.
What are alternatives to natural gas? Why do not we are using them?
The alternatives for natural gas are coal bed methane and gas hydrates. These are not in commercial production phase due to lack in proper technology.

Question 12.
Can coal, petroleum and natural gas be prepared in the laboratory from dead organisms?
No, their formation is very slow process and conditions for their formation cannot be created in the laboratory.

8th Class Physical Science 7th Lesson Coal and Petroleum 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
How do you obtain various materials we are using in our daily life?

Material Method of obtaining it
Glass By melting salt with other materials and then, cooling it rapidly
Clay By mixing the mineral kaolinite with water
Wood From dried up trees
Plastic From petrochemicals
Metals From their respective ores

Question 2.
What is biodiesel? How would you prepare biodiesel? What is its use?
Biodiesel is one of the biofuel. Which is not toxic and renewable. It is made from the biological ingredients instead of petroleum or crude oil. Biodiesel usually made from the plant oils or animal fat through a series of chemical reactions.
It is used in diesel engines.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum

Question 3.
What is coal? Explain the process of formation of coal.
Coal is hard and black coloured substance obtained from mines.

The plants in large and dense forests in low lying wet lands got buried under the soil due to natural processes like floods and earthquakes. As more soil deposited over them, the organic matter was compressed. The temperature also rose. As the organic matter sank deeper and deeper, under high temperature and high pressure, the dead plants slowly converted to coal.

Question 4.
What is coal tar and what are its uses?
Coal tar: It is a black coloured thick liquid with an unpleasant smell. It is a mixture of about 200 substances.
Products obtained from the coal tar are used as starting material for various substances like synthetic dyes, drugs, explosives, perfumes, plastics, paints and roofing material. Naphthaleine balls obtained from coal tar used to repel moths and other insects.

Question 5.
What is coal gas and what are its uses?
Coal gas is a gas obtained during the processing of coal to get coke.

  1. It is used in lighting.
  2. It is used as fuel in many industries.

Question 6.
What are petrochemicals? What are the uses of petrochemicals?
Answer: The useful substances which are obtained from petroleum and natural gas are called petrochemicals.
They are used in the manufacture of detergents, synthetic fibres (polyester, nylon, acrylic) polythene, etc.

Question 7.
Draw a table showing uses of petrochemicals in various sectors.

Agricultural sector Industrial sector Domestic and other sectors
Plastic tubes, case, baskets, storing box, cultivation implements, fertilizers. Cars, motor boats, commu­nication devices, construction materials, paper industry, belt and straps, tyres. Medical equipments, apparels like clothes, bedding, socks, furniture, paints, washing liquids, road, fibre, cosmetics, medicines, polishing liquids, etc.

Question 8.
Why are coal and petroleum so versatile?
Coal consists of mainly carbon while petroleum consists of mixture of compounds called hydrocarbons. These compounds make good starting materials for other compounds based on carbon. Carbon is very versatile and is basis for most of the materials.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum

Question 9.
Why does the price of petrol go up all the time?
The price of anything depends on how much of it is available and how essential it is. Both coal and petroleum are exhaustible resources but we need them, both as fuel and as starting material for synthesising new compounds. Since supply is limited and becoming more expensive as the demand for petrol increase.

Question 10.
What is natural gas ? What are the advantages of CNG as fuel?
Answer: Natural gas is a very important fossil fuel.
CNG: Natural gas is stored under high pressure as compressed natural gas. Advantages of CNG as fuel:

  1. CNG is less polluting and it is a cleaner fuel.
  2. The great advantage of CNG is that it can be used directly for burning in homes and factories where it can be supplied through pipes because CNG travels large distances.

Question 11.
Ramu told Rahim that solar energy is inexhaustible resource then what are the questions raised in the mind of Rahim about solar energy?

  1. If it is inexhaustible resource of energy why don’t we are using it?
  2. Whether utilization of solar energy is difficult?
  3. Whether sophasticated techniques not available for proper use of solar energy at present?
  4. It is costly to use solar energy for producing electric power?

Question 12.
Explain why petroleum is also called as liquid gold.

  1. They are many useful substances are obtained from petroleum which are called petrochemicals.
  2. These are used in the manufacture of detergents, synthetic fibres such as polyester, nylon, acrylic, polythene, etc.
  3. Due to great commercial importance petroleum is also called liquid gold.

Question 13.
What will happen if fossil fuels like coal and petroleum are completely exhausted?

  1. Coal and petroleum are the natural resources which are important resources of energy for us.
  2. Coal is used as a fuel as such in homes and in industry, or it is used to generate electricity at thermal power plants.
  3. Petroleum products such as petrol and diesel are used as fuels in transport to run scooters, motorcycles, cars, buses, trucks, trains and aeroplanes.
  4. Kerosene and LPG obtained from petroleum are used as domestic fuels for cooking food.
  5. Since the industrial revolution, we have been using increasing amount of energy. So we need more energy resource.
    So without coal and petroleum products life on the earth is impossible.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum

Question 14.
Suggest some alternative ways to save the fuel resources. (Or)
What actions are required to meet the future energy needs?

  1. Do not waste fuel for unnecessary activities.
  2. The energy should be properly utilized and the wastage should be minimized.
  3. Usage of bicycle in place of motor vehicles for small distances.
  4. Using road transport vehicles for travelling larger distances which will minimize fuel consumption.
  5. The engine of a vehicle thoroughly serviced in order to minimize fuel consumption.
  6. Alternative sources like solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy are more utilized.

Question 15.
Burning fuels releases carbon dioxide , a green house gas, which causes climate changes and leads to global warming. Collect information about this through newspapers, magazines, etc. and prepare report.
i) Drastic increase in the emission of CO2 within last 30 years caused by burning of fossil fuels has been identified as the major reason for the change of temperature in atmosphere.
ii) Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps the reflect sunlight and re-emitt towards earth which is causing increase of earth temperature what we call as global warming.

Question 16.
Describe characteristics and uses of coke.

  1. It is tough, porous and black substance.
  2. It is almost pure form of carbon.
  3. Coke is obtained by heating soft coal in the absence or little supply of air.
  4. It is used in the manufacture of steel and extraction of many metals.

8th Class Physical Science 7th Lesson Coal and Petroleum 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum

Question 1.
Is petroleum exhaustible? Explain.

  1. If we see the history of petroleum production, from 1859 to 1969, the total production of oil was 227 billion barrels.
  2. 50% of this total was produced during the first 100 years, while the next 50% was extracted in just ten years.
  3. Today our consumption rate of oil is far excess that of the rate of its formation.
  4. Earth take more than one thousand years to form the oil that we consume in one day.
  5. By about 2015, we would have consumed half of the total reserves of the oil.
  6. It would become more and more difficult to extract oil in future.
    So petroleum is exhaustible.

Question 2.
Draw a diagram showing existence of various fuels like natural gas, petroleum in earth crust.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum 1

Question 3.
Collect information about places where we get coal, petroleum and natural gas in India and mark the places on outline map of India.
Coal: Jharia, Chandrapura, Bokaro, Giridih (Jarkhand), Ranigunj and Asansol (West Bengal), Singrauli (M.P.), Korba (Chhattisgarh), Singareni (A.P.) : Talcher and Rampur Himgir (Odisa) and Chand coal field (Maharashtra).
Petroleum : Digboi, Hugrijan, Moran, Naharkatiya, Sibsagar, Rudrasagar and Badarpur (Asom), Bombay High (Maharashtra), Ankleshwar, Kosamba, Kalol, Mehsana, Navagam and Dholka (Gujarat), Krishna and Godavari river basins (A.P.)
Natural gas: Cambay and Ankleshwar fields (Gujarat) and Bombay High (Maharashtra), Coastal Andhra Pradesh.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum 2

8th Class Physical Science 7th Lesson Coal and Petroleum Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write any two uses of petrochemicals in our daily life.
Uses: They are used in the manufacture of detergents, synthetic fibres (polyester, nylon, acrylic) polythene, etc.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum

Question 2.
It is necessary to save the energy resources like petroleum and natural gas. Write a slogan about this to create awareness among people.

  1. ‘Save petrol and save future’.
  2. ‘Save fuel and save earth’.

Question 3.
Petroleum is a complex mixture. Write the technique to separate its components.
The technique to separate petroleum components is ‘fractional distillation’.

Question 4.
Write any two uses of Activated Carbon in our daily life.
Uses of Activated Carbon:

  1. Activated Carbon is used to purify liquids.
  2. It is used to treat many types of oral poisonings.

Question 5.
Assume that you are a driver, what measures do you take to save petrol?
Engine must be stopped in the traffic signals or in heavy traffic.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 7 Coal and Petroleum

Question 6.
The following table shows the total power shortage percentage in India from 1994-1997. Observe the data and give the answers to the following questions.
i. In which year the shortage percentage of power is least?
ii. Between which two years the shortage percentage difference is more?
iii. In which year the shortage percentage of power is maximum?
iv. Make a comment on shortage percentage of power between 1994-95.
i. 1995
ii. Between 1996 and 1997
iii. 1997
iv. Shortage percentage is decreased by 0.3 in between 1994 – 95.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 12th Lesson Towards Equality Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Solutions 12th Lesson Towards Equality

6th Class Social Studies 12th Lesson Towards Equality Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
Observe the given sentences and write True/False in the given brackets.
i. One of the more common forms of inequality in India is the caste system. (True)
ii. Every person should not be treated with dignity. (False)
iii. Establishing equality in a democratic society is a continuous struggle. (True)

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality

Question 2.
How you will use these numbers when you or others are in trouble?
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality 1
Eve teasing -1091: Whenever I find boys teasing the girls I will call 1091. Police will arrive immediately and arrest the teasers. With this service, girls will be protected.
Children abuse – 1098: When I find any child getting abused I will call 1098 and the child will get protected.
100,112 and 181 are meant for special protection for women.

Question 3.
Why does the caste system remain such a controversial issue today?
The caste system is the most dominant reason for inequality and discrimination in India. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar fought actively for equality among the citizens of India. The government policy of reservation has helped in enhancing the education and economic status of the Schedule caste and Schedule Tribe. “But despite, the above efforts, still there is a long way to go as in rural areas caste-based identities are still prevalent.

Question 4.
What were the different reasons people had for not sending girls to school before freedom?
Before freedom, the status of women within the country was in a deprived state. There was male dominance. Due to this the position of women was undermined. Child marriage was in practice at that time. The parents might be in opinion that getting married is better than sending them to school. The girls have to perform all the household activities. So the elder people are of the opinion that it is better than girls were not sent to the school.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality

Question 5.
What are the common forms of inequality that exist in India?

  1. Social inequality,
  2. Political inequality,
  3. Economic inequality and
  4. Gender inequality are the common forms of inequality that exist in India.

Question 6.
Write a short note on equality in Indian democracy.
Equality means “the state of being equal”. All the people in the society have the same status in all respects, including civil rights, freedom of speech, property rights, and equal access to certain social goods and social services. All are equal before Law Importance has been given to achieve equality in the Indian Constitution. Untouchability was abolished by Law. People are free to choose the kind of work they wish to do. Government jobs are open to all people. All people got equal importance.

Question 7.
Give suggestions to remove inequality and discrimination in Indian society.
The remedial measures to be taken to remove inequality and discrimination are:

  1. Quality basic services like healthcare and education are to be provided.
  2. Reservations for women are to be provided.
  3. Children have to know about other religions also.
  4. Importance has to be given to moral values. We have a great culture.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality

Question 8.
Differentiate between inequality and discrimination.
Inequality means differences in treatment. The different forms of inequalities are social inequality, political inequality, and economic inequalities.
Discrimination is being negative towards other people. Discrimination can happen on the basis of color, class, religion, and gender.

Project Work

Question 1.
Split the class into small groups, discuss with your peer group on discrimination and write a report on it.

  • What is discrimination?
    A Group: Discrimination is the demonstration of negative actions towards people.
  • What can be considered discrimination?
    B Group: When someone is treated unfairly or differently based on color, class, religion and gender, it will be considered as discrimination.
  • What are the kinds of discrimination, we observe?
    C Group: Discrimination of Gender, disability, race, religion, region, caste are some kinds of discrimination we usually observe.
  • How this discrimination can be checked?
  • By educating people and children in the school level and children educating the uneducated parents we can resolve the discrimination to some extent.

Question 2.
Collect information about any two famous personalities who faced prejudice and discrimination.

  • Nelson Mandela: He brought peace to a racially divided country. He was successful in resolving discrimination on grounds of race. He led the fight for human rights around the world.
  • Though he spent 27 years in prison he did not stop the fight against discrimination.
  • Sindhutai: Sindhutai was born in 1948. She faced gender discrimination in her family itself. Though her father was keen to educate her, she was sent to school under the pretext of cattle grazing. She was married at the age of nine. She was beaten badly and left to die by her Husband. She came back to her mother’s house, but her mother refused to shelter her. Though she was alone, she realized that there were so many children abandoned by their parents. She adopted and gave shelter to 1200 orphans. and won 750 awards. The President of India honored her with Nari Shakti Puraskar. In spite of poverty, child marriage, gender discrimination, and being abandoned by her family, yet nothing stopped her. It shows that for a committed individual nothing is impossible.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality

Question 3.
How can you fight against inequality and discrimination in your village?

  • With the help of my friends, I will arrange meetings regularly and educate the villagers.
  • I will convince them that all are equal.
  • I will quote the words from our books that all are equal before God.

6th Class Social Studies 12th Lesson Towards Equality InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

Question 1.
What have you observed here? Discuss with the help of your teacher. (Textbook Page No. 141)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality 2AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality 3
We observe gender discrimination, racial discrimination, and regional discrimination in the above picture.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality

Question 2.
Prepare a poster that illustrates discrimination. Hang your posters around the school to encourage schoolmates to take action against discrimination. We have a preamble in our textbook. Find where it is? Read it carefully. What you observed and understood about equality, discuss in your classroom. (Textbook Page No. 144)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality 4

  • All are equal. All people should get equal importance.
  • Our constitution provided provisions to achieve equality.
  • Our preamble provided equality of status and opportunity to all the people of the country.

Think and Respond

(Textbook Page No. 137)

Question 1.
In what ways are the women experiencing discrimination in the present society?
Even today in some rural areas a girl is not allowed to go to college after finishing her schooling. Most of the girls are not allowed to select a career of their choice. They are forced to choose marriage instead of taking up a job. After marriage, she has to give up the job to raise children and to look after the family.

Question 2.
Have you ever attended any other religious place? What good things have you observed there? What similarities did you notice?
I had been to church and mosque also. In both these places, they pray together like in temples. On festival days they all meet together and participate in prayer together.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality

(Textbook Page No. 139)

Question 3.
Do you support gender discrimination? Discuss in the classroom.
I don’t support gender discrimination. In school, we play together, discuss in the classrooms together, and eat lunch together. We will compete with each other in our studies. We support them to compete with us in all aspects. As mentioned in the pledge we move like brothers and sisters.

(Textbook Page No. 140)

Question 4.
Write your opinion on this (Racial discrimination faced by Gandhi in South Africa) incident.
The discrimination which Gandhiji faced is racial discrimination. In South Africa, only white people are allowed to travel in first-class compartments in those days. Gandhiji also purchased a first-class ticket. Yet he was not allowed to travel in that class. On the complaint of a white man, he was thrown out of the train. Nowadays we don’t find this type of incident.

Question 5.
What type of discrimination is it? Discuss in the classroom.
The discrimination mentioned here is racial discrimination. In the olden days there existed racial discrimination mostly in America and South Africa. But now there is no racial discrimination. All are being treated equally. In India also all the races people are treated equally.

Question 6.
Have you ever faced any kind of discrimination? How did it make you feel?
I haven’t faced any kind of discrimination. If I face any discrimination it will make me sad.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 12 Towards Equality

Question 7.
Have you observed any changes from past to present? How did the changes come about? (Textbook Page No. 141)
We can observe a lot of changes in society when compared to the past.

  1. Girls are coming to schools in large numbers. They are competing with the boys equally. In some examinations we find girls dominating boys. Women are participating in games. Women are doing jobs. .
  2. We don’t find untouchability.
  3. People can attend religious functions according to their wishes.
  4. Government jobs are open to all. Anyone can achieve a government job. All the people are enjoying equal status.

Question 8.
The government introduced many programs like mid-day meals, Free textbooks. Free distribution of school uniforms, shoes, etc. Discuss how these are helpful in achieving equality? (Textbook Page No. 144)
The mid-day meals program is very much useful because all the children will meet at one place and they have their meeds in the group by having discussions. Oneness feeling will develop with these types of programs.
With other programs like free textbooks, uniforms, and shoes all the students look alike and the feeling “all are equal”, is seen and felt. So all these programs are helpful to achieve equality.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 6th Lesson Early Civilisations Textbook Questions and Answers.

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6th Class Social Studies 6th Lesson Early Civilisations Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
Write the similarities between Indus and Vedic civilisation.
Religious features: Both Harappan people and Vedic people worshipped nature and Hindu gods such as Shiva and Sakti.
Baked bricks, pottery, and wheeled carts were used both by Harappan and Vedic people.

Question 2.
Who participated in the excavations of the Indus valley civilisation?
In 1850, the British engineers while laying a railway line between Karachi and Lahore excavated the Indus valley civilization. In 1920 the archeologists realised that it was a very did civilisation.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 3.
Describe the economic life of the Indus people.

  1. The economy of the Indus valley civilization was based upon agriculture and trade.
  2. Weaving cotton and woolen clothes were their main occupation. Indus people were the earliest to produce cotton.
  3. Production of baked bricks was another occupation of Indus people.
  4. Crops such as wheat, barley, peas were raised by the Indus people.
  5. They carried trade with other countries like Egypt, Mesopotamia, Afghanistan, and Iran also.
  6. They carried their international trade through Lothal port in the Arabian Sea.

Question 4.
How did the Indus people build their houses?
The buildings of Indus people were well planned. It is clear that they possessed a flourishing urban culture. There were wide roads, public wells. Houses were made of bricks which were found in so many other areas across this civilization also. There were two storied buildings also. Every house was connected directly to an excellent main drainage system. A great tank was built for a public bath which now was called as “the Great Bath”. Large granaries and quarters for labor were specially built in the Indus civilization.

Question 5.
The drainage system of Indus was exemplary. How?

  1. The Indus civilization had an elaborate sanitary and drainage system. They maintained a highly efficient drainage system.
  2. Importance was given to the cleanliness and public health.
  3. They maintained an underground drainage system for the streets. They were connected to the main drainage system.

Question 6.
“Devotion of God is belief”. Comment on Indus people’s deities.

  1. Indus people believed in God. They believed in image worshipping.
  2. They worshipped Pasupathi (Shiva) and the mother of the Goddess.
  3. They accepted the pipal trees as sacred.
  4. They worshipped neem trees, sun, fire, earth, water, and snakes also.
  5. Fire pits and yagna vatikas are also found.
  6. Swastik symbols were found in the archeological remains of the Indus valley civilization.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 7.
How many Vedas are there? What are they?
There are four Vedas in the Vedic culture. They are:

  1. Rig Veda,
  2. Yajur Veda,
  3. Sama Veda and
  4. Atharvana Veda.

Question 8.
“Veda means superior knowledge”. Comment on it.

  1. The term ‘Veda’ means “Superior Knowledge” in Sanskrit.
  2. They are the most ancient religious texts which define truth for Hindus.
  3. They are the most important sources of knowledge about the Aryans and the Vedic Period.
    They are called shrutis which means hearing.
  4. Vedas are the universal truths that were discovered or realized by learned people.
  5. They formed the bedrock for Indian philosophy and Yoga.
  6. Vedas contain deeper spiritual and scientific knowledge.
  7. The Vedic traditions are continued till today and are still unbroken.
  8. Research on vedas is carried out in many Indian and foreign Universities also. Swami Dayananda Saraswati gave a call “Go back to the Vedas”.

Thus we can say the Vedas mean superior knowledge.

Question 9.
Write about the social life of the early Vedic period.
The Vedic literature is the major source to understand the Vedic period. The period of Rig Veda is called the early Vedic period.
The social life of early Vedic period:

  1. The family was regarded as the basic unit of society.
  2. The father was the head of the family.
  3. The joint family system was in practice at that time.
  4. The prisoners of war were called dasas and they were like slaves.
  5. Monogamy was the usual practice of the Vedic period.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 10.
What do you know about the political life of the early Vedic period?

  1. The polity of the Early Vedic period was basically a tribal polity with the tribal chief in the center. The tribe was called ‘Jana’, and the chief of that Jana was called ‘Rajan’.
  2. Rajan looked after the affairs of the tribe with the help of other tribal members. There are two tribal assemblies 1) Sabha and 2) Samiti.
  3. Rajan was not a dictator, Kingship was not hereditary.

Question 11.
What is the importance of epics?

  1. The epics tell us the right way to life.
  2. They tell us what the importance of speaking the truth is.
  3. They tell us that why we should have the basic manners in our lives in an interesting manner.
  4. They tell us the importance of becoming a good human being.
  5. We should read these epics because they fill our minds with knowledge and wisdom.
  6. Epics tell us that how should we behave in society.

In Ramayana Rama is an ideal ruler, ideal brother, ideal son. Sita is ideal for Indian womanhood.
Mahabharata is a victory of Dharma over Adharma.

Question 12.
Locate the following rivers on the outline map of India
a) River Indus b) River Ganges c) River Yamuna
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations 1

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 13.
What were the reasons for the decline of the Indus valley civilization?

  1. Some are of the opinion that the invasion of the Aryans was the cause for the decline of Indus valley civilization.
  2. Change of course of the river Indus changed the area into the sand and affected the fertility and this led to the decline of the Indus valley civilization.
  3. Due to changes in climatic conditions, the area lost fertility and people were compelled to move to another area.
  4. Constant use of firewood for brick manufacture caused deforestation and low rainfall.

Project Work

Make a project on the similarities of Indus civilization and Vedic civilization.
The Indus Valley civilization and the Vedic civilization had the following similarities.

  • Both worshipped Hindu Gods such as Sakthi and Siva.
  • Both believed in some sort of life after death.

They also played pre-Indian games such as gambling, dicing, and horse cart riding. The remains of a stone sculpture of a priest say that their society of most similar to that of Vedic culture.

6th Class Social Studies 6th Lesson Early Civilisations InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

Question 1.
Compare the economic activity of Indus people with the present. (Textbook Page No. 66)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations 2

Economic activity Indus times Present
Exports Cotton goods, pottery agricultural products. Gems, jewellary, ready-made garments metals, cotton, yarn, and fabrics.
Imports Jade, agate gold, silver, copper, tin. Petrol, paper, precious stones, plastic wool, medicines, machinery, edible oil.
Crops Wheat, barley, dates cotton, mustard. Foodgrains, cotton, jute, sugarcane tobacco, oilseeds, coffee, tea, coconut fruits, vegetables.
Domestication of animals Sheep, goat, buffalo, dog, cat, pig, elephant. Cow, buffalo, oxen, sheep, goat, horse, camel, elephant, pig etc.
Crafts Jewellery, Art, necklaces, bangles, combs, idol-making. Shawls, woodwork, pottery, leather, jute, shell, brass handicrafts, bamboo handicrafts.

Question 2.
Compare the metals used in the Indus civilization with the present day. (Textbook Page No. 67)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations 3

Metals used in the Indus civilization Metals used now
Gold, copper, silver, bronze metals were the metals known to Indus Valley Civilization people. At present we are using gold, copper, silver, bronze, platinum, brass and Iron metals.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 3.
List out the names of famous books and its writers from your school library. (Textbook Page No. 72)

  1. The Story of My Experiments with Truth – Mahatma Gandhi
  2. The Discovery of India. – Jawaharlal Nehru
  3. ………………………………………………………………….
  4. ………………………………………………………………….(Student Activity)

Think and Respond

(Textbook Page No. 65)

Question 1.
Do you find any difference between the planning of Indus cities and the present cities? How?

  1. The Indus valley cities were established on a good plan. The modern Indian cities are not based on any such plans.
  2. Both the Indus valley and the modern Indian cities have a drainage system but the modern drainage system does not work properly when compared to the Indus valley cities.
  3. There were citadels in the Indus valley civilization while there is no citadels in the modern Indian cities, (maybe because of population increase)

Question 2.
Was the Indus drainage system more advanced? Why?
The Indus drainage system is well planned underground drainage system. The drainage system which was followed by the Indus people was a great achievement. Every house is connected with pipes which carry waste into the main drains.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

(Textbook Page No. 69)

Question 3.
Do you find any similarities among these ancient (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus valley, and China) civilizations?
Yes, we can find similarities among these ancient civilizations.

  1. All the civilisations grew along mighty rivers.
  2. All the civilisations have similarities in their settlements.
  3. All the civilisation developed religions to explain the forces of nature and their roles in the world.
  4. All the civilizations made efforts in the fields of science and technology.

Question 4.
In what ways is the Indus valley civilisation more advanced among them?
In the Indus valley civilisation a strong and centralized government was established. The people in the Indus valley civilisation built their houses with dried or baked bricks. They built two-storeyed buildings also. Every house had a well for water and bathrooms with pipes that carried waste into the main drains. The cities of the Indus valley civilisation were well planned. They were protected by forts. They had wide roads, public wells. They had a well-planned underground drainage system which shows the importance given to the cleanliness and public health. We don’t find this type of development in other civilizations of that time.

Question 5.
Write the names of religions in our country. (Textbook Page No. 71)
Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Animism, Dony polo, and Nirankari.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 6 Early Civilisations

Question 6.
How are our public representatives elected? (Textbook Page No. 72)
Our public representatives are elected in both direct and indirect elections.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 11th Lesson Indian Culture, Languages and Religions Textbook Questions and Answers.

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6th Class Social Studies 11th Lesson Indian Culture, Languages and Religions Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
Name the holy book of the Muslims?
The Quran is the holy book of Muslims.

Question 2.
What is the eightfold path?
According to Buddha, the final goal is attaining Nirvana. It could be achieved by following the Eightfold Path. These eight aspects are to be practiced to attain Nirvana. The eightfold path is also known as Ashtanga Marga.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions

Question 3.
Write two slogans to encourage religious unity.
“We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race – Kofi Annan “ Where there is Unity, there is Victory”.

Question 4.
What is the main philosophy of Christianity?
Philosophy of Christianity are:

  1. We are the children of God.
  2. Lead a pure life without committing sins.
  3. Love your neighbor as yourself.
  4. When slapped on one cheek, show the other.
  5. Service to mankind is service to God.

Question 5.
What are the main teachings of Islam?
Teachings of Islam are:

  1. All human beings are His creation.
  2. All human beings are equal before God.
  3. God has no shape and therefore it is wrong to worship idols.
  4. Every Muslim should become a servant of God and be honest.

Question 6.
What is Arya Sathyas?
The teachings of Gautama Buddha are called four noble truths or Arya Sathyas They are:

  1. The world is full of suffering.
  2. Suffering is caused by human desires.
  3. The renunciation of desires is the path of salvation.
  4. Salvation can be attained easily by following the Eightfold Path.

Question 7.
“Unity in Diversity is the dominant cultural trait of India.” – Do you agree or not? Comment.
I agree with the statement “Unity in Diversity is the dominant cultural trait of India.” Indians respect the great saints and philosophers who were born in all parts of the country like Mahavira, Buddha, Nanak, Kabir, etc.
Indians celebrate their festivals like Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Good Friday, Mahavir Jayanti, Buddha Jayanti, etc. very peacefully without disturbing other religious people. We find people of different cultures and different religions moving together, ft is the dominant cultural trait of India.

Question 8.
There are many problems that affect the Indian National Integration at present.
What are the reasons for this? How could these be addressed?
Problems that are affecting the National integration are :

  1. Casteism: Caste is a significant part of our social framework of Indian society and the difference based on casteism affects National Integration.
  2. Communalism: Religious hostility has professed severe challenges to National Integration in India.
  3. Linguistic violence: Multi linguism is one of the primary characters in India due to which many residents faced violence.
  4. Social and Economic inequalities
  5. Regional disparities
  6. Extremism

All the parts of India have to develop equally in all fields. Oneness feeling is to be created and developed in all the people of India. Then this problem can be solved.

Question 9.
Locate the given places on the outline map of India.

  1. River Indus
  2. Tamilnadu
  3. Andhra Pradesh
  4. Bihar
  5. Bhattiprolu
  6. River Krishna
  7. River Ganga
  8. River Yamuna
  9. Vindhya ranges
  10. Uttar Pradesh

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions 1

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions

Question 10.
Prepare a picture of religious unity.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions 2

Question 11.
Prepare four slogans to promote religious unity.

  1. No one can win alone, but Unity can.
  2. Unity is for you and you for Unity.
  3. Let’s run for Unity, let’s run for India.
  4. We can change the world through Unity.

Question 12.
Fill the following blank boxes with the suitable words given below.
I. Religion: Hindu Religion, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, Buddhism
II. God/Messenger: Siddhartha, Jesus Christ, Mahavira, Prophet Muhammad, Lord Krishna, Guru Nanak
III. Holy Book: Tripitaka, Bible, Bhagawad Gita, Quran, Grandh Sahib, Angas
IV. Worshipping place: Mosque, Temple, Gurudwara, Church, Monastery, Jain
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions 3
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions 4

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions

Project Work

Question 1.
Celebrate Sankranthi, Ramzan, and Christmas in your school.
Student Activity.

Question 2.
Read the holy books of all religions, know about the biography, teaching and theme of the religious gurus.
Hinduism: Hinduism is based on the principles of Universal truth.
According to Hinduism – God can be realized in many paths. Hinduism says that God exists in all living and Non-living things.

  • Service to man is service to God.
  • The whole world is one family.
  • Let all people be happy.

Pursuit of moksha through penance.
Jainism: Jainism is an ancient religion that is rooted in the philosophy that teaches the way to liberation and a path to spiritual purity and enlightenment through disciplined non-violence to all living creatures.
Tenets of Jainism:

  • Belief in God.
  • It did not condemn the varna system but attempted to mitigate the evils of the Varna order.

Quran: Holy book of Muslims. Muslims believe that Quran was verbally revealed by Allah to Muhammed through the angel Gabriel.
In Quran God warns human beings to find a proper way to reach happiness and perfection.

  • All human beings are His Creation.
  • All human beings are equal before the law.
  • God has no shape.

Every Muslim should become a servant of God.
Buddhism: Buddha asked his followers to avoid indulgence in worldly pleasure and practice strict abstinence and asceticism. According to Buddha, everyone was responsible for their own happiness in life. The main teachings of Buddhism are encapsulated in the basic concept of Four noble truths.
Christianity: Jesus Christ was the eternal word of God who assumed human form to serve humanity and to rescue human beings. Jesus Christ suffered and died to redeem mankind from sin. Christians believe that Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God as the final judge of the dead and the He will return again as prophesized.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions

Question 3.
Field visit:
Visit a nearby place of worship, and observe the activities and discuss with your class.
Student Activity.

6th Class Social Studies 11th Lesson Indian Culture, Languages and Religions InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

Question 1.
Invite a Mend of other language and interact with him/her. (Textbook Page No. 123)
(This question is answered keeping in view the question given in the 2nd lesson)
Venu met some children from different cities at a youth festival. Venu wants to talk to them. He wants to know about their culture.
Venu: Hello Nihal. I am Venu. I am from Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.
Nihal: Hello Venu, I am from Delhi.
Venu: What is your father. My father is a bank officer.
Nihal: My father is working in railways.
Venu: What is your mother tongue? How many letters are there in your mother tongue?
Nihal: My mother tongue is Hindi. I will tell you some interesting facts. Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language. Hindi is mainly spoken in India. Hindi is the official language of India. Hindi script is Devanagari Script. No of the letters in Hindi is 44. But some authors say there are 52 letters. Tell me about your mother tongue also venu.
Venu: My mother tongue is Telugu. It is spoken mainly in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Telugu has 56 letters. Telugu has more letters in its alphabet than any other Indian language.
Nihal: Oh, great. OK. Bye Venu. My friends are calling me. We will meet again. Bye.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions

Question 2.
Meet the heads of different religions. Collect the theme and practices of the particular religion. Discuss in the classroom. (Textbook Page No. 126)
Hinduism: According to Hinduism the proper goals or main aims of human life is Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha.
Islam: Belief in Allah, belief in the prophets, belief in the last day, that there is judgment.
Christianity: The central tenet of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the son of God and Messiah.
Buddhism: Buddhism encourages its people to avoid self-indulgence but also self-denial.
Jainism: The central theme of Jainism considers religion as a science of ethical practice.
Sikhism: The emphasis is on moral actions, noble living, and working for the welfare of all the people.

Think and Respond

Question 1.
There are many languages in India. What is the need for a language? How did the languages evolve? (Textbook Page No. 124)
Language is a medium of communication. With the help of language, we can communicate. Man is the only living being on the earth who uses language. Learning became easier with the evolution of language. In the olden days, people drawn pictures to communicate. They wrote on clothes, leaves, etc. After that, they developed a script. Like this languages evolved.

Question 2.
Try to read the inscription of Krishnadevaraya 1516. Take the help of your teacher to understand this inscription. (Textbook Page No. 125)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions 5
Student Activity.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions

Question 3.
Discuss some customs and traditions of our ancestors which help to protect our health and hygiene. (Textbook Page No. 127)

  1. Saying Namaste instead of shaking hands.
  2. Washing hands before eating.
  3. Taking off shoes before entering the house.
  4. Maintaining regular eating habits.
  5. Practicing yoga and meditation are some of the customs and traditions our ancestors followed.

These customs and traditions of our ancestors help, us to protect our health and hygiene in these days also.

Question 4.
Prepare and enact a role play on communal harmony in your school function. (Textbook Page No. 132)

  • A girl stands as God having a placard with the word Temple.
  • A boy comes and prays to god and moves.
  • The girl now carries the placard with the word Mosque.
  • Another boy comes and performs prayer as a Muslim.
  • The girl now carries the placard with the word Church.
  • A boy comes with Bible in his hand and performs prayer.
  • Now the girl carries the placard Gurudwara.
  • Another boy comes and performs prayer.
  • Now the girl carries the placard with the word Monastery.
  • Another boy comes and prays.
  • The girl now carries a placard with the word Mahavira.
  • Another boy comes and Prays.
  • Now all the boys come together with the placard
    AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions 6
  • They say loudly though we are of different religions we are all Indians.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 11 Indian Culture, Languages and Religions

Do You Know

Question 1.
How was the script developed? (Textbook Page No. 124)
People wrote on clothes, leaves, barks, etc. in the olden days. The used pins to write on the dried leaves. Initially, they drew pictures and symbols. Gradually the script developed.

Question 2.
There are 26 letters in English and 56 in Telugu. How many letters are there in Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Odiya? (Textbook Page No. 125)
Tamil: 247; Kannada: 49; Malayalam: 56; Odiya: 52

Question 3.
India is called a secular country. Why? (Textbook Page No. 125)
India is called a secular state because there is no discrimination of religions. The government will not support any religion. The government cannot interfere in religious matters except if these matters can damage the public. So India is called a secular country.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 10th Lesson Local Self-Government Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Solutions 10th Lesson Local Self-Government

6th Class Social Studies 10th Lesson Local Self-Government Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
What are the differences between Grama Sabha and Grama Panchayat?

Question 2.
Suppose you are a representative in your local government body, what issues would you raise?
If I am a representative in our locality or village, I shall keep in view the following issues.

  1. Schools, hospitals, sanitation, and library facilities.
  2. Cleaning and lighting of streets.
  3. Supply of drinking water.
  4. Supply of electricity.
  5. Garbage collection and disposal.
  6. Making and maintenance of gardens and parks.
  7. Eradication of malaria, dengue and taking care in preventing the outbreak of diseases.
  8. I can raise the above issues in Grama Sabha in making the Gram Panchayat work responsibly.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

Question 3.
Do you think common people are able to participate in the process of decision-making in your panchayat or municipality? Give some examples to illustrate your answer.
I think common people are not able to participate in the process of decision-making in Panchayat or Municipality.

  1. The people may not be informed about the meeting. It will result in less attendance in Panchayat or Municipality meetings.
  2. Even people attend the meeting a few people only can express their opinions. Such situations occur because people find themselves in fear.

Question 4.
Do you think panchayats should rise more tax from the village to carry out development works or depend upon government funds?
Panchayats should get government funds to carry out the development of Panchayat. Panchayat receives 95% of its revenue either from State or Central Governments. Only 5% of the revenue is from taxes. Though they increase Taxes the amount received may not increase abnormally. So it is better to get more funds from the government besides rising the tax from the village nominally

Question 5.
What challenges do the Sarpanch face in carrying out their work?
In carrying works sometimes the Sarpanch has to face some challenges. Because he is known to all people in the village he may not express some issues freely. In the collection of house tax, he may not demand to pay the tax. If any encroachment is noticed he may not ask them effectively. If sufficient funds are not provided he cannot implement development activities. He cannot ask the government also to release funds to meet – all the requirements of the Panchayat.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

Question 6.
What are the public amenities provided by a Municipality but not a Panchayat?
Amenities provided by Municipality: Roads, drainage and garbage disposal running schools, ration shops, hospitals, etc., besides taking up new developmental works.
Of these amenities running schools, ration shops, and hospitals are provided by a municipality only.

Question 7.
Geetika says that her street tap gives water only for half an hour and several people queue up to fill their buckets. What would you advise her to do to solve this problem?
I will ask Geetika to take an individual tap connection so that she will get water for more time and she can get more water. For this individual connection, she has to pay tax and this will be useful for the municipality also. She can save time by not standing in the queue and can help the neighbors also.
She can write a letter to the municipal/panchayat officers to provide another tap in that area. She can consult that ward councilor or ward member and explain the problem to them. With the help of them, another tap can be provided there and it can ‘ reduce the problem of Geetika and many others also.

Question 8.
Frame a few questions to ask the local Corporator/Councillor to know the details of work done by the Municipality?

  1. What are the works sanctioned for our area?
  2. What is the progress of that works?
  3. Is there any problem arising?
  4. What are the measures taking to kill mosquitoes which are causing diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya, etc?
  5. What are the steps following to improve drainage and garbage disposal which do not allow the mosquitoes to grow?

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

Question 9.
Locate the following municipalities and municipal corporations in Andhra Pradesh.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government 1

  1. Visakhapatnam
  2. Vijayawada
  3. Bheemunipatnam
  4. Kadapa
  5. Anantapuram
  6. Tirupati

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government 2

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

Project Work

Visit your nearby Grama Sachivalayam/Ward Sachivalayam and interview the functionaries of Sachivalayam and make a report.
Model Interview of one of the functionaries in Grama Sachivalayam: (Model was given.)

  1. I will ask the name of the functionary.
  2. His / Her designation.
  3. Enquire about the superiors.
  4. Duties he has to perform.
  5. Problems he identified in his ward.
  6. No of the problems he solved in his ward.
  7. How his superiors helped in solving the problems.
  8. Whether he is satisfied with the job or not.

I will tell him the story of Ashoka. Ashoka asked his officers to explain the inscriptions to the illiterate people. Like the officers, the volunteers also have to deliver government services at the doorsteps.
Make posters on different public amenities which are provided by Local self-Governments.
Student Activity.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

6th Class Social Studies 10th Lesson Local Self-Government InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

Question 1.
Prepare a poster on public amenities in your locality as a group activity. (Textbook Page No. 111)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government 3

Question 2.
If you live in a village, visit your grama sabha and make a report. (Textbook Page No. 112)
In April I had been to my grandparent’s house. My grandfather told me that he is going to attend the Grama Sabha meeting. He told me that on April 14th and October 3rd the Grama Sabha meetings will be held every year. There I observed all the villagers gathered and the Sarpanch of the Grama Sabha convened the meeting. They discussed the problems in that Panchayat and solutions for the same. The Sarpanch explained about various welfare programs that the government is implementing. He asked all the villagers whether all the amenities are coming to them or not. Later he concluded the meeting.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

Question 3.
With the help of your teacher/parents, try to know the services provided by the Grama Volunteers. (Textbook Page No. 115)
Services provided by the Grama Volunteers:

  1. Government services are to be delivered at the doorstep of all eligible households irrespective of Caste/ Religion/Creed/Gender/Political affiliation.
  2. If any person in the ward request any service volunteer should transfer the data to the village secretariat.
  3. The services/schemes of the government should be explained in detail and also have to assist them to apply which is under him/her.
  4. The grama volunteer should attend the meeting held in the grama secretariat and have to maintain the record of the issues and requests which he collected to the authority.
  5. The volunteer should guide the people under him regarding security, education, health, and employment.
  6. The volunteer should resolve the issues such as roads, street lights, drains, and drinking water.

Question 4.
How many Nagara Panchayats, Municipalities, and Municipal Corporations are there in your district? (Textbook Page No. 117)
Student Activity (One example is given for you. Students have to collect information about their own district and write the answer).
Ex: Our district is Guntur District.
There are 14 municipalities in our Guntur district. Municipal Corporation is there in our Guntur district.
There is no Nagar Panchayat in our district.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

Question 5.
Visit nearby Municipal council / Municipal corporation and observe the functions. And make a poster or storyboard as Individual activity. (Textbook Page No. 118)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government 4

Question 6.
Fill the following table with the help of your teacher. (Textbook Page No. 118)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government 5

Designation Elected by Direct/Indirect Election
Ward Member Villagers Direct
Sarpanch Villagers Direct
Upa-sarpanch Ward members Indirect
MPTC Voters of mandal Direct
ZPTC Voters of the district Direct
Mandal Parishad President Members of Mandal Parishad Indirect
Zilla Parishat Chairman Members of Zilla Parishad Indirect
Municipal Chairman Councilors of Municipal Council Indirect
Mayor Corporators of Municipal Corporation Indirect

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

Think and Respond

Question 1.
Name the public amenities which are provided in your locality. (Textbook Page No. 111)
The public amenities which were provided in my locality are:

  1. Drinking water.
  2. Best drainage system.
  3. Street lights.
  4. Library.
  5. Park.
  6. Benches on one side of the road.

Question 2.
Write the similarities and differences between Grama Sabha and Grama Panchayat. (Textbook Page No. 112)

Grama Sabha Grama Panchayat
1) Grama Sabha works for the welfare of the village. Grama Panchayat works for the welfare of the people.
2) Grama Sabha will be presided by the President/Sarpanch of the village. Grama Panchayat will also be presided by the President/Sarpanch of the village.


Grama Sabha Grama Panchayat
1) It consists of all the adults of the village. Gram Panchayat is the executive body of the village consisting of the Sarpanch and the Panchs
2) It is a permanent body of the village. It is elected for a term of 5 years.
3) The area covered by a Gram Sabha is an entire village or sometimes a few villages. Gram Panchayat is divided into wards, where Sarpanch and Panch make it.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

Question 3.
Give some reasons, why additions or deletions to the voters list become necessary? (Textbook Page No. 113)
If a person attains the age of 18 his name is to be included in the voter’s list. Similarly, if any person dies whose name is in the voter’s list, his name is to be deleted. With all these types of additions and deletions, a new voters list is to be prepared. So, additions or deletions are necessary to the voter’s list.

(Textbook Page No. 115)

Question 4.
Who are your MPTC and ZPTC?
(Student Activity)

Question 5.
How many mandals are there in your district?
(Student Activity)

Question 6.
List out the public amenities provided by the local body in your area. (Textbook Page No. 116)
Public amenities in our area:

  1. Water supply.
  2. Drainage system.
  3. Sanitation.
  4. Street lights.
  5. Recording births and deaths.
  6. Necessary action to be taken to check contagious diseases.
  7. Building libraries, schools, gardens, and parks.
  8. Keeping the city clean.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 10 Local Self-Government

Question 7.
How is grama panchayat differ from the municipality in its functioning? (Textbook Page No. 118)

Panchayat Municipality
1) Panchayat is a rural local government body. A municipality is an urban local government body.
2) Panchayat is responsible for the local administration of a village-like maintaining roads and the village pond. The municipality is responsible to provide civic amenities like roads and drainage to the urban population.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

AP State Syllabus AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions 12th Lesson Stars and the Solar System

8th Class Physical Science 12th Lesson Stars and the Solar System 1 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is Dakshinayanam and Uttarayanam?
When the sun looks like travelling towards south of the sky, it is called Dakshinayanam. When the sun looks like travelling towards north of the sky it is called the Uttarayanam.

Question 2.
What is a sundial?
A clock based on shadows of an object due to sunlight is called sundial.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

Question 3.
What are phases of the moon?
The changes in appearance of moon are called phases of the moon.

Question 4.
Why does solar eclipse occurs only on a new moon day?
A solar eclipse happens when moon passes between the earth and sun, causing people on earth to be completely or partially unable to see the sun, because the moon is in the way that is possible only on new moon day.

Question 5.
What are the spots on the moon?
The black spots on moon are creators of different size which on seeing from earth appear as black spots during full moon day.

Question 6.
What are stars?
The self luminous bodies which emit light and heat in the sky are called stars.

Question 7.
What are constellations?
The group of stars which appear in the shape of animals or human beings are called constellations.

Question 8.
What is a galaxy? Our sun belongs to which galaxy?
A group of stars which contains millions of stars are called galaxy. Our sun belongs to Milky way galaxy.

Question 9.
Which makes our universe?
Millions of galaxies together makes our universe.

Question 10.
What is the solar system?
The sun and the celestial bodies which revolve around it form the solar system. It consists of large number of bodies such as planets, comets, asteroids and meteors.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

Question 11.
Why planets are revolves around the sun?
The planets are revolving around sun because of gravitational attraction between the sun and planets.

Question 12.
What is period of revolution? How does it vary?
The time taken by a planet to complete one revolution around sun is called period of revolution. As the distance of the planet from the sun increases period of revolution increases.

Question 13.
What is period of rotation?
The time taken by a planet to complete one rotation is called period of rotation.

Question 14.
What is satellite? What is natural satellite of earth?
Any celestial body revolving around another celestial body is called its satellite.
The natural satellite of earth is moon.

Question 15.
The earth is revolves around the sun. Does it make earth a satellite of the sun?
The earth can be said to be a satellite of the sun, though generally we call it a planet of sun. We use the term satellite for the bodies revolving around planets.

Question 16.
What are artificial satellites?
There are many man made satellites revolving round the earth. These are called artificial satellites.

Question 17.
Does the sun rise in the east on Venus? If the answer is no what is the reason?
No, the reason is Venus rotates from east to west. So, on Venus the sun rises on west.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

Question 18.
Why Mars is called red planet?
Mars is called red planet because the breakdown of iron rich rocks creates a rusty dust on the planet.

Question 19.
How earth appears from space?
The earth appears blue green due to the reflection of light from water and Iandmass on its surface.

Question 20.
What are the planets which revolve from east to west?
Venus and Uranus are two planets which revolve from east to west.

Question 21.
What are asteroids? Where does they present?
Small objects revolve around the sun are called asteroids. They are present between Mars and Jupiter.

Question 22.
What is Halley? When does it last appear? Can you tell when Halley visible again?
Halley is a comet, which is periodically appear for every 76 years. I was last seen in 1986. It will visible once again in the year 2062.

Question 23.
What are the artificial satellites launched by India?
Aryabhatta, INSAT, IRS, Kalpana-I, EDUSAT, etc. are some satellites launched by India.

Question 24.
Why Pluto is not consider as a planet?
International Astronomical Union (IAU) decided that Pluto was no more a planet because it does not follow the rule of “cleared the neighbourhood.” That means sometimes it is entering into orbit of Neptune.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

Question 25.
What is an orbit?
A planet has a definite path in which it revolve around the sun. This path is called an orbit.

8th Class Physical Science 12th Lesson Stars and the Solar System 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write briefly about sun.

  1. The sun is the nearest star to us.
  2. It is continuously emitting huge amounts of heat and light and other electromagnetic radiations.
  3. The sun is the source of almost all energy on the earth.
  4. In fact, the sun is the main source of heat and light for all planets of our solar system.

Question 2.
What are planets? Why they appear brightly than stars?

  1. The big steady bodies shining more brightly than stars in the clear sky are called planets.
  2. They are not self luminous like stars. They appear brightly because they just act like mirrors and reflecting the sun light and heat falling on them.

Question 3.
What are the motions of planets?
Every planet has two types of motion.

  1. Revolution motion: Moving around the sun.
  2. Rotation motion: Moving around an axis passing through it.

Question 4.
Why earth is only planet on which life known to exist?

  1. Earth is only planet on which life exists in the solar system the reason is some environmental conditions are responsible for the existence and continuation of life on the earth.
  2. These include just the right distance from the sun so that it has right temperature range, the presence of water and suitable atmosphere and a blanket of ozone.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

Question 5.
What are comets? Write briefly about comets.

  1. Comets are members of our solar system.
  2. They revolve around the sun in highly elliptical orbits.
  3. A comet appears generally as a bright head with a long tail.
  4. The length of the tail grows in size as it approches the sun.
  5. The tail of comet always directed away from the sun.
  6. Their period of revolution round the sun is usually very long. Many comets are known to appear periodically.

Question 6.
Why does pole star seem to be stationary?
The Pole Star is situated in the direction of the earth’s axis and that is why it does not appear to move even though all stars appear that they are moving because of the rotation of earth. So the pole star seems to be stationary.

Question 7.
What factors to be taken into consideration to view the pole star at your place?
The position of pole star is fixed and does not change.
a) We can locate the pole star with the help of two constellations Great bear and Cassiopeia.
b) If you are able to spot only the Great bear look at the two stars that form the outer side of rectangular head.
c) Extend the imaginary line from these two stars.
d) Pole star will be located on that extended line with a distance about 5 times the distance between the two stars.
e) If only Cassiopeia is visible, the pole star will be located on the line extended from the middle star.

Question 8.
Name the periodic comet. Why is it so called?

  1. Halley’s comet is periodic comet. It is called periodic comet because it appears after regular interval of time.
  2. A comet is visible only when it approches the sun because the sun’s rays makes the gas glow.
  3. Halley’s comet has a period of 76 years i.e., it is seen after every 76 years.

Question 9.
What do you mean by remote sensing satellite?

  1. It is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object.
  2. It is generally the use of aerial sensor technologies to detect and classify objects on the earth by means of propagated signals.

Question 10.
Why are meteors commonly called shooting stars?

  1. When meteor enters the atmosphere of the earth at high speeds, these are heated up.
  2. The heat produced is so high and the meteors start glowing and eventually evaporated within a short period of time.
  3. The growing meteor bursts leaving behind a streaks of light. Therefore they are called shooting stars.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

Question 11.
How does the motions of a satellite differ from a planet?
A satellite revolve around same planet in a fixed orbit while a planet revolves around the sun in a fixed orbit. Planets revolve faster than satellites.

8th Class Physical Science 12th Lesson Stars and the Solar System 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
When does a solar eclipse occurs? Explain different types of solar eclipse.
A solar eclipse occurs when the shadow of the moon falls on the earth. It occurs only on new moon day.
Types of solar eclipse:

  1. Total solar eclipse: It occurs when the moon completely covers the sun, as seen from earth.
  2. Partial solar eclipse: It can be observed when only the partially shaded out region of the shadow cast by moon (Lunar penumbra) touches the earth.
  3. Annular eclipse: It occurs when the moon appears smaller than the sun as it passes centrally across the solar disk and a bright ring, or annulus, of sunlight remains visible during eclipse.
  4. Hybrid eclipses: These are a rare form of solar eclipse, which changes from an annular to a total solar eclipse along its path.

Question 2.
When does a lunar eclipse occurs? Explain different types of lunar eclipses.
Answer: A Lunar eclipse occurs when the shadow of the earth falls on the moon. It occurs only on full moon day.
Types of Lunar Eclipse:

  1. Total lunar eclipse: It occurs when the earth’s shadow (umbra) obscures all of the moon’s visible surface.
  2. Partial lunar eclipse: It can be observed only when part of the moon’s visible surface is obscured by the earth’s shadow.
  3. Penumbral lunar eclipse: It happens when the moon travels through the partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by the earth (earth’s penumbra).

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

Question 3.
Write an activity to show how path of sun and moon changes during solar eclipse.
Make two discs one white and one black of the size of sun and moon in figure.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena 3
We shall now find the centres of the sun and moon at each stage. To do this take the white disc we have made and place it exactly on the white portion of any of the stages of diagram.
Pierce a hole through the centre of white with a pin to mark the spot at the centre of the sun’s position at that stage in the diagram. Remove the white disc and mark the spot with the pencil.
In this way, mark the sun’s centre at every stage of the eclipse in diagram. Join the spots with a line. This line depicts the path of the sun.
To find the moon path, repeat the exercise, but this time use the black disk and mark the centres of the black portions at each stage of the eclipse. Join these spots with a line and we will get the path of moon during the eclipse.

Question 4.
Write briefly about meteors.

  1. At night, when the sky is clear and the moon is not visible we may sometimes see bright streaks of the light in the sky.
  2. These are commonly known as shooting stars.
  3. They are not stars, they are meteors.
  4. A meteor is a small object that occasionally enters the earth’s atmosphere.
  5. It has a very high speed.
  6. The friction due to atmosphere heats it up.
  7. It glows and evaporates quickly.
  8. That is why the bright streak lasts for a very short time.
  9. Some meteors are large and so they can reach the earth before they evaporate completely.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

Question 5.
How people came to an understanding that earth is spherical?
In olden days people felt that earth is flat because it looks flat. However they had a doubt, if it is flat how does the water in ocean remain there, Why does it not spell out of the earth ? To get clarity they assumed fencing around flat earth. After that,

  1. they assumed shape of earth is round by observing the shadow of earth in lunar eclipse. In every eclipse they found the shape of the earth is in round even though there is a chance of getting linear, elliptical shadows by a circular object.
  2. some sailors who started their journey in ocean, reached the same place after travelling large distance in one direction only.
  3. observing ships approaching the port also helped to change their opinion about the shape of the earth, that is, usually they see smoke of the ship first and then top of the ship after that the whole ship.
  4. observations about the movement of stars. Different stars visible from different places on the earth also helped to think about the shape of the earth.
  5. in 1969 when man landed on the moon and observed the earth’s shape from the moon and it is spherical.

Question 6.
How does people came to an understanding that earth rotates on its own axis?
Answer: People from olden days thought that earth is located in the centre of the universe with sun, moon and stars moving around it. They also thought that sun, moon and stars are located on transparent concentric spheres surrounding the earth, because they are not falling down.
The three spheres are rotating on their axis from east to west that is why sun, moon and stars appear to revolve from east to west around the earth. They also assumed that the shpere on which sun is located rotates east to west and oscillate from south to north that is why Uttarayanam and Dakshinayanam are happening.
Because of the uneven movement of some stars (actually they are planets) which they observed, it is very difficult to explain model of universe which required so many transparent spheres around earth. Nicholas Copernicus suggested that sun is at the centre of universe and all other celestial objects are revolving around the sun from west to east. It was assumed that earth rotates on its axis. This model explain the occurence of day and night.
In this way people came to an understanding that earth rotates on its axis.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

Question 7.
Conduct an experiment to find out the local noon time of your village/town.

  1. Take a stick which is a little over a meter long and fix vertically in the ground.
  2. Make your first observation at nine in the morning. Make a mark with a nail or peg at the point where the tip of the shadow falls on the ground. Measure the length of the shadow.
  3. Then make similar observations for every half an hour throughout the day till four in the evening.
  4. Use a clock to fix the time for making your observations.
  5. Enter the measurements of the length of the shadow and the time of measurement in a table making two columns, one for time and other for length of shadow.
  6. Find the time when the shortest show occurs.
  7. That gives the local noon time at that place.

Question 8.
Collect the information what the Chandrayaan-I brought the information from the Moon through news papers, magazines.
Our country launched Chandrayan -1 (Satellite to moon) on 22nd October 2008 to know about the moon.
The objectives of Chandrayan -1 are:

  1. To check the possibility of finding water on the moon.
  2. Finding out the elements of matter on moon.
  3. To search for Helium – 3.
  4. To make 3 – dimensional atlas of the moon.
  5. To study about the evolution of the solar system.

Now India is one of the six countries which have sent satellites to the moon.

Question 9.
What are Asteroids? Name the largest sun asteroid.

  1. There are small lumps of rocks orbiting round the Sun between Jupiter and Mars. They are considered to be remains of a much larger planet which broken up due to gravitational effect of jupiter.
  2. They are small in size.
  3. The size of an asteroid may vary from a kilometer to a few hundred kilometers.
  4. Ceres is the largest known asteroid.
  5. Its diameter is 633 km and it was discovered in 1801.
  6. There are about 1,00,000 asteriods.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 12 Stars and the Solar System

Question 10.
What is the difference between meteor and meteorite?
a) Meteor: Meteors are stony or metallic bodies of very small size, travelling in interplanetary space and become visible when they travel through the earth’s surface. The meteors are also called shooting stars.
b) Meteorite: While travelling through the earth’s atmosphere, these fast moving bodies (meteors) get heated up to a very high temperature by air friction. The heat produced is so high that the meteor starts glowing and then burnt last. The very large meteors are able to survive from such heat destruction and actually reach the earth’s surface. These meteors are called meteorites.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 9th Lesson Government Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Solutions 9th Lesson Government

6th Class Social Studies 9th Lesson Government Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
Write the differences between Parliamentary and Presidential democracy.
In the Parliamentary system, the executive body is formed from the legislature. The executive body is responsible to the legislature. (Ex: India & Britain).
In the Presidential system, the executive body is not formed from the legislature. The executive body is not responsible to the legislature. (Ex: America & Brazil)

Question 2.
What is a government? What are the different types of governments?
A Group of people that controls and makes decisions for a country or a state is called the government. Monarchy and democracy are the different types of government.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

Question 3.
Write any four activities organized by the government in our times.

  1. The government ensures food, shelter for the citizens.
  2. Government helps the people during cyclones and floods.
  3. Government has the duty of protecting the boundaries.
  4. Government builds schools, hospitals, and roads.
  5. Government implements various schemes for the welfare of the people.

Question 4.
Is it possible to include the opinions of all the participants in taking a decision? Discuss with some more examples.
No. It is not possible to include the opinions of all the participants in taking a decision. Only one decision can be implemented in a concept. If there are 20 members in a meeting and one proposal is supported by 11 members and 9 members oppose it. Even 9 members opposed the proposal, it will be implemented because the majority of the members supported the proposal. But some amendments can be done to the proposal.

Question 5.
How would your school function if it was run by all the students and teachers together? Would you want everyone to participate in taking decisions? or would you like to elect representatives? Give reasons?
If a school is run by all the students and teachers so many good decisions can be taken for the prosperity of the school. Teachers can express the problems faced by the students and students can also express their problems.
This will lead to a friendly atmosphere in the school. Because a school is a small unit both ways can be implemented. Teachers’ and students’ interactions will help the students in the future also. They can express their views freely in the future also. Nowadays in so many job interviews and group discussions are followed. There are opinions are to be expressed. If we follow this method from the school level it will be beneficial for the students.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

Question 6.
Do you think the decision-making in your school is democratic? Does everyone has a say in it?
The decision-making in our school is democratic. We discuss the issues with our class leader and they can be discussed with our class teacher later and a solution can be found.

Question 7.
Satwik’s father consulted all the members of his family on setting up a shop but everyone had a different opinion. Finally, he decided to set up the shop. Do you think he was democratic?
In my opinion, Satwik’s father was democratic. Because

  1. he consulted all the members and asked their opinion in setting the shop.
  2. I think the majority of the family members supported the idea of setting up a shop.

So, Satwik’s father might have decided to set up the shop.

Question 8.
Padma’s mother asked all children where they would like to go on Sunday. Two children wanted to go and watch a film and three wanted to go to the park. If you were in Padma’s place what decision would you take? Give reasons.
If I am Padma’s mother I will take them to the park on that Sunday because three of them are interested to go to the park.
I will convince them that I will take them to the cinema another Sunday.

Question 9.
The place of origin of democracy is …………….
a) China
b) India,
c) Greece
d) Rome
c) Greece

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

Question 10.
Who has the right to make decisions in direct democracy?
a) Men
b) Women
c) Representative
d) All eligible voters
d) All eligible voters

Question 11.
In India, all the people above …………….. years of age enjoy Universal Adult Franchise.
a) 18 years
b) 21 years
c) 20 years
d) 19 years
a) 18 years

Question 12.
Every state and union territory in India has a Capital city. This is the headquarters of the state government. Point put the following state capitals which are the headquarters of the state governments concerned in the next page given India Map.
1. Maharashtra
2. Tamilnadu
3. Andhra Pradesh
4. Karnataka
5. West Bengal
6. Telangana
7. Ladakh
8. Punjab
9. Kerala
10. Arunachal Pradesh
11. Madhya Pradesh
12. Jharkhand
13. Chattisgarh
14. Uttarakhand
15. Gujarat
16. Odisha
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 1

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

Project Work

1. Collect some logos and information about different welfare schemes of our government.

    AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 2
    The Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of Andhra Pradesh has announced a flagship programme “AMMA VODI” as a part of “NAVARATNALU” for providing financial assistance to each mother or recognized guardian in the absence of the mother, who is below the poverty line household, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, and region.
    AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 3
    Under the program, the government intends to provide house-sites to 26.6 lakh people below the poverty line. Later, houses will be constructed.
    AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 4
    The scheme is aimed at providing financial assistance to nearly 14 lakh students across the state and to ensure that students from lower-income households get financial assistance for their education “while Jagannana Vasathi Deevana will take care of hostel and mess charges.”
    AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 5
    The state government has introduced one of the most successful health plans – Dr. YSR Aarogyasri. It mainly caters to the medical needs of families that are not financially well equipped.
    AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 6
    This project accords the highest priority for the development of irrigation infrastructure, particularly in backward and drought-prone areas by taking up this program in a big way. Jala Yagnam includes a number of irrigation projects by the construction of reservoirs and lifts irrigation systems for lifting water from major rivers, particularly from the Godavari, to provide immediate irrigation benefits.

2. Collect the pictures of the President of India, Prime Minister, Governor and Chief Minister, your local M.P (Lok Sabha), and M.L.A from newspapers and prepare a scrapbook.
Student Activity.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

6th Class Social Studies 9th Lesson Government InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

Question 1.
Look at the newspaper headlines below and list the different activities of the government. (Textbook Page No. 101)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 7

  1. Educational facilities like online classes to students.
  2. Government has a plan to tackle floods soon.
  3. Government fixes the price of onions. Onions will be put into the market and see that there will be no shortage.
  4. AP government has conducted maximum Coronavirus tests.
  5. Modern facilities will be provided in the hospitals to serve the poor.
  6. Accelerating the impact of digital learning in India.

Question 2.
With the help of your teacher, try to know the above Logos and pictures of government schemes (Refer Text page 102 for the figure). Fill the following Mind map. (Textbook Page No. 102)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 8
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 9

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

Question 3.
Observe the following pictures. Write the name of the government in respective boxes. (Textbook Page No. 103)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 10
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 11

Question 4.
Conduct a model election with the help of your teacher. Observe the process of the election. (Textbook Page No. 105)
Students: Good morning teacher.
Teacher: Good morning my dear children. Today let us conduct a model election in the class. You all select a student among you as your class leader.
Students: OK teacher.
Teacher: Two of you can contest for the class leader post. Take a piece of paper of the same size.
Students: OK teacher.
Teacher: OK. Now write the name of the student whom you want to be the class leader on the piece of paper you have taken. Fold the paper and put that paper in the box kept in the corner of the room.
Teacher: Now open the box and count who got more votes. According to the majority who get more votes will be declared as the class leader. Like this in a democracy elections will be held. A candidate who gets more votes will be declared elected.

Question 5.
Ask your parents and, find out the problems they observed in the electoral system and prepare a report. Discuss it in your class and find solutions for these problems. (Textbook Page No. 105)

  1. Majority System: Present majority system leads to many problems. Sometimes a candidate who gets 25% of the votes also gets elected.
    • Instead of this, a candidate should get more than 50% votes.
  2. Money Power: Nowadays elections are a costly affair. Votes are being as a market good through buying and selling.
    • A candidate should spend the amount told by the election commission. If it increases the candidate should be punished and suspended from the election.
  3. Muscle Power: Muscle power and domination are another major setbacks.
    • Election Commission should take measures to control this problem by giving more security at polling booths.
  4. Caste and Religion: These two play a major role in elections.
    • They should be given less importance.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

Think and Respond

(Textbook Page No. 100)

Question 1.
How is the legislature is different from the executive?
The legislature: Legislature is the law and policy-making body either in the Parliament or State assembly.
The Executive: Executive is responsible for the effective implementation of the laws/ policies passed in the legislature.

Question 2.
What is the prime duty of the judiciary?
Interpreting the laws is the prime duty of the judiciary.

(Textbook Page No. 102)

Question 3.
Name some more works of the government.

  • Amma Vodi
  • YSR Asara
  • Ban on Alcohol
  • Jalayagnam
  • Fee Reimbursement
  • Arogyasri
  • YSR Rythu Bharosa

Pedalandariki illu and Pensionla Pempu are some other welfare schemes of Andhra Pradesh.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

Question 4.
What kind of facilities do you expect from the government?
Important facilities we expect from the government are sanitation, public transport, health care, and water, etc.

(Textbook Page No. 103)

Question 5.
What kind of government do you like? Why?
I like the democratic type of government. Because we can express our ideas freely without any hesitation and fear. If they are better, sometimes they can be followed also.

Question 6.
Which government respects the opinion of the people?
The democratic type of government respects the opinion of the people.

(Textbook Page No. 104)

Question 7.
What are the differences between monarchy and democracy?

Monarchy Democracy
1) Ruling will be done by a king or queen. 1) Ruling will be done by the representatives elected by the people.
2) A monarch comes into power by inheritance. 2) Power can’t be inherited.
3) Powers will be with King only. 3) People have rights.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

Question 8.
Is it possible to implement direct democracy in India? Give reasons.
It is not possible to implement direct democracy in India. In India, it may be difficult because of the huge population and vast area.

Question 9.
How is direct democracy different from indirect democracy?
In direct democracy people directly participate in decision-making. It is possible in small countries.
In an indirect democracy, people participate in decision-making indirectly through their representatives. It is best to follow indirect democracy in large countries like India.

(Textbook Page No. 105)

Question 10.
How do you understand the rule of majority? Give another example.
If the majority of the representatives do not support it, a good proposal may also be objected to. The shop setting of Satwik’s father may not be profitable. But the majority of the family members agreed to set the shop. So Satwik’s father decided to set the shop following the idea of the majority of family members.

Question 11.
Why do we have a government at different levels?
Different levels of the government make it easy to distribute power among them. Administration can be easily managed with different levels of the government.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government


Question 1.
With the help of your teacher, try to know if any monarchies are there in the world at present? (Textbook Page No. 102)
There are monarchies in some countries in the world at present. Some of them are:

  1. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  2. The United Arab Emirates
  3. The Sultanate of Oman.

Question 2.
Observe the world map given below and list out the countries that are following the parliamentary system and the presidential system separately. (With the help of your teacher). Refer to the world map given at the end of the book. (Textbook Page No. 106)
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government 12
Parliamentary System

  • India (Asia)
  • Montenegro (Europe)
  • Pakistan (Asia)

Presidential System

  • Nigeria (Africa)
  • Philippines (Asia)
  • Paraguay (South America)

Parliamentary System

  • Singapore (Asia)
  • Somalia (Africa)
  • Slovenia (Europe)
  • Serbia (Europe)
  • Slovakia (Europe)
  • Turkey (Asia & Europe)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (South America)

Presidential System

  • Peru (South America)
  • USA (North America)
  • Uruguay (South America)
  • Uzbekistan (Asia)
  • Uganda (Africa)
  • Ukraine (Europe)
  • Tanzania (Africa)

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 9 Government

Question 3.
With the help of your teacher try to know who is part of the central government and state government. (Textbook Page No. 107)

  • Central Government: President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Council of Central ministers, and Members of Parliament.
  • State Government: Governor, Chief Minister, Council of State ministers, and members of Legislative Assemblies.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

AP State Syllabus AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions 11th Lesson Some Natural Phenomena

8th Class Physical Science 11th Lesson Some Natural Phenomena 1 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is an electroscope?
The device which can be used to test whether an object is carrying charge or not is called electroscope.

Question 2.
What is electrical discharge? Where does electrical discharge takes place?
The process of transfer of negative or positive charges is called electrical discharge.
The electrical discharge can occur between two or more clouds, or between clouds and the earth.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 3.
What is the other device at buildings acts as lightning conductor?
The metal columns used during construction and water pipes in the buildings also protect us by acting as lightning conductors.

Question 4.
Why water pipes should not be touched during thunder storm?
Answer: During thunder storm there would be a possibility that the charge developed due to lightning may travel through the water pipes. So we should not touch water pipes during thunder storm in order to avoid electric shocks.

Question 5.
What is an earthquake?
An earthquake is a sudden shaking or trembling of the earth lasting for a short period of time due to disturbance deep inside the earth’s crust.

Question 6.
What is the cause of most earthquakes?
The most earthquakes are caused by the movement of earth’s plates.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 7.
What is a earth’s plate?
The outer most layer of the earth is not in one piece. It is fragmented. Each frament is called a earth’s plate.

Question 8.
How do we measure the intensity of the earthquake?
The power of an earthquake is expressed in terms of a magnitude on ricter scale.

Question 9.
What is the range of destructive earthquake?
The destructive earthquake have magnitude heigher than 7 on the ricter scale.

Question 10.
Whether it is possible to predict when and where the next earthquake might occur?
It is not possible to predict when and where the next earthquake might occur. But we can predict that there is a possibility of the earthquake when a volcano erupts, or a meteor hits the earth, or an underground nuclear explosion takes place.

Question 11.
What are seismic waves?
The tremors produce waves on the surface of the earth. These are called seismic waves.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 12.
What are the places in Andhra Pradesh which lie in seismic zone?
According to seismic hazard map Andhra Pradesh lies in zones II and III. The south eastern districts of Chittoor, YSR Kadapa, Nellore and Krishna and Godavari delta region have been placed in zone III and the city of Hyderabd lies in zone II.

8th Class Physical Science 11th Lesson Some Natural Phenomena 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is earthing? Why does earthing is provided in buildings?

  1. The process of transferring of charge from a charged object to the earth is called earthing.
  2. Earthing is provided in building to protect us from electrical shock due to any leakage of electric charge.

Question 2.
Which is safe place during thunder storm?

  1. A house or building of low height.
  2. If you are travelling in a bus or in a car, you are safe inside provided that doors and windows are closed.
  3. If you are in a forest taking shelter under shorter trees than a taller tree is a good idea during the thunder storm.

Question 3.
What are different layers of earth? Draw a neat diagram of different layers of earth and label its parts?
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena 1
The different layers of earth are:

  1. Crust: This is upper most layer of the earth.
  2. Mantle: This is middle layer.
  3. Core: This is inner layer of the earth.

Again core is divided into two parts.

  1. Inner core
  2. Outer core

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 4.
How does earthquake is formed?
The outermost layer of the earth is not in one piece, it is fragmented. Each fragment is called a plate. These plates are in continuous motion.
When they brush past on one another, or a plate goes under another plate due to collision, they cause disturbance in the earth’s crust. It is this disturbance that shows up an earthquake on the surface of the earth.

Question 5.
What are the main instruments used by seismologists ? What are the uses of those instruments?
Seismologists use two main devices to measure an earthquake.

  1. Seismograph: The seismograph is an instrument that measures the seismic waves caused by an earthquake.
  2. Seismoscope: The seismoscope is an instrument that measures the occurrence or the time of occurrence of an earthquake. The seismoscope is a simple device which can be used without any technological background.

Question 6.
How does destructive energy related to ricter scale?
Ricter scale is not linear. This means that an earthquake of magnitude 6 does not have one and half time of the destructive energy of an earthquake of magnitude 4.
In fact, an increase of 2 in magnitude means 1000 times more destructive energy. For example, an earthquake of magnitude 6 has thousand times more destructive energy than an earthquake of magnitude 4.

Question 7.
Which scale measures the destructive energy released by earth more accurately?
The moment magnitude scale which is based on the amount of displacement that occurred along a fault zone rather than the measurement of ground motion at a given point measures more accurately the energy released by earthquake than the ricter scale.
It is the only magnitude scale that adequately measures the size of large earthquake.

Question 8.
Raju watched pictures of earthquake victims on T.V. What are the questions raised in his mind about earthquake ?

  1. What is the cause of earthquake?
  2. Why some areas are frequently affected by earthquakes?
  3. What are the indications before a major earthquake takes place?
  4. What are the precautionary method to be followed to avoid excess of loss of human life?
  5. What are the measures we have to take when earthquake occur?

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 9.
Which places are not safe during a thunderstorm?

  1. Travelling in an open place.
  2. Standing under tall trees in open fields or in a garden/park.
  3. Staying in multi storied building which do not have lightning conductors.
  4. Standing near electric poles or telephone poles.
  5. Speaking on landline telephones.
  6. Using electrical appliances like TV and computer.

Question 10.
Explain how do you determine the intensity of Earthquake.

  1. The intensity of Earthquake can be measured on richter scale. Like many other scales, richter scale is not linear. That means increase of 2 in magnitude mean 1000 times more destructive energy.
  2. There is another method of measuring the intensity of earthquake using the moment magnitude scale which is based on the amount of displacement that occurred along a faulty zone.
  3. The moment magnitude measures energy released by the earthquake more accurately than the richter scale. It is the only magnitude scale that adequately measures the size of large earthquakes.

Question 11.
Is there any alternative methods to find the intensity of earthquake ?
The main method to find the intensity of earthquake is richter scale.
The alternative methods are:

  1. The moment magnitude scale: Which is based on amount of displacement that occured along a faulty zone.
  2. Mercalli scale: This scale uses the observations of the people who experienced the earthquake to estimate intensity.

Question 12.
We know that the clouds have charges. Can we produce current through these charges?
Cloud to ground lightning discharges 30,000 amperes and up to 100 million volts and emits light, X rays, radio waves and even gamma rays.
Plasma temperature in lightning can approach 28000 K and electron densities may exceed 1024/m3.
So it not easy to use this charge as electricity.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 13.
What happens if two objects having same charge brought close to each other?
What happens if two objects having different charges are brought close? Can you give an example for this?
Two objects having same charge repel each other and two objects having different charge attract each other.
e.g.: A balloon rubbed with woollen cloth is repelled by another balloon rubbed with woollen cloth because both will acquire same type of charge.
A balloon rubbed with a woollen cloth is attracted by a refill rubbed with a polythene sheet because both will acquire different type of charge.

Question 14.
How do you relate the energy release during the collusion of fault lines during earthquake to the atmospheric variation on the surface of the earth?
An earthquake affects the atmosphere by creating amounts of debris and dust which will add to the air that we breathe. Earthquakes can also trigger volcanoes which will release tonnes of ashes and other debris into the atmosphere. This can sometimes cause the blocking out of the sun, air pollution and are increased amount of carbon in the air.

Question 15.
Explain why a charged ballon is repelled by another charged balloon whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon?

  1. We have seen that two balloons with similar charges on them, whether positive or negative, repel each other. Similarly two balloons with dissimilar charge on them attract each other.
  2. So, similar charges repel each other while dissimilar charges attract each other.

8th Class Physical Science 11th Lesson Some Natural Phenomena 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain how lightning would be formed?
The clouds moving in air acquire a charge on their surface due to the friction with particles of air. As the surface area of a cloud is very large, the amount of charge accumulated on its surface is very high.
When a charged cloud comes close to another cloud is induces an opposite charge on the later and the accumulated charge tries to move from one cloud to another cloud.
But the air present between them bring a poor conductors of electricity resists the flow of charge between them.
When the magnitude of the accumulated charges become very large, the air which is normally a poor conductor of electricity, is no longer to able to resist their flow.
Hence discharge takes place between negative and positive charges which produce streaks of bright light and sound. We see streaks as lightning.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 2.
Which is not safe during a thunder storm?

  1. Travelling in an open place.
  2. Standing under tall trees in open fields or in a garden/park.
  3. Staying in multi storied building which do not have lightning conductors.
  4. Standing near electric poles or telephone poles.
  5. Speaking on landline telephones.
  6. Using electrical appliances like T.V. and Computer.

Question 3.
What is a lightning conductor ? How does it works during lightning ?
Lightning conductor is a device used to protect buildings from the effect of lightning. A metallic rod, taller than the building is installed in the walls of the building during its construction.
One end of the rod is kept out in the air and other is buried deep in the ground. The rod provides an easy route for the transfer of electric charge to the ground.
The projected end of the metal rod is at a height more than the height of the building. Hence it receives the charge first during lightning because it is closer to the cloud than the building.
As it is good conductor of electricity, it allows all the charge to flow through it there by causing no damage to the buildings.

Question 4.
What are seismic zones? Name main seismic zones in India.
Earthquakes are caused by the movement of plates, the places at boundaries of the plates are considered as weak zones where earthquakes are more likely to occur. These weak zones are also called as seismic or fault zones.
The main seismic zones in India are Kashmir, Western and Central Himalayas, the whole of North east, Rann of Kutch, Rajasthan, Indogangetic plane and some areas of South India.

Question 5.
Draw a table showing magnitude ricter scale reading and effect of earthquake for that reading?

Ricter Magnitude Earthquake effects
less than 3.5 Generally not felt, but recorded
3.5 to 5.4 Often felt, but rarely cause damage
5.5 to 6.0 At most slight damage to well designed buildings can cause major damage to poorly constructed buildings over small regions.
6.1 to 6.9 Can be destructive in areas upto 100 kilometres across where people live.
7.0 to 7.9 Major earthquake. Can cause serious damage over larger areas.
8 or greater Great earthquake can cause serious damage in areas several hundred kilometers across.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 6.
How do you appreciate the efforts of the scientists to develop a Lightning conductor to protect buildings from the effect of lightning?
Lightning conductor is a device used to protect buildings from the effect of lightning.
A metallic rod, taller than the building is installed in the walls of the building during its construction.
One end of the rod is kept out in the air and other is buried deep in the ground. The rod provides an easy route for the transfer of electric charge to the ground.
The projected end pf the metal rod is at a height more than the height of the building. Hence it receives the charge first during lightning because it is closer to the cloud than the building.
As it is good conductor of electricity, it allows all the charge to flow through it there by causing no damage to the buildings. Hence sole of scientists is appreciated.

Question 7.
Find out if there is an organisation in your area which provides relief to those suffering from natural disaster. Enquire about the type of help they render to the victims of earthquakes. Prepare a brief report on the problems of the earthquake victims.
In India National Disaster Force provides relief for disaster victims.
Problems of earthquake victims:

  1. Death: Many times, the people who support a family socially and economically dies. This causes most of the other members of the family to either fight their way through, or restart their lives from the bottom of the food chain.
  2. Destroyed Structures: If the members of the family survive, then they could still be short of a home. The earthquake would have caused the destruction of their house and because of that, they would be left homeless.
  3. No food or water: In the aftermath of an earthquake, people see weather all the pipelines, roads, etc. are in good shape or order. If the pipes are broken, then water scarcity begins. If the roads are broken, then food supplies cannot be transported, later causing problems in food scarcity.
  4. Electricity: With inadequate supply of electricity, the debris and rubble will take a lot of time and if people are under it then they may die before the rubble is removed.
  5. Spread of diseases: After the destruction of many buildings, the sewer pipes will also break and open, causing spread of diseases everywhere.

Help rendered by relief organisation:

  1. They minimize the death of people.
  2. They provide drinking water and food for victims.
  3. They provide shelter for earthquake victims.
  4. They provide medical facility for earthquake victims.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 8.
Explain how lightning would be formed.
The clouds moving in air acquire a charge on their surface due to the friction with particles of air. As the surface area of a cloud is very large, the amount of charge accumulated on its surface is very high.
When a charged cloud comes close to another cloud is induces an opposite charge on the later and the accumulated charge tries to move from one cloud to another cloud.
But the air present between them bring a poor conductors of electricity resists the flow of charge between them.
When the magnitude of the accumulated charges become very large, the air which is normally a poor conductor of electricity, is no longer to able to resist their flow.
Hence discharge takes place between negative and positive charges which produce streaks of bright light and sound. We see streaks as lightning.

Question 9.
How the power of earthquake estimated? At what strength it becomes destructive?

  1. The power of earthquake is expressed in terms of magnitude on scale called Richter scale.
  2. The destructive earthquakes have magnitudes higher than about 7 on richter scale.
  3. Like many other scales, richter scale is not linear. It means that earthquake of magnitude 6 does not have the twice the destructive energy of an earthquake magnitude 3.
  4. Infact, an increase of 2 in magnitude means 1000 times more destructive energy.
  5. For example, an earthquake of magnitude 6 has thousand times more energy than earthquake of magnitude 4.

Question 10.
What suggestions will you give to people living in seismic areas so that the destruction due to earthquake may be minimized?

  1. We know that earthquakes cannot be predicted and that they can be highly destructive.
  2. It is therefore important that we have to take necessary precautions to protect ourselves all the time.
  3. Consult qualified architect and structural engineer to build the buildings.
  4. It is better to fix the cup boards and shelves to the walls, so that they do not fall easily.
  5. Be careful where you hang wall clocks, photoframes, water heaters, etc. so that in the event of an earthquake they do not fall on the people.
  6. Some buildings may catch fire due to an earthquake, it is necessary that all buildings have fire fighting equipment installed.

8th Class Physical Science 11th Lesson Some Natural Phenomena Important Questions and Answers

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena

Question 1.
Draw a neat diagram of the instrument used to measure the intensity of earthquake. Name the scale used in this instrument.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 11 Some Natural Phenomena 2
Richter scale is used in this instrument.

Question 2.
“Earthquakes can cause floods, landslides and tsunamis. A major tsunami occurred in the Indian ocean on 26th December 2004. All the coastal areas around the ocean, suffered huge losses.”
Based on the above information answer the following questions:
i) What is the cause for tsunami?
Tsunami is caused by sudden movement of the earth that happens under the sea.

ii) What happens when a major tsunami occurs?
When tsunami waves become extremely large in height, they .savagely attack coast lines, causing devastating property damage and loss of life.

iii) Name the instrument which is used to detect an earthquake and what are its major parts.
The instrument which is used to detect on earthquake is Seismograph.
Major parts of Seismograph are,
i) rotating drum
ii) chart paper
iii) pen
iv) pendulum bob
v) magnet
vi) string

iv) What is the effect of earthquake, if the scale of magnitude is recorded more than eight?
If the scale of magnitude is recorded more than 8, the effect of earthquake is property and life damage in areas several hundred kilometers across and it may be causes tsunami also.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires

SCERT AP Board 6th Class Social Solutions 8th Lesson Kingdoms and Empires Textbook Questions and Answers.

AP State Syllabus 6th Class Social Studies Solutions 8th Lesson Kingdoms and Empires

6th Class Social Studies 8th Lesson Kingdoms and Empires Textbook Questions and Answers

Improve Your Learning

Question 1.
After the war of Kalinga, King Ashoka decided not to fight any more wars. Do you think this type of decision promotes world peace? How?
This type of decision definitely promotes world peace. Ashoka said that winning people through dhamma is much better than conquering them through force. He believed that victory of dhamma was the best victory. Ashoka sent his missions of peace to the countries outside of the Maurya Empire and both inside and outside India. It showed an impact on Southern states. To achieve independence Gandhiji also followed non-violence. He brought all the nation together. India won independence. So I think this type of decision promotes world peace.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires

Question 2.
Explain the relevance of Ashoka Damma today? Appreciate the greatness of Ashoka.
The main principles of Damma include :

  1. Be kind towards animals. We should be kind to animals all the time.
  2. Be obedient to father and mother. We should be grateful and obedient to our parents.
  3. Be kind towards the poor. Poor need the support of others to come out of their prob¬lems all the time.
  4. Respect the elders. May be of Ashoka’s time or today elders are to be respected.
  5. Never criticize other religions. We should be tolerant of other religions.
  6. Work for the welfare of mankind. We should work for all the men by not being selfish. So we can say that the principles of dhamma have relevance even today or in the future also.

Question 3.
Compare and contrast the public works undertaken during Ashoka’s period with those of today.
Ashoka founded hospitals for people and animals and supplying medicines. Good roads with trees on both sides were provided. People draw water from the wells dug by the government. Travelers were provided with rest houses.
Even today the government is providing some of these facilities to us. But we have to pay some amount for these facilities. In widening the roads they are cutting the big trees. Because of this, the heat will increase and it will become difficult in day time particularly in summer.

Question 4.
Ashoka used his army to serve the people instead of war. What are relief operations do the present Indian army participate in other than war today?
Relief operations attended by Army:

  1. Non – combat operations in support of national interest.
  2. Whenever unrest prevails they will go there and re-establish peace there.
  3. They will go to flood-hit areas and serve the people.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires

Question 5.
What is the contribution of the Guptas in the fields of literature, art, and architecture?
The Gupta period was famous for great books and development in literature, art, architecture, Kalidasa was a great poet and play writer during this period. His master¬piece was the Shakuntala. Sophisticated gold coins were minted during the Gupta period. The Gupta period was famous for marvelous rock-cut caves. Some of the paintings and sculptures of Ajantha and Ellora Caves are the finest examples of that period.

Question 6.
Why do we call the Gupta period as a golden age in Indian History?
The Gupta period became known as the golden age;> because there are inventions in science, technology, literature, mathematics and astronomy. There were nine great scholars in the court of Chandragupta – II. They were called ‘Navaratnas’. Aryabhatta and Brahmagupta were the two great mathematicians of that time. Char aka and Sushruta were the two great persons in medicine. Without any lab, the scientists of the Gupta period understood that the earth is round and it revolves around the Sun. They noticed the movements of stars and planets. The scientists of the Gupta period were also experts in metal technology. They made steel and iron weapons and tools. They minted sophisticated gold coins also. So we can say that the Gupta period is the golden age in Indian history.

Question 7.
How did Guptas contribute to the fields of medicine and metal technology?
Medicine: Charaka and Sushruta were the two great persons in medical knowledge during the Gupta period. Sushruta was the first Indian doctor who carried out plastic surgery on the damaged noses. Doctors of the Gupta period could set broken bones and perform operations. Charaka composed ‘Charaka Samhitha’. This was the basic text for Ayurvedic medicine. He was a renowned physician of that period.
Metal technology: The scientists of the Gupta period were experts in metal technology. They made steel and iron tools and weapons. They minted gold coins.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires

Question 8.
What was the contribution of the Pallavas to architecture?
Mahendravarman-I was a great patron of art and architecture. He introduced a new style of Dravidian architecture which was known as the Mahendra style. Narasimhavarman-I converted the port of Mahabalipuram into a beautiful city of art and architecture. Five rathas were built in Mahabalipuram. Each ratha has been carved out of a single rock. Narsimhavarman-II was another Pallava king and during his period temples were built by using soft sand rocks. It was known as the Rajasimha style. The famous Kailasnath temple at Kanchipuram is the best Example of Rajasimha style.

Question 9.
Locate the following places on the outline map of India.

  1. Pataliputra
  2. Ujjaini
  3. The river Narmada
  4. Kanchi
  5. Mahabalipuram
  6. Dhanyakataka

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires 1

Question 10.
Who am I ?
a) I am in the lion capital of Ashoka. I am at the center of our national flag. Who am I?
Ashoka Chakra.
b) I belong to Gupta Dynasty. I defeated all the kings in India. Who am I?
c) I am the Capital of Satavahana Empire. I am located on the banks of the river Krishna. Who am I?
d) I completed the rock-cut temples of Mahabalipuram. I am the son of Mahendravarman-I. Who am I?
Narasimhavarman -I.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires

Project Work

Collect the pictures of some rock-cut temples of Mahabalipuram and paste them in your scrapbook.
Student Activity.

6th Class Social Studies 8th Lesson Kingdoms and Empires InText Questions and Answers

Let’s Do

(Textbook Page No. 89)

Question 1.
Identify the kingdom of Kalinga in the present map of India with the help of your teacher.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires 2

Question 2.
What is the present name of Kalinga?
Odisha state.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires

(Textbook Page No. 90)

Question 3.
Prepare a timeline chart of the Mauryan Dynasty.
AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires 3

Question 4.
Discuss the character of emperor Ashoka in the classroom.

  1. Ashoka the Great was the third king of the Mauryan Dynasty.
  2. Ashoka was the most famous and unique Mauryan ruler.
  3. Ashoka was the only king in the world’s history who gave up the conquest even after winning the war.
  4. He converted to Buddhism after witnessing the mass deaths of the Kalinga War.
  5. He was the first ruler who tried to spread his message through inscriptions to the people.
  6. He started to follow a religious policy of his own and formulated various policies of Dhamma.
  7. Ashoka’s ‘Ashoka Chakra’ was adopted as the ‘Symbol of Independent India’.

Question 5.
Write any four important cities of the Gupta empire as shown in the map. (Textbook Page No. 92)
Ujjain, Pataliputra, Sanchi and Bharukaccha.

Question 6.
Collect the pictures of the coins of the Mauryas and the Satavahana empires. Paste them in your scrapbook. (Textbook Page No. 94)
Student Activity.

Question 7.
Collect the pictures of the local temple and write a note on its architecture. (Textbook Page No. 97)
Student Activity.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires

Think and Respond

(Textbook Page No. 88)

Question 1.
Do you think Chandragupta could have established the Mauryan empire without Chanakya?
I don’t think that Chandragupta alone can establish the Mauryan empire. The brilliance of Chanakya and the efficiency of Chandragupta as a warrior led to the establishment of the Mauryan empire. I think that without each other, neither Chanakya could have completed his dream nor Chandragupta would have been able to establish his rule.

Question 2.
Why did Ashoka want to win Kalinga?
Kalinga was an important kingdom because it controlled the trade routes with Southeast Asia. Because of this, Ashoka, the Mauryan king wanted to capture it. So he declared a war on Kalinga.

Question 3.
Why was Ashoka not happy after the Kalinga war?
In the Kalinga war both sides suffered heavy losses. More than one lakh people died in the war. The Kalinga war resulted in the great loss of life and property. Ashoka was so horrified wher^he saw the violence and bloodshed. This war was the most important event of Ashoka’s life. His heart was moved to see the misery of men. He decided not to fight any more wars, He realized that there is a need to be some other way to achieve or conquer. He started a new path which was known as Dhamma. He was the only king in the history of the world who gave up conquest after winning a war.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires

(Textbook Page No. 90)

Question 4.
Ashoka’s Inscriptions were understood by illiterates also. How do you think it was possible?
Ashoka appointed special officers to read his inscriptions to the illiterates.

Question 5.
In what way do the messages of the government reach the people today?
Today there are many newspapers and television channels. It is very easy to spread the message of the government to people today.

(Textbook Page No. 91)

Question 6.
Discuss the importance of our National Symbols in the classroom.
The national symbol commands high respect and is used only for official purposes and events of national importance. It appears on all government official letterheads, Indian currency, and passports. It is the official seal of the state governments and the President of India also.

Question 7.
Do you think there was a relationship between trade and transport? If so justify your answer.
There is a close relationship between trade and transport. Transportation helps in easy exchange of raw materials and finished goods. Transport is important because it enables trade between people, which is essential for the development of civilizations. Transport plays an important part in the economic growth of a particular place.

Question 8.
Do you think Samudra Gupta was a great conqueror? Support your answer. (Textbook Page No. 93)
After Chandragupta’s death, his son Samudragupta took over and expanded the Gupta empire in north India. He was a great conqueror and remained undefeated. Nine important kingdoms of North India were made part of the Samudraguptas empire. 12 rulers of Dakshinapadha surrendered after defeat. Other neighboring countries like Nepal, Bhutan, and Srilanka accepted his authority. With all these, I can say that Samudragupta was a great conquerer.

AP Board 6th Class Social Studies Solutions Chapter 8 Kingdoms and Empires

Question 9.
Shall we say Gauthamiputhra Satakarni the greatest ruler of the Satavahanas? If so, why? (Textbook Page No. 95)
Yes. we can say that Gautamiputra Satakarni was the greatest ruler of the Satavahanas. He defeated sakas. He defeated Yawanas and Pallavas and conquered their kingdoms. He conquered the land between the three seas. He got the title of ‘Trisamudradhees-wara.’

Question 10.
Ikshvakus were able to bring all other clans together. Do you agree or disagree? If so, what were the ways they were used? (Textbook Page No. 96)
I agree with the above statement. Ikshvakus tried to strengthen their kingdom by marrying people from the other clans. So that they will all get united and they will become strong and they will get support from other clans.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

AP State Syllabus AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions 10th Lesson Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

8th Class Physical Science 10th Lesson Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 1 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is reflection?
The light rays falling on a surface are returned into the original medium. This phenomenon is called reflection.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

Question 2.
How Is image appeared with a big hole of pinhole camera?
We get blurred image on the screen due to big hole of the camera.

Question 3.
Which path light tends to prefer?
Light selects the path which takes least time to travel.

Question 4.
What is meant by lateral inversion?
The right appears as left in the image is called lateral inversion.

Question 5.
If an object placed in front of a plane mirror has size 6 cm, then what is size of the image?
Size of the object = Size of image.
∴ Size of the image = 6 cm.

Question 6.
What is a real image? What is a virtual image?
Real image: The image formed due to convergence of light rays. The real image can be caught on the screen.
Virtual image: The image that we get by extending the rays backwards is called a virtual image. A virtual image cannot be caught on the screen.

Question 7.
What is a reflecting surface?
The surface used for reflection is called reflecting surface.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

Question 8.
What is principal axis?
The horizontal line which passes through the centre of curvature is called principal axis.

Question 9.
What is meant by converging of light rays?
If light rays after reflection meet at a point, then we say the light rays are converging.

Question 10.
Why does our image appear thin or bulged?
Due to converging or diverging of light rays from the mirror.

Question 11.
Why is angle of incidence equal to angle of reflection when a light ray reflects from a surface?
Because light selects the path that takes least time to cover a distance.

Question 12.
Are angle of reflection and angle of incidence also equal for curved surface?
Yes, it is equal for curved surfaces like spherical mirrors.

Question 13.
Why is there right-left inversion (lateral inversion) when we look into mirror?
Explain the lateral (righ-left) inversion of the image in plane mirrors through an example.

  1. The light rays which come from object get reflected from the plane mirror and reach our eye.
  2. Our brain feels that the ray is coming from the inside of mirror.
  3. So there is right-left inversion.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

Question 14.
What are the minimum conditions to get shadows?
The minimum conditions required are a source of light to produce light, an opaque object to obstruct the light and a screen to collect the shadow.

Question 15.
What happens if we increase the size of the hole of the pinhole camera?
If the size of the pinhole camera is increased, the image seems to be blurred.

Question 16.
Name some apparatus which can work on the principle of reflection of light.
Plane mirror, spherical mirrors, periscope, kaleidoscope.

Question 17.
What is your opinion on elevating buddings with mirrors?
The mirrors used in elevating buildings are reinforced, tough and laminated glasses. These mirrors provide safety and make the buildings attractive.

Question 18.
What happens when light falls on an opaque object?
Some part of light is reflected back and remaining part is absorbed.

Question 19.
What happens when light is reflected from transparent object?
Some part of light is reflected and remaining part is partly transmitted or partly absorbed.

Question 20.
If angle of incidence of light ray on a plane mirror is 40°, then what is the angle between incident ray and reflected ray?
The angle between incident ray and reflected ray is 80°.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

Question 21.
From the figure, find angle of reflection.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 1
The angle of reflection is 40°.

Question 22.
If distance of plane mirror and object is 10 cm, then what is the distance between object and its image ?
Object distance = image distance
∴ Distance between object and image = 10 + 10 = 20 cms.

Question 23.
If the angle between the mirror and incident ray is 40°, then find the angle of reflection.
Given that angle between incident ray and mirror = 40°.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 2
Suppose angle of incidence = x.
∴ 40 + x = 90
x = 90 – 40 = 50°.
But we know angle of incidence = angle of reflection
Angle of reflection = 50°.

Question 24.
State Fermat’s principle.
Light chooses the path which takes the least time to travel.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

Question 25.
Can a virtual image be photographed by a camera?
Yes, virtual image can be photographed by a camera.

8th Class Physical Science 10th Lesson Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What are the characteristics of image formed by a plane mirror?
Characteristics of image formed by a plane mirror.

  1. It is a virtual image.
  2. The image is straight.
  3. The image is laterally inverted.
  4. Size of the image is equal to size of the object.
  5. Image distance is equal to object distance.

Question 2.
Can a plane mirror ever form a real image?

  1. Real image can only be formed when the reflected rays converge.
  2. For plane mirrors it is not possible.
  3. However if the reflected rays are converged it can form a reed image.
  4. Consider a source of light at infinity (say sun) and plane mirror is very small in size, its reflected image will show a circular bright spot (image of sun) on the screen.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

Question 3.
Frame some questions on the importance of ‘perpendicular’ in the reflection of light.

  1. Why do we require perpendicular (normal) to a plane mirror?
  2. If light falls normal to the surface of a plane mirror, what happens?
  3. What is the importance of normal?
  4. In this figure what is angle of reflection?
    AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 3

Question 4.
How is an image formed by a plane mirror?

  1. ‘O’ is a point object. Some rays from O reach the mirror and get reflected.
    AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 4
  2. When we look into the mirror, the reflected rays seem to be coming from the point I. So point I is the image of point object ‘O’.

Question 5.
Draw the ray diagram of lateral inversion of a letter.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 5

Question 6.
Draw the ray diagram showing point object (O). (OR)
Draw the ray diagram showing an object (OO’) by a plane mirror.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 6

Question 7.
Observe the given figure. Write the values of angle of incidence and angle of reflection. Complete the figure using these values.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 7
The angle of incidence (i) = 90 – 60 = 30°
The angle of reflection (r) = 30°
(∵ angle of incidence = angle of reflection)
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 8

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

Question 8.
Draw the diagram that explains the formation of an Image by a plane mirror.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 9

8th Class Physical Science 10th Lesson Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write briefly about formation of image by a plane mirror. Write characteristics of image. (OR)
A teacher asked a student which mirror is used by him to see his image at home. Then name that mirror and also give formation of image due to that mirror and characteristic of image formed by that mirror.
Image formation for a point sized object:

  1. ‘O’ is a point object. Some rays from ‘O’ reach mirror and get reflected.
  2. When we look into the mirror, the reflected rays seem to be coming from the point I.
  3. So T is the image of point ‘O’.
    AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 10
    Image formation of an object:
  4. Now place an erect object in front of plane mirror.
  5. Draw some incident rays from the object to the mirror and reflected rays from the mirror using laws of reflection.
  6. The rays coming from the point ‘O’ and reflected from the mirror seem to be coming from point ‘I’.
  7. So I is the image of ‘O’.
  8. The rays coming from the point O1 get reflected from the mirror and seems to be coming from point I1. So I1 is the image of O1.
    AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 11
  9. The rays coming from the middle part of the O and O1 will form their images between I and I1.
  10. Thus I – I1 is the image of the object O – O1.

Characteristics of image:

  1. The image has same size as object.
  2. The image distance and object distance are same.
  3. The image undergoes right-left inversion (lateral inversion).
  4. The image is virtual and erect.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

Question 2.
Why does the size of the image decrease when you move the object towards your eye?

  1. The given figure shows how our eye judges the distance of an object.
  2. The object which is at point ‘O’ looks smaller to the observer 2 than to the observer 1 because the light rays coming from the object 1 makes a smaller angle at the eye of the observer 2 compared to observer 1.
    AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 12
  3. The angle plays the role in sensing the size of the object.
  4. Similarly, when we move the object from the mirror to our eye, the image in the mirror seems to move back in the mirror.
  5. Then the distance from the image to our eye increases.
  6. The angle formed by image at our eye is smaller than that of angle formed by the object.
  7. That is why the image looks smaller than the object.

Question 3.
Why does a plane mirror act as better reflecting surface when compared with other reflecting surfaces? Why?

  1. When light falls on any surface some part of light is reflected by the surface, some other part is transmitted by the surface and remaining part is absorbed by the surface.
  2. However, a reflecting surface like mirror reflects most of the light (nearly 90%) fallen on it.
  3. A plane mirror is made by polishing or silvering one side of plane glass.
  4. The side which is silvered called silvered surface while the other side is called reflecting surface.
  5. The light always reflects from reflecting surface.
  6. To protect the silver polish or silvered surface often it is painted with red or black colours.
  7. This type of arrangement actually increases the reflection up to 90%. So it acts as better reflecting surface.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces

Question 4.
The figure shows a plane mirror PQ at distance 20 cm from an object. The mirror is moved 15 cm away from object O to next position. What is the shift in the image of O?
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 10 Reflection of Light at Plane Surfaces 13
Given that at first the object 20 cm from the mirror. So the image is also at a distance of 20 cm from mirror (Since object distance = image distance).
Now the mirror is moved 15 cm away from the object. So the image also moves 15 cm away from actual image distance before. So now the image distance is 35 cm. Therefore the image is 70 cm from the object.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

AP State Syllabus AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

AP State Syllabus 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions 9th Lesson Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

8th Class Physical Science 9th Lesson Electrical Conductivity of Liquids 1 Mark Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Why do we use LED in the tester instead of a bulb?
LED glows even when a very weak current is passing through the circuit. Thus, it helps in testing flow of electricity in conductors when meager current is passing through the circuit.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

Question 2.
Why do we use LEDs as indicators in electrical appliances?
LEDs glow even with a very small current passing through them. So they are used as indicators in electrical appliances like mobile phones, televisions, transformers, etc. to indicate whether the device is working or not.

Question 3.
What is meant by good conductors of electricity?
Some materials allow electric current pass through them easily. They are called good conductors of electricity.

Question 4.
What is meant by bad conductors of electricity?
The materials that do not allow current to pass through them are called bad conductors of electricity.

Question 5.
Why distilled water is poor conductor of electricity?
Distilled water does not dissociate easily to form ions. So there is no availability of charged particles for passage of electricity. So it behaves like a bad conductor of electricity.

Question 6.
Why water used at our homes is a good conductor of electricity?
The water that we get from sources such as taps, hand pumps, wells and ponds is not pure like distilled water. It contains some salts and minerals dissolved in it. This makes the water used at our homes a good conductor of electricity.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

Question 7.
What is electrolytic cell?
The cell which convert chemical energy into electric energy is called electrolytic cell.

Question 8.
A child staying in a coastal region tests the drinking water and also the sea water with his tester. He finds that compass needle deflects more in the case of sea water. Can you explain the reason?
The reason is sea water is very good conductor of electricity when compared with drinking water due to more dissolved salts.

Question 9.
Is it safe for electrician to carry out electrical repairs outdoor during heavy down pour?
No, because it makes electrical appliance which he repairs become wet and also rainy water is good conductor of electricity due to dissolved minerals and salts. So to avoid electric shock it is advised to carry out electric repairs indoor during heavy downpour.

Question 10.
A tester is used to check conduction of electricity through two liquids labelled A and B. It is found that the bulb of the tester glows brightly for liquid A while it glows very dimly for liquid B. What is your conclusion?
Liquid A is better conductor than liquid B.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

Question 11.
When the free ends of a tester are dipped into a solution, the magnetic needle shows deflection. Can you explain the reason?
The solution is a good conductor of electricity and also when we dipped the tester into the solution due to chemical effect it produces electricity and it behaves like an electrolytic cell and also current carrying tester behaves like a magnet and shows deflection.

Question 12.
What is the main threat to environment from electroplating factories?
In the electroplating factories the disposal of the used conducting solution is a major concern. It is a polluting waste. So it is the main threat to environment from electroplating factories.

Question 13.
Why should we have to deposit nickel or chromium on iron?
Iron which is easily corroded by atmospheric air, moisture and carbon dioxide are coated with deposits of nickel or chromium which are most resistant to such corrosion.

8th Class Physical Science 9th Lesson Electrical Conductivity of Liquids 2 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is the name given to wires attached to LED. How these wires are connected to a battery?
There are two wires called leads attached to an LED. One lead is slightly longer than other.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids 1
While connecting to the LED to the circuit, the longer lead is always connected to the positive terminal of the battery and the short lead connected to the negative terminal of the battery.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

Question 2.
What are the requirements for fine coating in electroplating process?

  1. The object to be electroplated should be free from greasy matter.
  2. The surface of the article should be rough so that the metal deposited sticks permanently.
  3. The concentration of the electrolyte should be so adjusted as to get smooth coating.
  4. Current must be the same throughout.

Question 3.
Answer the following questions.
a) When we pass current through a copper sulphate solution having copper plate and iron key connected to a battery and tap key in series by closing tap key. What is deposit on iron key?
b) If the key is to be coated with zinc or aluminium instead of copper, what changes do we need to make the above experiments?
a) There is red mass of copper deposited on iron key.
b) If we want to coat aluminium or zinc or iron then, we have to take electrolyte is like aluminium sulphate or zinc sulphate and the positive electrode is aluminium or zinc.

Question 4.
Name three liquids which when tested in the manner shown in figure may cause the magnetic needle to deflect.
In order to deflect the needle the liquid must be a good conductor of electricity. So we have to take liquids like lemon juice, vinegar solution, salt solution.

Question 5.
The bulb does not glow in the set up shown in figure. List the possible reasons. Explain your answer.

  1. The wires are not properly connected so the circuit may be open.
  2. The liquid taken in the vessel may be a bad conductor of electricity which does not allowing the passage of current.

Question 6.
Give two examples for electrolyte.
Electrolyte is a solution of substance through which current can pass. The examples of electrolyte solutions are NaC/ solution, CaCl2 solution.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

Question 7.
If the key is to be coated with aluminium instead of copper,what changes do we need to make in the experiment of coating on iron key with copper?
Changes we need to make are:

  1. Anode should be aluminium.
  2. The electrolyte solution must be salt solution of aluminium that is aluminium chloride or aluminium sulphate solutions.

Question 8.
Is plastic coated by the process of electroplating? Why?
No. Plastic cannot be coated on a metal by using electroplating. Plastic does not act as an electrolyte. So electrolysis process is not possible with plastic which is main criteria for electroplating. So plastic cannot be coated on a metal by the process of electroplating.

Question 9
What are the requirements for fine coating in electroplating process?

  1. The object to be electroplated should be free from greasy matter.
  2. The surface of the article should be rough so that the metal deposited sticks permanently.
  3. The concentration of the electrolyte should be so adjusted as to get smooth coating.
  4. Current must be the same throughout.

Question 10.
In case of a fire, before the fire men use the water, they shut off the main electrical supply for the area. Explain why they do this.
Fire men use water to put out fire. Water containing dissolved salts is a good conduc¬tor of electricity. If fire men pour water on fire the electrical appliances near the fire may be wet if anybody touches those appliances they may have electric shock. In order to avoid people to get electric shock due to wet electrical appliances the fire men shut off electrical supply before they use water.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

Question 11.
We get some items made from iron wire in which iron wire is coated with plastic. Is plastic coated by the process of electroplating? Why can plastic not be coated on a metal by the process of electroplating?
No. Plastic cannot be coated on a metal by using electroplating. The reason is plastic being a carbon polymer does not dissociate into ions. So it does not allow passage of current. So it does not act as an electrolyte. So electrolysis process is not possible with plastic which is main criteria for electroplating. So plastic cannot be coated on a metal by the process of electroplating.

8th Class Physical Science 9th Lesson Electrical Conductivity of Liquids 4 Marks Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Prepare a table having various material used at home classifying as good conductors or poor conductors and their use.

Material used at home Good conductor/ poor conductor Use
1) Copper Good conductor Wires, electrical appliances
2) Iron Good conductor Electrical wires, electrical appliances
3) Aluminium Good conductor Wires, electrical appliances
4) Plastic Poor conductor Handles of electrical appliances, electrical insulating material
5) Wood Poor conductor Handles of electrical appliances

Question 2.
What are the uses of electrolysis in daily life?
The uses of electrolysis:

  1. Electroplating: To avoid rusting of iron it is coated with nickel or chromium by electrolysis.
  2. Gold covering works: Ornaments made of cheap metal like copper can be coated with gold using electrolysis.
  3. Metallurgy: Pure metals can be extracted from minerals and ores using electrolysis.
  4. Electrolysis: It is used in electrical printing and to produce gramphone records.

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

Question 3.
Collect the information from various sources on the applications of electroplating in daily life and prepare a note on that.
Uses of electroplating:

  1. Metals like iron are coated with deposits of nickel or chromium to prevent rusting.
  2. Machinery parts are often chromium plated to protect them from corrosion and at the same time to give them good polish.
  3. Electroplating is also used in repairing worn out parts of machinery.
  4. Electroplating is also done for ornamentation and decoration purposes.
  5. Processed food items are preserved in tin coated iron cans by electroplating method.
  6. Zinc coated iron by electroplating method is used for bridges and in automobiles.

Question 4.
Test the conductivity of liquids given below and fill the table.

Material Compass needle show deflection Yes / No Conductor / Insulator
Lemon juice
Tap water
Vegetable oil


Material Compass needle show deflection Yes / No Conductor / Insulator
Lemon juice Yes Conductor
Honey No Insulator
Milk No Insulator
Vinegar Yes Conductor
Tap water Yes Conductor
Vegetable oil No Insulator

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

Question 5.
Why does chromium is used for electroplating? Why the objects which have chromium plated are not made of chromium itself?

  1. Chromium has a shiny appearance does not corrode and resist scratches.
  2. However chromium is expensive and may not be possible to make the whole object out of chromium.
  3. So the object is made from a cheaper metal and only a coating of chromium is done over it.

8th Class Physical Science 9th Lesson Electrical Conductivity of Liquids Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Name the process of coating a metal on another metal. Draw a neat diagram related to this process. Label the parts.
The process which is used to coating a metal on another metal is called “electroplating”.
AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids 2

AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids

Question 2.
Draw a diagram shows electroplating process. Write any one of the requirements for the fine coating.

  1. The object to be electroplated should be free from greasy matter.
    AP Board 8th Class Physical Science Important Questions Chapter 9 Electrical Conductivity of Liquids 2
  2. The surface of the article should be rough so that the metal deposited sticks permanently.
  3. The concentration of the electrolyte should be so adjusted as to get smooth coating.
  4. Current must be the same throughout.